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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Almost as cute as a 40 year old man calling a 20 year old cute.
  2. Fargo media wants to see the game so they can talk about something. The great thing is that UND fans are becoming harder and harder to find. Borderline cute you guys have a website that includes sports other than hockey(where UND is relevant.)
  3. A sellout requires every seat to be paid for. Sounds like NDSU games to me. Exactly. UND did the right thing. Make sure football is taken care of. It is the only sport outside of hockey that people pay attention to.
  4. My argument will be why should NDSU play UND every year? We sellout every game. I wouldn't be against them playing, I am also not against them not playing. They will play, in the playoffs. The current setup for the playoffs indicates that it will more than likely be in the dome.
  5. Had a fun time watching last night. Even if UND would have won, I still would have had a fun time.
  6. So it is acceptable in sports to punch people after whistles? I would never waste my time playing a sport for the white boys too small or slow to play football.
  7. Just a question. Way to deflect. I'll take that as a no.
  8. Would you be saying the same thing if it were UND?
  9. This makes me smile. Don't like seeing guys acting like idiots on the field. Also hate the attitude hockey has towards chippy. If two guys go at each other after a whistle, penalize them. Or give them the boot. The douchebaggery would stop instantly. What I'd like to hear is would UND fans rather lose the NDSU rivalry in ALL sports to keep playing Minnesota two times a year in teh hockies or play NDSU in ALL sports and never get to play the Mighty Gophs again.
  10. I am too young to really remember the odd things about the games. Were the NDSU/UND games chippy like the Gopher games can be? (at least from the one or two gopher/und games I watched last year, ben blood anyone?)
  11. That conference could be pretty cool. An NCC with the fat trimmed down and some muscle put on.
  12. My experience in dealing with Gene has always been excellent. I have sent a few emails about a few different things and he has always been very polite, very informative, and extremely quick in responding(usually within a few hours).
  13. Exactly. So if the UND game was at home during the regular season, yeah, it could be highest reported(hype of course). But would it have more people than the Semi games against GaSo? Eh, could be close for at least the first time or two. Also remember, NDSU does not charge more for tickets regardless of whom is on the schedule. The beef I have with it is that, for example, the same teams aren't always good. Why would NDSU charge say $50 bucks a ticket for SIU tickets if the Missouri State game is a battle between top 25 teams. I am of the opinion the same prices should always be in place. I completely understand why some may think otherwise and the math backs their case rather than mine. Just an opinion.
  14. Depends, the attendence in the playoffs has been higher than reported at least on appearance from my seat(albeit in the student section) compared to games with equal or higher attendence. I feel like the reported attendence for a UND/NDSU game in Fargo could be reported as the highest, even if it wasn't(hype and stuff). You raise a good question though. I also feel like it'd be a bit similar to the first NDSU/UND basketball game. A lot of years of bent up rivalry expressed in "Sioux suck ****" chants. Who NDSU's AD is probably doesn't matter. It won't happen until the playoffs(you know they will make this game happen).
  15. Thank you. 100% pointless. Honestly the state name is unimportant. As is if the schools ever play again in the regular season. Glass half-empty, they won't play until they meet in the same round of the playoffs. Glass half-full, won't that be a rowdy time.
  16. Not that that matters, but ND's official nickname.....is the Peace Garden State. http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/North_Dakota/NicknameNorthDakota.html
  17. So if Montana buys out the UND game this fall, and for some odd reason, next year someone else does, does that mean Mr. Faison is playing with fire?
  18. I doubt it, can't help that Western Carolina is working on getting a situation that allows them to play two FBS games AND still have a shot of winning a Non-Conf game. Lewis and Clark are not North Dakotan, hence nullifying your point
  19. I hope you aren't implying that it is one-sided. Plenty of 'SU folks would like to see it back as well. Wouldn't say both are better off without the rivalry. At this point, it would probably give UND's fanbase a big jolt though. By coming to their board and telling them to get a life seems odd.
  20. Lol at 1897 with a good contingent of students. Good Lord, fix the problem on campus. The sooner UND minimizes what hockey is, the sooner y'all get some attendance at other sports.
  21. Someone on Bisonville did a simple search on the guy...and his family or found information someone else looked up. If true, this guy has some issues in house to be taking care of before even saying the letters "N D S U."
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