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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. As a Notre Dame fan, Kelly reminds me of Bohl. Threw a fit when we screwed up late in the game against Colorado State. If the coach preaches nothing less than perfection, good things can happen. Kelly is just the ***hole Notre Dame needs. But like I said, UND will be fine. Getting aclimated to bigtime football isn't easy(my boys success down south here doesn't help y'all) but it will happen. Happy you guys lost, figured it'd be closer though, stay safe.
  2. reps given. You raise good points. drunk watching Notre Dame( haven't trailed for one second all season, that is insane!)
  3. As much as I really want to pile it on you guys, I cant. When NDSU first joined the Valley(granted, it wasn't as good as our transition teams) we got taught a couple lessons for 2 full seasons about what it takes to win at this level. UND will get it's lumps as well. Learn to run the ball and to play defense and things will go better. To win in an established conference(especially against good teams in said conferences) on the road is a tough task. Granted, I think that EWU would be beating UND regardless. UND will be fine in the long run, I don't think they will ever be a Montana by any means but I could be wrong and it would hurt to admit it but thats ok. I'm drunk also btw but I find I am nicer to you guys when drunk. Before anyone makes a comment about how I am home on a Saturday night during homecoming should remember I can't afford to get in trouble again. I hate UND with all my heart and all of you guys
  4. A good QB moves the chains. Nothing wrong with that. That in mind, I'm not watching so you guys obviously have a better idea of what is going on. I'll take 5-10 yards all day.
  5. ISU-R lost to SIU today. Very surprised. NDSU is very good this year. Loving life. Youngstown could easily lose another game. They don't have a great defense. I won't judge them too much on today's performance. They fumbled the first play and threw a pick-six when they were going to tie it up. Everything went wrong for them.
  6. If you want to get technical sure, I generally say that if someone admits to something in a context the way he did that they are apologizing.
  7. Cause handling Pittsburgh isn't worthy of top 25. Both teams would be near the top of the Big Sky.
  8. So he apologizes and you are still going after him? Cool.
  9. I don't know why anyone would assume Kristo wasn't drunk. Maybe he wasn't, but I'd say the best thing to assume is that he was.
  10. Don't trash the marker, makes sense for a trophy between the Dakota's. Oil related works IMO. Only problem is it will be tough considering MSU has UM and UND is kinda stuck in no-man's-land as far as a pure rival goes. Those form though based on competition(see NDSU/UNI and other similar ones.)
  11. The blame doesn't fall on the player or the school if they were targeted I would imagine. It isn't their fault they are a player for a big school in the region. He is a talented football player. Aka, like every good prep high school, they recruit based on athletic ability, not on academic capability. And like someone posted earlier, they are not necessarily prepared to be out on their own where people can't tell them what they can/cannot do.
  12. The school can't release what they are doing to address it I believe. What do you want the school to do?
  13. You are telling me a sober person would continue running after shoes falling off? Thread derailed. Not my intent with original comment.
  14. They were punished by the State of North Dakota and you still aren't happy I see?
  15. There were not very many UND students who made the trip. I am sure more will this time around. I look forward to a variety of insults and chants being directed at them. The opportunity is there but I can about imagine the reaction on here if the NDSU students got a chant about Kristo's drunken frozen feet extravaganza at a basketball game.
  16. Up to the AD. The UND guys were irresonsible for leaving teammates out to dry. If it was hazing(forcing them to get tanked), then I think suspensions are in order considering that is leaving guys out to dry and possibly put them in bad health(alcohol poisoning, death, etc.) The whole thing seems rather "college-ish" where guys aren't thinking ahead and that happens. I won't judge them for it, I've had my fun hazing freshmen I know(getting them pretty drunk) but I've always taken care of them. Seems like these guys didn't do that but I don't know all the details and I won't lose any sleep over it. I'm sure if they could go back and in this scenario could get away with it they'd probably either not get them so drunk or would take care of them. Hopefully they learn not so much from the suspension but that leaving young kids alone in their dorm that drunk is always a very big risk. It'll happen again(because college kids drink and stuff) but hopefully next time they assign an underclassmen(perhaps a captain to set a good example) to stay sober and keep an eye on them throughout the night. When it comes to drinking, it is always nice to have someone sober there to keep things from getting out of control. Now the NDSU thing, I think all of them should be suspended for a game at least, but it isn't my call and I'm not going to waste my time freaking out about it cause no matter what I do, it won't change anything. Hope I don't get called a troll for this because this is just an honest opinion.
  17. I really won't be surprised whatever happens. Bison are sucking this year. Very rare. Rivalry games are always interesting, maybe turns the season around for one of the teams.
  18. Ah but they didn't take away your right to vote on those issues you listed. The judge sides with NDSU, get over it.
  19. UND fans of all shouldn't be attacking another group of people because they aren't North Dakota kids(look at your hockey team brah). Technically the kids stole from a company. Not the state.
  20. They are being held accountable. They have a fine and community service as well as lawyer fees. The exact same thing that would happen if I did this crime.
  21. No one ever claimed athletes were the sharpest tools in the shed.
  22. Beck had minors(big deal, who cares), I don't know about Williams, and Ojuri has a variety of issues including being suspended for a full season. He deserves what he is getting.
  23. Maybe their parents will pay for it I guess? I'm sure that they will get extra time to do their service. When I had my meeting a week ago, they asked what my schedule was like and that if I had a job and such that they would be flexible. I'd count football as a job.
  24. I don't understand why you seem to care so much. Heck, the judge didn't even seem to make it into much of a big deal. They don't exactly get off scott free. They have 50 hours of community service, and a nice little fine on top of whatever their lawyer costed them. Is it a huge punishment? Nope. I am sure they will never do something dumb like this again.
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