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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. He got to a building it sounds like, and they got him when he exited or something. I give up on trying to understand what really happens in those situations. The report for my run-in with the law enforcement had some lies in it but also didn't mention some things that did happen which would have made me look worse. Hopefully he learned his lesson though.
  2. You are making a big deal out of a guy getting a minor and running? If he gets suspended I won't complain but goodness, a minor is no big deal. Neither is running. Maybe you should come back when you've obtained some maturity and real world experience if your going to call out Bison06. Your avatar is airborne. Thats great, I would assume you or someone close to you served. That is fantastic and I mean that. But that doesn't give you any right to make this into the end of the world. I got a lot of former military people in my family, none of them are pleased or condone what the players did. None of them, however, have pulled the dumb military card either. And I believe it was ScottM(could be wrong) who compared these guys to thugs in Russia and Klansmen in the South, that is absurd. It undermines any argument you are trying to make.
  3. If there was only 5 or 6 home basketball games a year and we had a nice arena and all the games were on Saturdays, your argument would hold some water. But, it doesn't. Basketball is played 10-15 times a year in a dumpy(as of right now), old, ridiculously hot building on weeknights and weekends sometimes.
  4. From what my dad told me, (we lived in El Forko for some time) Grand Forks folks have always tended to be win-oriented as far as football attendence. UND's figures also suggest this from what I have gathered. They lost something like 17-3. Nothing to be ashamed of, probably nothing to brag about either. When in doubt, give them crap about how they blew a huge lead against Montana in the playoffs. Regardless, what do UND students have to do in the fall? Sounds like excuses to me. Football is a big deal at any school that is decent at it. It seems like a weaksauce argument for UND fans to say that the students just look forward to hockey. Everyone knows the fall means one thing, and that is football. I prefer football, but plenty of NDSU students go to basketball games if the team is any good whatsoever(and that is in an absolutely garbage arena that is hot as hell).
  5. JohnboyND7

    Week 3 Polls

    I won't lie, I would have laughed a bit. They probably deserved a 20-25 place as a result though.
  6. I'll give UND 24 points if the game is within 10 points. If SDSU puts up more than 50 I give UND up to 31 points. Judging by UND's defensive performance against Portland, I have a hard time believing they will win but stranger things have happened. If you can't play D against an FCS school, I just can't imagine that UND can slow down a seemingly OK FBS team.
  7. Fargo has a lot more white collar work than anywhere else in North Dakota.....just sayin', he wouldn't have to DaveK it up.
  8. In BV's defense, UND has had a lot of easy things to make fun of the past few years (poor results, nickname debacle, etc.). Both fanbases tend to be giddy when it comes to struggles with the other.
  9. Not going to read through what everyone else posted about Beck. But I believe the resisting arrest(All he did was run from the cops from what I've gathered) is being dropped. I ran when I got mine, they didn't charge me with "resisting arrest." EDIT: Saw it mentioned on this page that people are aware he just ran. carry on.
  10. Tough to call Gordon a bust. Dealt with a lot of injuries, even his senior year at NDSU. Based on pure talent, tough to say UND has ever hosted a better RB despite his well-documented difficulty with UND(should be NDSU's well documented difficulty). He was a pleasure for a young guy to watch. Also, just cause a guy was great his sophomore year of school doesn't mean he was going to necessarily do any better as he gets older. Guys sometimes start to get nagging injuries or get complacent. Remains to be seen if UND's defense was just playing poorly, or if they are going to have some trouble with established division one teams for awhile. I'm not saying it is one or the other, just that some folks are discounting the possibility that maybe UND's defense just isn't any good right now.
  11. Oh really? You mean if they didn't get into the endzone a couple of times and UND got in a couple more times it would have been a bigger point spread? No way...
  12. Trumaine Johnson from Montana still went in the 2nd round. To say there are 100's of better players could be true, it should be noted though that in Marcus's last two FBS games he has looked like he is a step above them. I don't know where he is projected as a prospect but if he went somewhere in the 3-4 round range I don't think too many people would be surprised.
  13. I'm not sure, I'm fairly certain it would be true though. Fargo PD have been out in force these first few weekends of school.
  14. Ojuri, while talented, plays a position that NDSU has other guys with very good talent at. Think back to Mark Ingram when he was at 'Bama. Loads of talent, but lots of talent behind him.
  15. Jemison had his dong out in public. End of story. Get him off the team. That is it. Simple as that. A lot also depends on the conversation Bohl had with the kids. Ojuri will probably get in a lot more hot water than the others considering his past. And don't call Ojuri a possible All-American. He splits carries.
  16. I have plenty of classmates who went to UND, sexual assault I am unsure of, I'd assume that hockey players at UND have been a little over confident(just like any star athlete at many schools) at times, but I do know they have been typical college boys from stories I have heard(once again, I didn't single them out, college boys can be douches). As much as everyone wants to believe the best in their guys, it is usually too good to be true.
  17. Justin Howard was set to start last season, or at the very least be a major contributor, and he was given the boot. Say what you want about Bohl, or Taylor, whatever makes you feel better. Fact of the matter is, things should be treated situation by situation. I want these kids to be punished the way they should be. I, nor does anyone here, know what really is the deal with these players. I hope it isn't as bad as it sounds, but if it is, like I have said, the only one who should possibly get booted, is Ojuri. The rest merit suspensions(based on info available now) of 1-3 games. There was a legitimate shot from what everyone was told (and possibly evidenced by the amount of logos put in the arena) that he was not OK with UND changing nicknames. It isn't overly relevant but it can be said that he, and the arena he built, probably was a contributing factor in the nickname fight. Like I said, UND has shown that people can be above a university. Every school has some questionable moments as far as athletes go. As much as no school worth anything wants to admit it, athletes tend to be a bit above the law. That includes UND, NDSU, Notre Dame, USC, SEC schools. Accept it. You don't have to like it, but thats how it is.
  18. The only reason I brought him into it was because someone said UND would never allow someone to be above the University. I pointed out that Herr Engelstad was allowed to at one time. I have stuck to the belief that these guys will get some suspensions if(when) they are found guilty or get their deal settled. Not worth trashing NDSU for specifically saying they want to see what happens with this before they make a decision on the players.
  19. And you are assuming like a complete idiot that they won't be punished! Just cause something isn't done immediately after the news hit the public doesn't mean nothing is going to happen. I guess some people would rather some rash immediate action taken....I'm not one of them. I'd like to wait until we know more, and then punish each player accordingly.
  20. That arena belongs to UND for all intents and purposes. And if they didn't cave to his demands, he wasn't going to give it to them. So don't go pretending that UND hasn't or wouldn't do some questionable things. Like WYO said, it's like getting paid to nail the fatty. Worth considering.... Have you heard of handling things internally? Or waiting for the courts to do their thing considering the nature of what they did. You guys, just like some folks in the media, are calling for people's heads to roll over something like this? You could always just wait and see what other details to come out before you start throwing a fit. Just like these 8 players, he was investigated.
  21. I'm saying some on here are pretending that NDSU is putting some people above the university. I simply mentioned that Ralph Engelstad held UND hostage in response to a school putting someone above the University and teams. so it is a bit "pot meet kettle" if you were going to go down that road. I never mentioned the hockey team, you did. I think that most of the NDSU folks on here have expressed sadness that this is happening, and that it is being blown out of proportion. Also, some have pointed out that some folks on here are awful quick to begin trashing NDSU/Bohl/Taylor when UND has had moments of less than perfect behavior as well.
  22. I am going to assume you, or daddy, or a loved one has a DUI or two. Driving drunk puts lives in danger, least importantly the driver, most importantly anyone on the road. DUI is infinitely worse than what these guys did. These guys went through a phonebook and put names down. No physical harm.
  23. Drinking and driving is worse than voter fraud. If any of these fellers got themselves a DUI I'd be thinking bigtime suspension or dismissal. Of course a minor isn't too big of a deal. Several of them, yes. One? No. There is not a problem down in Fargo. Some players on the football team tried pulling a fast one and getting paid for being lazy. It isn't like they were trying to "fraud" anyone except for the company that hired them.
  24. Sic how many times do we have to point out the nature of the two incidents. Jemison was on thin ice already from what I've heard, and he pulled his dong out AT A MALL. But if you want to just leave that little part out, and just use the term "Class A Misdemeanor," more power to you. I once again point to the Poker/Rapist comparison from earlier. Oh no! Two games out of how many in a hockey season for flipping off an official while on camera? Everyone knows these guys are going to get punished and probably suspensions. If they don't get in any trouble at all, then you can say there is a problem with Coach Bohl and Gene. All Bohl said he was going to do was see where the courts take this, not a bad idea considering the crime was not violent, sexual, or drinking related before they make decisions on what these young men will be doing. And don't even get anyone started on being above the team or university? Evere hear of Mr. Ralph Engelstad holding a University hostage? Sounds like he was above the university to me.
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