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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Montana is down. Montana State is down. Those two statements are based on out of conference performances. ISU-R, ISU-B are both up. NDSU is NDSU. UNI is UNI. Youngstown is back. SDSU might be good. Right now the Valley is up and the two traditional powers in the Big Sky are down. Can't blame people for maybe questioning the Big Sky at this point in time. Whoever wins the Big Sky this year is going to kinda be like Andy Roddick when he won the US Open. After Sampras, before Federer, between powers.
  2. Well it is in North Dakota.... Also, I believe the teams such as South Dakota State and USD won't be referred to on the ticker any differently.
  3. Fargo is about as metropolitan as you are going to find up here.
  4. That is rather bold to say right now considering UND's defensive problems and NDSU's defense.
  5. Feel free to look at our OOC the next couple of years. @K-State Montana State Western Carolina 2014 @Iowa State Montana South Dakota
  6. Is there something wrong with a beat writer putting a nice article in the paper about a team that has received some negativity? I'm sure UND writers have done similar things. Nice to read that some of them are doing a nice job in the community.
  7. Lakes I presume. Were you wearing UND apparel(CAUTION THREAD DRIFT) with a couple other UND guys? A couple of them walked right by me and I was wondering if they were SS.com people.
  8. You also aren't a college-age looking kid walking at 1 in the morning(often times with a backpack). Things have changed a lot since a lot of people on here were younger. If they smelled O'Doules Darell they'd give you a breathalizer then and you'd get let go.
  9. Yes it'd be worth it. Because it is a game that counts and gets NDSU to 3-0 in a year where the Valley looks to be very good. People are probably aware going into this game that NDSU should pound on this team. If they don't want to go, someone else will probably want to go. Admittedly, I'd like to play someone a little better.
  10. When I got my minor we had no alcohol on us. Just walking home. If the police want to do something, they can.
  11. JohnboyND7

    Good Read

    You aren't really in either camp if you think you are a fan of both. The article was pretty good though.
  12. No. Cheerleaders do nothing. The yell leaders in Fargo have been effective. They don't hold up signs like that, they signal to get quiet if we have the ball, help get the students closer to the field to start making noise, which results in the whole student section making noise, which results in the dome making noise.
  13. It has worked really well for us. They get the students on the same page.
  14. I am probably a bit too young to remember the QB who Doug Flutie ended up beating out in Buffalo, was it Phil Johnson? Bigger, apprently the prototypical guy for NFL QB, but Flutie ended up taking over for some reason? Regardless, it's a tough decision to make but Mussman probably can't make a BAD decision in this spot. And I'm sorry geaux_sioux, but it'd be tough to say he is better at ALL of those things(he probably is, bigtime recruit obviously), but it can't be an overly easy decision to make. The film on Hanson is such a small sample size. I don't think anyone on this board could blame Muss for whatever decision he makes, cause either way he has an able backup who is capable more than likely.
  15. Ok, we are on the same page now. I genuinely apologize for mistaking what you were trying to get across. When you got a couple bad apples(I mean real bad ones, Lakes, JBB, Mlps) it can reflect poorly upon a group of people. Lakes is not my pal, none of the trolls are. Lakes' "NDSU tO The BiG 12!!!!11!!!11" talk is dumb and everyone knows that. NDSU fans do love our football, and the nuts ones will venture elsewhere. I am a member on this board(UND is close, have lots of friends who go there, and cheer against UND hard enough to feel the need keep up), Bisonville(Go Bison!), and AGS. NDSU also has a boatload of fans compared to dang near any fanbase. App, GaSo, Montana, Montana State, and a few others have comparable numbers on AGS, all of them have a few weirdos. Also keep in mind that a lot of these guys were in school during the Bison dominance run of the 80's and early 90's and are super pumped to finally be back where we feel we belong. Some of them might get overzealous(I am guilty too) from time to time.
  16. 4 nickel games. Threw down in that playoff game. I should also mention that the documentary(so well done! that basketball rivalry!!!) may have converted me to the bring the rivalry back every OTHER year(some think none at all, some say annual, I compromise). Yet at the same time, that rivalry was clearly so amazing, that no matter how hard we try, it really is gone and should be almost left alone.
  17. Don't try playing stupid. I am aware that they are two independent things. I don't think anyone said they are dependent on one another. It can probably be assumed that when you talk down/look down on some group of people that you feel your group is better than them.
  18. By trashing my fanbase, you are essentially saying yours is better. That is what we called in geometry back in high school, a given. I am proud of my university and the gentlemen we have leading us. Has this been handled perfectly? Nope, no situation can be handled perfectly. That is ok too. I will gladly take the problems NDSU has had the past 10 years or so over the problems UND has had. Same here. He can be rather mean. He doesn't like having threads be made about him on AGS.
  19. Wouldn't have him any other way. Nice italics. Love his fire.
  20. So far this documentary has been very good, and its almost done.
  21. Well am I the one living in denial when I simply type UND fans into google and that pops up? When I type in NDSU fan nothing bad came up. Yet you talk smack about my fanbase and say we are this terrible thing while pretending that UND is the pinnacle of excellent fanbases. I'm not too concerned with the voting things right now. It'll get sorted out and no new information is coming out that I am aware of. The coach and AD didn't say the crime isn't serious. Thats great that the AG and the Secretary of State want to increase the penalty in the future. That doesn't have any impact on this situation. Go ahead and throw other football players, I still won't care other than the Jemison thing and the Ojuri stuff.
  22. The link didn't appear to show anything. I find it a bit funny that a UND fan was lecturing about how "NDSU has the worst fans and the state should be embarassed." Yet while googling UND fans, the two things I listed were two of the first things to pop up on my screen.
  23. I am surprised at your knowledge regarding most schools' fanbases opinions of North Dakota State fans. Once again, I will point to reviews we have received from fans who come to the Fargodome and from fans at away games that I have been able to talk to. Colorado State? Got stopped by a few of them on the way out who said we had great fans. Lafayette? Dude had his own little thing in the Forum I believe saying much he enjoyed his trip to Fargo. Georgia Southern? Lehigh? James Madison? Can't recall hearing anything bad from them on any boards. Using message boards to judge entire fanbases doesn't come across as intelligent either. I mean...a google search shows me this. Can't recall any NDSU fans becoming a .gif on the internet for bad behavior...or punching holes in the Xcel. The most simple google search, "UND fans" reveals this little tidbit. http://www.startribune.com/sports/blogs/119470934.html (top result!)
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