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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. While this is probably true about Boise, they are leaving next season yes? And we'll see what happens with them now without Kellen Moore. Air Force? Meh. Maybe, depends on the season I suppose. I think NDSU could compete pretty well. I'll take SDSU 34 UND 21.
  2. I was unaware that the players with interfering with an election process. Were they stuffing the ballot or what? Elections are when people are elected to an office. Were these guys stuffing for Berg or Heitkamp?
  3. I remember. I watched a little bit of it. Hey who was in the Frozen Four last year? Union(who?), Ferris(who?) Also, remember that Canadian Juniors are the top non-NHL players so you might want to remember that Collegiate Hockey in the US is the FCS in that scenario. And teams who win the NIT are usually better than plenty of teams in the tournement. Lots of conference champions who are bad. The entire NCHC is going to be to be minor league teams. When you have a deal with someone, you don't back out of it. Pretty simple dip****. Hahaha, everyone knows hockey is borderline irrelevant in America. Hockey has such a small demographic of people playing. Middle-Upper class white kids in about 10 states and Canada. There is a reason only like 30 Division I schools have it, because it is an unimportant sport. America has more kids playing high school football(the pool that eventually makes it to the NFL) than the world has registered hockey players of all ages. Minnesota wrestling is the top of Division I and has won championships in a sport that has a lot more schools than hockey. Are they better then?
  4. NDSU had the deal with CSU years in advance and didn't want two FBS games. Apparently you don't understand scheduling. Next year we got Kansas State, then Iowa State I believe, and Iowa down the road as well.
  5. I prefer the term red-blooded American. Darell starts threads all the time on AGS, half about NDSU. hockey championships? They're ok. But, they are a niche. I find it odd that you forget about Bemidji State, Alaska-Anchorage, Duluth, St. Cloud, Ferris, Union....you know....D-II and D-III schools. Also, I never hear college hockey being talked about on TV so....
  6. if only teh UND's did that. Oh wait, they didn't . Love giving you guys crap. Take it in stride. Wouldn't be completely shocked if UND won. They have a chance.
  7. english teacher had a workshop today. calc doesn't have class the day after tests because we have class and a test the same day.
  8. I'm with you on that. Sometimes you gotta get ballsy. Down 6. One guaranteed possession. It's go-time.
  9. Is he a French Canuck or a standard Canuck? I'd like his phone number to chew him out, though if he is french-canuck I may need a translator. I had both my classes cancelled today and wasn't going to have class anyway. He should have done it this upcoming monday. I am bored. I don't create multiple accounts. I, like the NDSU players facing some trouble, am too lazy. I may be a lot of things, but a Lakes I am not.
  10. That Central Michigan team was pretty good. I'm still thinking NDSU's best game against an FBS is the first Minnesota game. Played a typical Minnesota team(made a bowl, blew a 30-some point lead to Texas Tech I believe). I'm with you on that. A bad offense can make a solid defense look bad, specially late in games. UND will snag a win sooner or later. Kills me to say it but it is a matter of time. NDSU has got a solid formula down, run the ball, pass effectively, don't beat yourself. Oh, and believing you can win is huge too. Our first W against Minnesota they scored in like 3 plays, same with Colorado State, team didn't get rattled.
  11. Russians, Czechs, Canadians. All equally foreign. I won't say they are inferior, but they aren't American. Americans love our athletics. If you use foreigners(Canadians are foreign), you can't expect people to not make fun. Ah, a joke about how we have a lot of indians and asians? They are math nuts. They can teach us a lot of things. They are making the world a better place. I think it is moreso getting bored rather than deflecting. The entire thread for the longest time, "OMG OMG OMG HEADS MUST ROLL! DISENFRANCHISEMENT! TAYLOR! BOHL! AAARRHGHGHGHGGH!" If this is the worst stuff NDSU will have to deal with, I will be very pleased because it is nothing major.* I didn't say it is not to be taken seriously, but it isn't worth the attention it has gotten. No sexual crimes, no violent crimes. *cue UND folks to compare them to the Klan, Nazis, etc. *My bottom post was the most relevant to the thread, and also had the most information in it. I am willing to bet that other posters will focus on the shorter ones rather than the one closest to the thread.
  12. Yes you would. It is similar to fans making fun of Chelsea FC in London calling them Chelski due to a very Russian influence surrounding there team. Nothing wrong with having a player or two from elsewhere, having half the roster....meh. Got a couple on random teams. Thank God none of our teams are built on using non-American players.
  13. Inferiority complex? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion I guess. The vibe I have always gotten is that both fanbases are proud of what they have accomplished. If NDSU fans live in a suburb, what does that make Grand Forks? If an athletic team is built on the backs on canucks, in the US, you are going to get made fun of. Thats how it goes. Rogue program? Goodness gracious. USC....was a rogue program. SMU...was a rogue program. Auburn and Alabama have also had trouble following rules I believe. NDSU? Just a program that like any team with any success, will have some guys do some dumb things.
  14. I think it is one thing to not be cut out for college or decide that football is not for you, a whole different thing to leave early. One gets you a reputation for being a mill, the other just means you weren't cut out/couldn't hack it. That is great that some guys come back to work on their degrees, a lot of them don't as well I'm sure. And a lot of them go to UND not planning on spending 4 years there. That is the only thing I really dislike about a situation like that. The saying never really made sense to begin with, though I am familiar with it. Hockey is not a proper noun that I am aware of. Am I the only one who finds it funny that even if these NDSU players somehow lost their right to vote, NDSU football players would still have a higher percentage of guys eligible to vote this November than the UND hockey team?
  15. I haven't heard any "trust issues" at the student level. Once again, you are probably letting the media influence the thought process. Cool beans. They got a degree in less time than normal. What the heck is a cumative GPA? I'm not sure I know what cumative means. I will assume you aren't one of those two students. UND routinely has guys leave early, whether you think that is good or bad, it gives a reputation that it is a development mill.
  16. I am very happy for my Fighting Irish, though this will end 20 years of being a Duke fan for me.
  17. He got to a building it sounds like, and they got him when he exited or something. I give up on trying to understand what really happens in those situations. The report for my run-in with the law enforcement had some lies in it but also didn't mention some things that did happen which would have made me look worse. Hopefully he learned his lesson though.
  18. You are making a big deal out of a guy getting a minor and running? If he gets suspended I won't complain but goodness, a minor is no big deal. Neither is running. Maybe you should come back when you've obtained some maturity and real world experience if your going to call out Bison06. Your avatar is airborne. Thats great, I would assume you or someone close to you served. That is fantastic and I mean that. But that doesn't give you any right to make this into the end of the world. I got a lot of former military people in my family, none of them are pleased or condone what the players did. None of them, however, have pulled the dumb military card either. And I believe it was ScottM(could be wrong) who compared these guys to thugs in Russia and Klansmen in the South, that is absurd. It undermines any argument you are trying to make.
  19. If there was only 5 or 6 home basketball games a year and we had a nice arena and all the games were on Saturdays, your argument would hold some water. But, it doesn't. Basketball is played 10-15 times a year in a dumpy(as of right now), old, ridiculously hot building on weeknights and weekends sometimes.
  20. From what my dad told me, (we lived in El Forko for some time) Grand Forks folks have always tended to be win-oriented as far as football attendence. UND's figures also suggest this from what I have gathered. They lost something like 17-3. Nothing to be ashamed of, probably nothing to brag about either. When in doubt, give them crap about how they blew a huge lead against Montana in the playoffs. Regardless, what do UND students have to do in the fall? Sounds like excuses to me. Football is a big deal at any school that is decent at it. It seems like a weaksauce argument for UND fans to say that the students just look forward to hockey. Everyone knows the fall means one thing, and that is football. I prefer football, but plenty of NDSU students go to basketball games if the team is any good whatsoever(and that is in an absolutely garbage arena that is hot as hell).
  21. JohnboyND7

    Week 3 Polls

    I won't lie, I would have laughed a bit. They probably deserved a 20-25 place as a result though.
  22. I'll give UND 24 points if the game is within 10 points. If SDSU puts up more than 50 I give UND up to 31 points. Judging by UND's defensive performance against Portland, I have a hard time believing they will win but stranger things have happened. If you can't play D against an FCS school, I just can't imagine that UND can slow down a seemingly OK FBS team.
  23. Fargo has a lot more white collar work than anywhere else in North Dakota.....just sayin', he wouldn't have to DaveK it up.
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