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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Professors. I can take a quiz in an online class pretty cheap I presume. I am guessing University of Phoenix online is significantly cheaper for them to run than the University of Minnesota.
  2. Idk why you are referring to my Bville pals, I don't know that they have a problem with taking classes online. I also said earlier I understand the point of online classes. It will never replace the real college experience.
  3. I don't think anyone suggested a 70-0 type beatdown.
  4. Look at the boxscore from what happened in Bozeman. 695 total yards to 180. .6 yards per carry on 25 carries. There is a big difference between losing 28-13 in the AFC Title Game and what happened to UND in Bozeman and Cheney. To compare those games to the Pats game(I hate the Pats) is ignorant. You may have a point with the Notre Dame incident. Though Notre Dame has a tendency to get blasted off the field in the BCS games.
  5. Good teams don't get blown out. You beat Montana...what was their record?
  6. Oh I'm aware schools will count online students. Looks good for their numbers and those people are paying for an education that the institution is providing. Are you going to feel like you have as much in common with them as a student who goes to UND on campus and experienced the dorms, classrooms, other aspects of college life? To me they aren't college students as much as they are taking college classes online.
  7. I said I don't count online students. Nothing about knowing more than Harvard. Always been more of an Cambridge fan though.
  8. I count people walking around campus with me. Not some guy on dial-up in Wishek.
  9. I'll stick with my laptop, cell phone, and Ipod. I am aware that they serve a purpose. Some people can't be on campus. You are telling me that online students should count in enrollment and funding the same way on-campus kids are?
  10. did you ever take online classes? Nothing replaces being in the classroom.
  11. and which one has more students actually on campus?
  12. The term is "having two games in hand."
  13. I hear ya bro. 'Cept im on the other side. Keeps it relatively contained. Like a virus at the CDC.
  14. SDSU has built a solid program. They'll get recruits.
  15. You mind telling me the votes then on the Bisonville board? 191 to 69 bro. You are fired up because 26% of fans on a message board would like to see the series? The reason that poll is even on there is because of the media speculation. You know that. Are you telling me that if the media had not said anything, that there would be all of this speculation?
  16. Its not the fans you hear say it, its guys who write for the paper. Why are you still crying about it?
  17. NDSU is receiving more money from WCU for the buyout than was originally going to be paid to them, NDSU should have little trouble bringing a team in and should have little trouble paying them a fair price for the beatdown they receive. Fargo restaurants are stupid busy all the time. But I see what you're saying.
  18. Sad news and sad story. My buddy was in swimming and said it was absolutely nuts watching her demolish people
  19. Those guys probably left Gene with a real bad taste in his mouth. RT aka TMWTFN, really strung it along before announcing they wouldn't be playing no? We'll never know.....though you know who I think wins both those games
  20. Football team is excellent. NDSU won basketball conference titles only 3 times in the 70's, 80's and 90's. They were never anything special. Been to the dance once, this year's team might be good enough to do it again. That would be two conference titles in five seasons(knock on wood). Our women's basketball is horrid right now. Was that poor scheduling by UND that those teams backed out on them? No. It happens. Teams flake. Bad luck. Do you honestly think moving to D-I was bad for NDSU or UND?
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