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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. If UND's ratio is 55-45 and NDSU's is 57-43, and NDSU has a larger on-campus population of students rather than online....does NDSU possibly have more chicas then? I also won't get into "which school has better looking girls" cause as far as I'm concerned, with such a large sample size they should have relatively similar numbers of nice looking young ladies. We do have Concordia and Moorhead girls down here, but honestly, whoever said they were weird was spot on. Some of them make for nice eye candy at least. One of my buddies is dating a girl from across the river, anytime I ever go visit, hipsters everywhere. I don't like it.
  2. the traditional powers seem to have good attendance.
  3. NDSU was able to run a very safe and casual offense in the second half of the CSU game. CSU looked good offensively for literally three plays. It became clear as the first half went on that NDSU was going to run a safe offense after building a nice lead. People complaining about NDSU's offense remind me of the people who year after year say that the Steeler offense isn't any good because they don't always explode offensively. Yet Roethlisberger puts up great numbers on third down and the Steelers tend to score when they need to. When you have a great defense, you can play safe football.
  4. I would feel bad for them too. One has to wonder if the attitude could begin affecting recruiting at some point. Kids probably base some of the decision at some point on the atmospheres.
  5. That won't be necessary. I have a Stats class this spring so I suppose I could conduct a legitimate study regarding the attractiveness of women at the two institutions of higher education.
  6. Depends. If it is a blowout, then people start to head out either at halftime or throughout the third quarter. If the game is good, you don't see a huge dropoff from where I am(first few rows). What you guys have been describing on here seems outlandish and we haven't had that issue before in my time in Fargo. Leaving a game at halftime when it is close en masse? Sad.
  7. I don't know how easy it'd be to get Northern Iowa to come up to Grand Forks for basketball.
  8. team intros are cool. They don't get students to stay for a whole game though.
  9. We beat SIU last year 9-3. We beat Georgia Southern 35-7. SIU would have beat Georgia Southern then?
  10. Does the average Joe do that? Does the average Joe even know what an HDMI cable is? Probably not. I enjoy internet viewing as well, most people just don't understand it.
  11. The only way to get student attendance up that I can think of is winning. Doing some dumb "hockey ticket incentive" would be embarrassing as far as I'm concerned.
  12. And how many people do you HONESTLY think sit at their computer desk on a Saturday afternoon/evening and watch? People on messageboards probably would but keep in mind the average fan probably wont. All I know is all NDSU games are on tv right now so I am happy with that, as well as some on ESPN3 if I am really bored.
  13. so is UND's defense. There is a difference between a 5 team conference being favored and a 10 team conference. I don't know what people are getting so bent out of shape over anyway. Both conferences appear to be pretty good this year.
  14. Matchups. Until UND wins an FBS game, I wouldn't say it is unfair to put FBS games down as losses for them for the time being. I don't think UND would beat Colorado State based 100% on the fact UND couldn't stop the offenses in the Shrine Game.
  15. I assume you don't know much about anything. The Valley is a lot of things but mediocre-poor? MVFC, Big Sky, CAA, and SoCon are the big respected conferences.
  16. Well, we went 4-0 last season against JMU, Lehigh, Ga. Southern, and SHSU. Sure I think NDSU could go 5-0 in that stretch. Could also lose a game or two. Last year we lost to YSU in the dome. They ended up 6-5. We were still awesome and pounded on teams. That is great that UND has played good teams. They haven't beat any of the good teams yet. So to make yourself feel better you say "Oh, well NDSU would maybe lose one or possibly two of those games!!!!!!" People have quit defending UNI. Their early season schedule made them an exception to every rule in the book(2 B1G games, two very highly ranked FCS games). The loss to SIU took away any defense people could make for them.
  17. Fullerton didn't sound too happy about that on the radio this summer. Valley ended up being a more midwestern home for us anyway. Liking it a lot.
  18. Lakes is a super-douche. I love to screw with him on AGS. Anyone who does any message board creeping can figure out i'm 344Johnson on bv and ags. Just call him out on everything and watch the positive rep points come in. Once again, Lakes is a douche. Call him out on it please. I was sitting not far behind him at the USD game....could tell that he is a fun guy at the bar, but a total douche(more than me even) as far as forums go. NDSU gets a ton of fans at SDSU, UNI, USD(idk about when it is in the dakotadome, I guess we have to wait to find out), and the FBS games. The others, like you said, not so much. Though, if the team continues to be very good, I imagine you will see more 'superfans' start to make the trips. I also believe we had a solid amount make the playoff trips to MSU and EWU but once again, those are playoff games.
  19. I concur. Not saying UND is bad(the defense and running game certainly is), but to be considered a real quality team, you got to beat somebody good.
  20. I want more details before I rush to judgement. But...it certainly looks bad. Always sad to hear about a kid around my age passing away. I've seen how scared my mom has gotten when I have had surgeries. Can't imagine how depressing this would be for a mother.
  21. who knows...UND only put up 17 against Poly and EWU. I presume those are the two best defenses they have went up against. Only one offense has scored more than one offensive TD against NDSU. UNI had three, one in garbage time. UND also has put up some big numbers as well. The only teams that have had any success against NDSU the past couple seasons have done it with balanced offenses. Could be an interesting matchup I suppose.
  22. Something tells me if UND was still the "Fighting Sioux" and were tearing it up in FCS you'd be singing a different tune.
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