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John W.

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Everything posted by John W.

  1. Nickname /logo have nothing to do with athletic success....it's talent and coaching, prolly in that order....that being said it's tome for Al (I want to be governor, but it ain't happenin' )Carlson and the rest of the "Fighting Sue-sie" crowd to get over it...embrace the teams and university you profess to hold dear!!!!!!
  2. I'm as frustrated as anyone over this team of UND Fighting Hawk hockey.....but my thought is that it is a 'karma' thing (I'm a child of the 60's)...for the minority that still insists on using the "Fighting Suesies" term.....'just stop that' and the season may turn for the better!!!!!!
  3. I feel Elliot and Chaves...jump out as front runners.....WMU guy....too long in static job....and UND guy...pleases the locals....but not impressed with his day to day AD type work...none!!!!
  4. Playing Power 5 teams is great for recruiting and as a measure of program progress/success!!!! Would not be possible if still 'Fighting Sue's'!!!!!
  5. Hak and Fighting Sue 'apologists'....everywhere...they're everywhere.....If he wins the Cup or a national collegiate title...somewhere...sometime....I'll be the first to acknowledge.... Watch Fighting Hawk MBB on FSN today @ 2:00 PM....
  6. Flyers lost 7th straight.....but it's early...coach'll turn it around....
  7. WI should be fertile recruiting ground....Badgers only D 1 program in the stage for FB....no D II....all WI state schools are D 3....like St. Thomas...johnnies...Concordia... Of the MIAC...no scholies ...
  8. You're about correct on age.....but live in a 4 level house...not my mom's...been quite financially and professionally successful, thank you... I have Fighting Hawk season FB tickets and attend most MBB Fighting Hawk games...some WBB as well.... IMO there are two entities....whose fans are arrogant and insufferable..........Bizzon FB fans...and Fighting Sue hockey fans....there is such a thing as 'winning with class'...and neither demonstrate that...... Did drop Sue hockey season tickets after 4 years.....because of previous sentence....Thanks for your concern re: my life....'get one of your own'!!!!!!!
  9. LOL...no you don't get it!!!!! Your comment is so hypothetical.....he's never won the 'big one'......either as a player or coach.... Dream on 'Mc Sue'!!!!!!!
  10. I looked for the "Fire Hak" thread, but couldn't find it...... But the 'noose' is tightening around coach's neck in Philly...will Flyer fans and media accept another missed playoff season????
  11. Gino da man!!!!!
  12. First off, Schlossman does a great job covering 'his' sport...read his report of last night's game in the Herald, the Pioneer Press and the Forum...excellent descriptors of the game...but expected of him as he grew up a 'ranger'... However in the articles...he referenced the Gophers as "Minnesota and Gophers"...while referencing UND as just that " UND" ...never as "Fighting Hawks"....their recognized name...Hope as an objective journalist he's not still 'bitter' about the name change.... I remember GFC's cry of "Redskins Forever"......how'd that work out???? FB and BB cultures have moved on.....if the lead writer covering this sport would move on, perhaps hockey would also...... He's a good journalist....Herald is fortunate ...
  13. Your blog name tells it all!!!!! Everything is 'garbage' I'm sure .....if it doesn't confirm to your 'perception' of reality!!!!!
  14. No, it's reality!!!!!..UND/ND should have used the Florida State approach....they went to,the Seminole Nation and asked what they could do to keep using Seminoles....ended up donating a % of all sales of items bearing logo or name....ND legislature and UND/fans. Initially tried to ram it down he throats of the 5 NA Nations.....when that failed , then they wanted to appease, but by that time they had alienated enough to block retention....Not surprising from a state that came up a handful of votes short of allowing folks to hit 'protesters ' with their vehicles (last session re: pipeline)
  15. Good thing UND dropped FS nickname or they wouldn't have the opportunity to play the Gophers or any other Power 5 conference team..wouldn't be D 1 in other sports either.....Flickertails Forever!!! What was wrong with that Nickname???
  16. "Hockey talent in NW Minnesota".....someone made a statement about the Gophers getting their first recruit from NW MN in 10 years...obvious shot at Gopher hockey.........talent pool is no longer within that territory....mostly small school levels of play there....Only Roseau, Bemidji and Moorhead play at the highest state classification in hockey from NW MN....Gophers main source is Jrs. and double A high school levels....Sloppy reporting, but was 'fake news' anyway as main point was a shot taken at U of M, which was intent I'm sure....
  17. Don't think the end is near for collegiate women's hockey....but not a good sign.. I would suspect there are more young females, thru high school age playing soccer in MN/ND than play hockey......prolly same for males, too.. in the US I would suspect soccer is also more popular...both in participation and general fan interest...
  18. F S F L....i was offered a teaching job at GF Central In the mid 70"s...always considered GFC the more enlightened of the 2 public HS's.....after your ascerbic and vindictives personal attacks....perhaps I was wrong!!!! Didn't accept the job even tho a fantastic one....pay differential from MN too great with wifey and 3 kids..... Hope you can channel your anger!!!!!! Life is too short...
  19. At least most of you get my point...about 'like minded institutions'..... F S F L is somewhere in the past....fighting the nickname/logo battle!!!!! It's over F S F L,,,,I'm sure you're too young to remember the GF Central chants of "Redskins Forever"!!!! Moorhead State did look at D 1 hockey....playing their games in Scheels Arena...10 million start up fee said their Prez....didn't have a 'Ralph' to step up.....yet!!!!
  20. Your title belies your thinking....you missed my point..I was talking about 'like' institutions....UND...as an institution, is not in the same class, as PItt, Duke, AZ, any BIG school, or others being mentioned....for expansion....they are more like the Bemidji's, Union's , Merceyhurst's, Mankato's......of the world.... Way to go "F S F L"..... How's that workin' out for you??????
  21. Can't forsee hockey expansion at the UND, Bemidji, Mankato, Omaha level of colleges...any expansion would come from major universities and/or conferences....with more resources and alums with deep pockets....than small time institutions..( gotta be 'real'...Ralph was a one time trick pony!!!!!!)
  22. Chicagoland is deep in talen.......and those kids get "cold weather ".....the cold winter wind coming off Lake Michigan....is much worse than a North Dakota winter.....so no shock there!!!!
  23. You've said that well, UND1.....that's what I missed about UND M hockey,,when Blaise left....it went from being fun...with a touch of humility....to 'arrogance..and it's all about me' with the subsequent regime....(one who could never win the big one....never has ... as a player or coach....and never will....the 'ice may be getting thin in Philly)
  24. 7 Gophers, former or current, named to US National Women's Team......out of 23 selected....almost 1/3 of total.... Glad to see many UND players and recruits have found new homes....Cutting a sport at one small school does not mean the "Death Knell" for the sport...
  25. Dear "Management"....Thx for the answer on the site name...it was an honest inquiry...With regard to trolling....I find this site the most informative about UND sports...my honest opinion is that I don't like the direction UND hockey has taken after Dean left....how is that different from the "Fire Brian Jones" thread or the rants against Muss.... Those individuals have a right to express their opinions, just as I should be granted the opportunity to express my opinion about the Hak regime.... Private enterprise has a right to stifle free speech....but that is kind of the antithesis of what forums/blogs are intended to provide...open discourse of opinions!!!!
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