John W.
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Everything posted by John W.
1511 was arena attendance .....vs. BTN/ESPNU TV.......better exposure??????.... It's more than Wins/losses'....new wave of hockey players don't give a rat's butt about tradition......it's their exposure....fans certainly DO care about tradition.....also alums...but they don't play the game.......tough job being a college coach....of any sport....
Love the 'personal ' attacks ...feed me....regarding TV v. Attendance in arenas....BIG brought in Maryland and Rutgers, not for their stellar programs, but for the DC/NY/NJ market... Some of you are like 'democrats attacking Trump'......your hatred for the Gophers borders on _______________(fill in the appropriate psychological term) Yep, I do what I want, when I want....48 years in the work force afforded me that!!!!!!!
Not trying to 'punk' anyone....but tonight on BTN....Ohio State/Michigan State and on ESPNU …..Minnesota/Penn State.....my comments of awhile back....'revenue stream of the future is television...not necessarily butts in an arena'....plus kids like playing on TV where friends/family can watch them from....wherever......
Go with the guy with the Northern Illinois/Iowa experience....Chicagoland has immense talent..and Wisconsin has 1 D-1 school for FB and no D-2...all state universities in WI are D-3
My resolution for '19.... Be 'kind and gentle' with UND sports followers....All great folk and passionate about UND....(but you. 'Pucksters' are so easy to 'punk'..) .......There....that's my last neggie statement....I do have season tickets for FB , and a booster....also attend several M/WBB games per year.....Had season hockey tickets for about 6 years... Some of the personal attacks on me are actually quite clever... I don't take them personal....my 'self concept' is strong...
Happy New Year!!!!!
Yep ...74... And proud to be a Viet Nam era vet....hopefully you can feel good about yourself some day....
Great first win by the Fighting Hawk team and coach Brewster...
I comment positively on Fighting Hawk teams....WBB had a great first Summit. League win....I react negatively to overbearing arrogance... FYI...for those attacking my character....I'm glad I'm a millionaire , rather than a millennial..That's a fact, Jack...
You. Sioux -sie. Sniffers are funny....no logic to your arguments....just character assassination...As I said....BTN is why Gophers left...television, not tickets sold ,is the future....Kids wanna play on TV....on a regional/national stage...not just before a few thousand in an arena....All Gopher sports benefit from BTN $$$$$$.... One correct rational response...Gopher WBB is # 12 in the nation....Both of Lindsay Whalen's parents are GFC grads, but escaped ND for economic prosperity in MN......
Mostly folks attend who have escaped ND and now live in TC area....dream on...buddy...With TV it's not about butte in the seats...it's about TV revenue....U MN sports gets lots $$$$$ from BIG network....that's a prime reason..they left UND high and dry for BIG hockey....I know UND is so envious of Gophers in many areas,for many reasons...Ralph is having trouble selling out now....and Mpls. Has a lot more going on than GF in competing for entertainment dollars....
About a block away....Gopher women BB opened BIG season against Wisconsin...8,000 attendance...Next years Gopher Classic hockey tourney for men has been set...UM, Bemidji , St. Cloud, and Mankato....Gophers biggest instate rival, UMD not included next year....fact is UND needs MN ....as a rival...more than MN needs UND....
Beat the 'Aggies' in '19....
EWU 31-NDAC Aggies 27....(sometime in the 50's-there was an official 'school/mascot ' name change....there was an outcry....just like in the 2000's when UND had a mascot/logo change....all things will pass .....in time) Merry Christmas...!!!!
Why the fascination with NDAC Aggie football....go there, beat them...case closed...
Great info on this site....love Fighting Hawk FB...and recruiting news....again...Great info
Facts...you want facts....How many national titles did Hak win?... That's my fact....also I enjoy, care about and attend other UND sports....support the coaches, team, players....What I dislike is 'self indulgent arrogance'....ie. Bizzon FB and Siouzzie hockey....
Great job of reporting....will there be an FBS drop down QB available ...
Love the 'name calling/putdowns'...if you have no logic to your argument, resort to character assassination....very mature............your characterization of my background is so far off.....very secure ...financially and professionally-thank you.....
The 'Peter principle'....a well known concept in business...and life....pretty much applies in Hakstol's case.....currently...
The Hak apologists are out in force....One fact...FACT. ...remains....the,only coach in the modern era of UND ice hockey not to win a natty.... I lived in DC for 4 years....Philly fans are rabid....oft unforgiving....but you, Newbies are too young to remember the Bobby Clarke/Dave Shultz era of Flyer hockey....a true dynasty....that's where the phrase originated 'it's not over until the fat lady sings' ie. Kate Smith .... Some of you 'newbies' think hockey originated in the 80's/90"s....should get some historical perspective......you think life 'began with you'...a millennial curse!!!!!!!
My wish is for E. Wash to rattle a few 'bizzon' chinstraps......and send them back limping to the manure pit...(blew a bubble snot laugh when someone called that of the a Fargo-dump....) EWU 26-Aggies 20...
Re: Goph RB transfer: "The Gophers-terrible team, terrible town, bad logo, bad colors, rude-hostile fans, dirty players, unethical coaches"...….but wait: lead story in GF newspaper about the transfer.... Hypocritical of the Fighting S***sies crowd...IMO.... Seriously...best to the young man and to the Fighting Hawk FB team...all sports have accepted, if not embraced the new logo.....except the 'puckaloons'....tells ya' something....right there....
Forum Communications is just like the Republican Patty in North Dakota...can do whatever they want....the 'masses be damned'
Sandelin, Berry, Hakstol....which one doesn't have a 'natty'????? ......be careful what you wish for.....thou with 'teeny brains'....