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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Sounds like excuses to me. I am not trying to be rude, but UND had much better averages in the D-2 days yeah? No reason to say, "Oh (insert school here) averages (insert number comparable/less than UND here). So we should be happy we have what we have. If I pulled that card on BV I'd get my *** chewed.
  2. Hope you enjoy your time in North Dakota!
  3. Well, the students have 7 sections. A chunk is reserved for the band. In 7 sections, if two are open(assuming you could move the students in those sections to others and they would fit in pretty tight, that makes 5 full sections and two empty ones. If they fit relatively comfortably we can say 4.5 full ones, and 2.5 empty ones, that is still well over half full.
  4. gives out 3,800 I believe. Easily over half considering 2,000 were claimed Monday, I imagine AT MOST another 1,000 were claimed, probably fewer. Also, people cram into the lower section, maybe an extra hundred at the most(aisle areas and filling in rows so people can't sit). If people are sitting in the endzone area, that is a pretty good sign that more than half of the section is full. Get back on topic homer.
  5. Last weekend was not very good. Though compared to UND.....very much to be proud of. Probably only about 3,000 tops. We make noise however. And the early season beatdowns did nothing to add to the student section. SDSU game should be pretty rocking. Playoffs should be very impressive if we are once again at home. Thank you.
  6. I will estimate attendence at roughly 9000. This is really sad.
  7. That coach I presume we are both thinking about also didn't have teams getting blown out by anyone and had proved that he knew what it took to build a very good team already. We'll see what happens to Muss.
  8. The sport's league that keeps the NHL from being relevant. In all seriousness, this is a stupid article. Dude ought to get punched.
  9. Then why is he getting no playing time?
  10. I believe UNO is getting a new basketball facility. Or something weird along those lines.
  11. Getting a guy the size of Sutton and as fast as Miller is not going to happen at FCS barring a transfer.
  12. I dont understand, UND's offensive line appears to be quite big. Same with the linebackers.
  13. Injuries happen. Getting beat 55-17 and 55-10 has more to do with UND's program than the injuries. I am sure Montana State and EWU have a few guys hurt too.
  14. SUU 45 UND 31. SUU scores a late td
  15. At least we are winning. I'd rather win and be an a**hole than lose and be a great guy. Fact Hazing is a very serious offense So you want UND to keep giving up 55 points to the good teams they play and be great kids rather than win? Winning is what matters. No sanctions? If we don't have them, I really don't care what our guys do off the field.
  16. Heard the score from my dad. I was very surprised. UN_ has a bit of work to do on both sides of the ball it seems.
  17. Thank goodness that my team has no issues with serious matters such as hazing. I must now question the UND hockey program. Dave is just mad that NDSU is doing well right now. NDSU could have every football player volunteering at Big Brother, being squeeky clean, and he'd find something to complain about.
  18. I was simple building on what geaux_sioux said and some things a few of my friends from UND have said. I wasn't looking for an argument, and I doubt many people here would disagree with what I said regarding students especially. If I was looking for an argument I'd have said something along the lines of, "UND students will never care about non-hockey sports." I don't believe that though, so I didn't say that.
  19. dont agree with geaux_sioux on much, but there is one thing we definitely agree on, the attitude that many UND hockey fans have toward the other sports is pretty bad. In Fargo, we got plenty of football fans who don't tend to pay much attention to the basketball team and other sports. But they certainly don't trash the other sports the way I see SOME of the hockey fans on here do. When I talk to UND buddies of mine who don't care about the football team they mention that they are playing "small schools". I ask what makes the hockey games against Denver and Colorado College so great then, they say they are big-time schools. While they are big in the hockey world, Montana, Montana State, and EWU are big in the FCS world and are definitely worth going to the game for. What is the point in going D-I for all sports in these people's eyes if they still have the same attitude towards the teams on the schedule? Oofda. UND student(and by the looks of it, some alumni) attitude needs to change. Other than that, UND needs to string together some winning seasons.
  20. Oh dear. Confidence! I reserve the right to quote this post if UND gets shelled. I don't think it will be as bad as the EWU game but I expect UND to lose by 10-21 points.
  21. Why would the Alerus want to let people leave and then come back in? That would cut their concessions sales.
  22. What your coworkers were complaining about was that there were empty student seats. We did not fill up the entire section. Probably about 2800-3000 of the 3800 seats were occupied. No obvious difference until Jensen's last interception which led the dome to empty itself. The second half will always be less full than the first half, even if ever so slightly. The USD game was my freshman year. We have done a pretty good job since that season. Not so much that it was always packed, but we haven't had a modern rendition of the book of Exodus like UND fans have been describing on here as well as friends of mine who are students in Grand Forks. Our redshirts sit in the student section. They are mediocre as far as being loud.
  23. Not disputing some of that. Some of the Aggie girls....yuck. Some of the cheerleaders, yuck. Barnyard animals....cute when they are little, ugly when they are fully grown.
  24. He got a minor. Big deal. I really don't see a need for any school to suspend a kid cause he got a minor(unless he has a history of being a knucklehead). Not like he can play anyway. Maybe we should just suspend him for spring ball Torn ACL and what not....probably won't play anyways. Leaving soon? Heagle gets two more years if he gets a medical redshirt.
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