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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Well why don't you admit that this time change was for the better and be done with it?
  2. Of course Notre Dame, USC, etc. are going to be a big deal in comparison to NDSU and UND. Money, fans, history, and other factors lead to that. You are telling me that you'd rather watch UND play against St. Cloud in front of a few thousand than against Montana in front of 25,000? Normally I'd say you are entitled to your own opinion but at this point your opinion is just wrong and there is no other way around it.
  3. NDSU, UND, Montana, and Northern Iowa have a significantly larger amount of recognition and athletic budgets in comparison to Pitt State. NDSU has SDSU, USD, and UNI all within a 2.5-8 hour drive. UND has to do some flying, but Montana and Montana State still make for some fun competition in comparison to the old NCC. Important to know when you have outgrown something, or in the case of the Dakota Schools, when something shrinks to the point it is too small for you. When teams like Moorhead State, U of Mary, and Minot State are D-II, it is very important to make sure that NDSU and UND are NOT D-II. Just so happens NDSU got a head start on that.
  4. If you are a high school defensive standout do you want to go somewhere you can play right away or be apart of an exceptional defense?
  5. I think it depends on which UND and which Montana shows up. Really, outside of a blowout(more than 20 points) by one of the teams, I won't be the slightest bit surprised.
  6. We'll see next year then, thebigund. Will be interesting to see if any/many montana fans show up.
  7. 37, 31, 13, 35, 55, and 41 points surrendered in D-I games. From a defense geaux_sioux said would be better than NDSU's. I dont find it to easy to accept his analysis of talent after what has occurred this season.
  8. At this point, to see any UND defensive players in the NFL would be surprising. I can't imagine there being a huge walkup crowd after three straight losses. But ya never know.
  9. Cycling happens as well, but generally dominant programs will continue to do well. Oklahoma, Alabama, etc. tend to be good at their level similar to NDSU has been doing since the 60's. If you lowered the scholarship limits, they would be pulled back to the pack. Lowering scholarship limits will ALWAYS be bad for the teams that are dominating the sport as they gain nothing by it. They only lose. Some of them may manage to continue to be great, but lowering the scholarship limits sure as heck are doing nothing to help them. If they lowered hockey scholarships 25-50%, would you see a big change in hockey? Yep. Teams like Bemidji and Mankato would start to get a lot of players UND and Minnesota were getting because they are getting money to go play at the smaller school.
  10. NDSU fans have enjoyed experiences that we had in D-II. 10,000 people rocking in Texas. National Championship. You are stuck in the past. Times change. Just like people growing up, so do universities.
  11. harder to take over their stadium now. It is smaller than the Metrodome so less seating available per game.
  12. The deck isn't stacked in NDSU's favor. Nor was it when NDSU was dominating. Other schools were playing the scholarship limit too and 'SU was still pounding on them. Once again, I point to the cycle of programs.
  13. Got a new coach. Was able to fund football properly again. Also, programs are cyclical. USC and Notre Dame aren't always good, they just tend to be. NDSU is similar(on a smaller scale of course). Yeah, too bad that the bigger schools in the NCC decided to make an investment and see a higher-quality product on the field.
  14. Elon is playing in the SoCon, lots of teams down there who are ranked.
  15. NDSU got the wakeup call we needed. Everyone else (except MVFC teams) sucks...UND stinks cause yeah. Good enough yeah?
  16. Seems to me you are not thinking enough buddy. Didn't NDSU and SDSU also apprently mention to USD and UND that they wouldn't mind some company in moving up? NDSU's king sport, football, was being held back by the lack of scholarships. If they cut scholarships from hockey to make it more competitive for the smaller schools, and there was a higher league for UND to join to play with the type of budget that UND was appropriate, do you think that they wouldn't have at least considered it?
  17. MVFC looking pretty interesting this year. At one point, every game that was being played was tied according to the screen in the dome. EWU could be number one after today. Beating #2 should jump them over JMU in my opinion. Lots of high ranked teams bit the dust today. Holy smokes. Checked out the UND game box score, awfully close score for how lopsided the yardage was. Anyone care to explain it in a nutshell for me? I'm not trolling, genuinely curious right now.
  18. haha I know, I know, I gotta stay out of trouble for a few more months.
  19. I find it hard to believe that over 10,000 people within the 100 radius made up the extent of the group that made it down to Frisco for the title game. Your hate blinds you brosef. College hockey isn't exactly popular either. Local media is always going to cover good/bad things about the big team. Whether that is the Voter Fraud or a Natty Title, it will get coverage because that is what people care about. Similar to Grand Forks and hockey. People in North Dakota care a helluva lot more about NDSU football than the Cowboys. People in North Dakota care more about UND on average than the Cowboys as well. I doubt a fan of either team (other than someone like Lakes) would claim that the Bison or UND are bigger than the Cowboys. The Canadiens aren't a big deal here. Why would you expect anyone around here to care about them? Around North Dakota, the Bison(especially football) and UND(especially hockey) are significantly more important than the Yankees, Canadiens, or the Cowboys. I know you like to think the Bison are insignificant, but that simply isn't true. You like to think(from what I gather) that Bison fans are a vocal minority, but truth be told, NDSU is quite popular. It would probably pain you to hear the number of UND students who ask me to get them NDSU student tickets for football, just like it would pain me to tell ya how many NDSU students who want UND hockey tickets. Get over the hate brah. Look at things semi-objectively.
  20. I've read comments posted by a lot of fans on various articles. The only difference in fans is which part of the country they come from. They use different vocabulary then. Coming off a National Championship and having a team look as good as this one does, you are going to see some hardcore homers. And if you hate them so much and can't stand them and think they are the worst fans in the entire world, why do you continue to read their stuff? It clearly gets you very worked up. You are just like Lakes when anyone mentions UND athletics. You sound just like the people who go all over every espn.com article about Notre Dame and talk smack about them and how they are irrelevant and awful.
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