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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. The same Oregon that got shut down by Stanford? That same Stanford that lost to Notre Dame? Notre Dame offense beginning to maybe get some confidence. Doesn't hurt that Oregon's D is not any good.
  2. This isn't intended to be rude or anything but shouldn't it instead be a shame that the players decided not to tackle? I understand coaches have to work on it but tackling is pretty instinctive...
  3. I understand you are being sarcastic, but if you want to get technical, a couple of the trophies the irish football team plays for were made in Ireland and they have played multiple football games in Ireland. Doesn't hurt that they are the most high-profile college athletics program in the country and get to live by their own rules. Also doesn't hurt that they chose a white group of people to name themselves after. The BCS polls aren't flawed this season. Notre Dame, as has been stated, has several big wins and is undefeated. No one else can say that. Notre Dame has given up 10 points per game. I don't think anyone in the country would score 42 points on them.
  4. also, Irish isn't a race. As Marshall says on How I Met Your Mother, "Lawyered."
  5. The nickname may have been given to them by Northwestern fans chanting "Kill the Fighting Irish." Another story is that several of the players had Irish last names were yelled at by a teammate who said, "What is the matter with you guys? You are all Irish and not fighting worth a lick." In United States' history, the Fighting Irish is the nickname of an Irish immigrant brigade in the Civil War. Who are all dead. And can't be offended
  6. I enjoy cheering against UND a lot. Plus I enjoy message boards. I should probably get an appointment with a therapist for Monday just in case. Yes. Please don't cheer for the Trojans. I make you folks a deal. If the Irish win the football game, and one of the hockey games, I will not post until my surgery December 17. So UND is currently struggling defensively? Is this due to goaltending or the skaters not doing their job?
  7. As a big Notre Dame fan, I may take the time to plug in to this game. As much as I love ragging on you people, hockey can be fun to watch from time to time. Go Irish. The real ND! Watching the Irish beat NoDak and 'SC the same weekend....oh so much potential happiness!
  8. That'd be pretty anti-climactic, our guys don't play in the first round.
  9. Coming into this year UNI deserved to be ranked. Montana too IMO. I totally didn't see these two trainwreck seasons coming. It was kinda fun to scoreboard watch though and see them both losing games left and right.
  10. While that may be comforting to compare your team to NDSU's situation(I would do it to), NDSU also did something very weird that I wouldn't really bank on. As I have stated before and will state again, Run the ball. Stop the run. Win games. Or to get even simpler, and from what I have gathered definitely pertains to UND's struggles, "football is blocking and tackling."
  11. Learn to run the ball. Learn to stop the run. That leads to wins.
  12. Lennon has a pretty good gig in SIU. Bohl didn't have his team being embarassed by the good teams on his schedule. Just routinely lost to everyone by around 3-10 points.
  13. 7-0 team playing against a 0-7 team.
  14. Has to go somewhere to see some defense...and a full venue. Jokes aside, UND was off this week. Nothing wrong with catching a big game.
  15. Something like 150K I think? Don't know why but that number seems familiar.
  16. If UND offered to come to Fargo(no return)...and to pay the buyout against WCU, I think it'd be a very tough deal for Gene to turn down.
  17. I imagine that is why they are dropping the game. A.) They can have a home-game and make a lot of money. B.) May want to play other teams. Losing this year probably didn't help but normally they are such a powerhouse I don't think they would be too concerned with that. Getting games bought out blows.
  18. FBS schools seem to be just fine playing an extra game. I'd like to see more FCS teams take that 12th game.
  19. My dad mentioned that when we were discussing what was going on with the UND defense. He had a feeling that too much may have been put into getting an offense on the field (similar to Notre Dame problems the last 10 years). Plenty of speed up here. Beck, Olson, Littlejohn are all ND/MN boys, so was Jemison. SEC country kids are more than likely going to stay in SEC country. Lots of FCS schools down there. Also the Sun Belt taking a lot of guys that aren't good enough to get recruited for BCS schools. IMO, me and Sic are on the same thought train.
  20. You know, Boise isn't quite the same this year, but still a big win(very rare to leave Boise with a W). Nice job Aztecs.
  21. Is muss aware UND is on pace to give up 700 yards?
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