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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. And every fan at NDSU was raised/taught finishing that cheer with Sioux Suck. If he wanted a different response, he could have done the much more current and common chant, (invented by Lakes if you ask him circa 2006 Metrodome) "Let's Go Bison." Hard to tell if posts are jokes sometimes. SS.com needs to add the purple font.
  2. Good point. Happy we got geaux_sioux's support. The governor you elected started that at the dome. If you are referring to any phantom chants at the Natty game, I was there and didn't hear anyone say anything about UND. Also, I see Darrell claims it was going on at the pregame party, nope. Once again, I was there and didn't hear anything. Maybe a few drunk idiots but nothing more.
  3. Not a chance. Remember, NDSU is the devil and is at least as bad as any of the recent schools to receive NCAA sanctions.
  4. Lol, clearly you haven't been to an NDSU football game in ages.
  5. What about a one game deal and giving UND a nice compensation package for showing up eh?
  6. Maybe he just wanted to give a big F U to the state before riding off into the sunset His work in Fargo was done. Helped lead us to where we are today. ButtSuccess.
  7. JohnboyND7


    I believe the only game(someone feel free to correct it) that NDSU was probably favored in was the Colorado State game. Maybe the Wyoming one, not sure about that one.
  8. JohnboyND7


    NDSU has played against average FBS teams and some bad ones as well. If UND was scheduled against Minnesota would you be upset because Minnesota isn't Ohio State? NDSU has Kansas State next season. Is that good enough for you? If you are asking if I'd rather have NDSU play Notre Dame or Minnesota, the answer is Minnesota. Winnable games sound more fun to watch than a bodybag game. FBS games are fun and I like to go to them but I'd rather have the guys go 10-1 with an FBS loss than 9-2 with an FBS win.
  9. JohnboyND7


    They would be the best team NDSU has played. Sure. Not really seeing why that is important. You would respect Gene Taylor more for scheduling them instead of the FBS games he has scheduled? If so, why?
  10. JohnboyND7


    Getting rolled by Texas Tech post Crabtree/Harrell doesn't get you rewards. Schedule a quality FBS? Not sure what you want from him. K-State is on the docket for next season.
  11. Injuries are a part of the game. Potentially losing a guy in the week leading up to the title game at a position with little depth hurts though. Hopefully it works out.
  12. JohnboyND7


    That isn't an NDSU thing. Teams are rewarded whether it is justified or not for being remotely competitive with top FBS teams by most fans.
  13. Not to be a prick, but some of those programs are not good at football(Tennessee, Purdue, UNC, Wake Forest), but we understand the point.
  14. Sure does. Look at that atmosphere!
  15. Honestly I'm surprised Germany even has kids who play hockey. That is the definition of a soccer-obsessed culture.
  16. They should feel free to discuss whatever they want to discuss. I'd rather have them win and have the media talk about it than lose and have the media not talk about it.
  17. If I was a national title winning coach, I'd consider keeping it on my person.
  18. JohnboyND7


    Every team drinks the conference kool-aid.
  19. JohnboyND7


    It wasn't intended to be 'original.' Montana generally is an elite team in the FCS. UND would like to be similar to that no? NDSU was up 3 scores in the fourth quarter of the UNI game? Not sure what that was intended to mean.
  20. JohnboyND7


    I am a polite person. While at times I may seem rude, mean, etc., I generally have genuine conversation. I know enough about life, I don't pretend to be a genius, just throw my input in. Like I have said, about half of my family, and plenty of my friends from back home, are UND fans. I also was raised with the rivalry, so hating UND is as much in my nature as is loving NDSU. For hating UND, I feel I do a relatively decent job throwing opinion in. I am sure plenty of people wish I didn't post here. I wish some folks didn't post on BV. Sometimes it is necessary for people to stir the pot. Nothing you can do to stop it. I have done nothing to be banned, and quite frankly, I don't care if you wish I was banned or didn't post here. I love college athletics more than anyone I personally know. Go ahead and pull the typical NDSU/UND fan thing "you guys aren't over us" thing, that just isn't the truth. Louisville and Kentucky just recently started playing in their favorite sport, basketball. That doesn't change the fact that they have always disliked one another. Sometimes it is almost as much fun to hate as is it to like something. What it comes across as, is that you are someone who is insecure about UND's success(or lack thereof). If UND was doing well, and I was praising UND for doing a good job, would you be saying the same thing? The answer to that, is probably no. UND will probably end up being an upper echelon Big Sky team. Do I think they will be Montana? Nope. Do I think they will be in the same sort of situation as Montana State or EWU? Possibly. Should be interesting. On topic: I don't think Muss has proven enough at UND to continue coaching. UND should pay more for a football coach and put a quality product on the field instead of an passing game without a running game or a defense. I am of the opinion that UND should cut it's losses and move on. Could be right, could be wrong. I will be following attentively.
  21. That is great and all, what is the Big Sky so great at that the Summit is bad at? I won't say the Summit is some high-class league. The Big Sky isn't either. What is the difference between UMKC and UNC? Zero. How about IUPUI and WSU? Zero. Just two conferences doing their thing, both are relatively similar. Lately, the Summit has been better as basketball. Idk about the other sports. I don't pay attention to every sport. But I do know that NDSU kicks *ss at track in the summit.
  22. JohnboyND7


    I had an easy job for Sanford this summer. I am a college kid. I answered phones for doctors who were working on a new computer system that Sanford(and most healthcare places) are implementing. I worked 11 hour shifts. For at least 7-8 of those hours, no one called, I had nothing to do. It was also a temp job until the doctors got more used to the new system. If there are any doctors who post on here who called complaining about the OneChart system at Sanford, decent chance you talked to me. I am a teller at a bank that has a reputation that is less than stellar in the banking community. From what I have heard, the bank I work for has taken steps to get moving in the right direction. That is a part of life. Just like those involved in UND football, have a reputation working for something that is less than stellar. Perhaps UND will fix itself. I had surgery a week ago and have nothing else to do other than Netlflix and video games. I also have plenty of friends and family who are UND fans. I am very active in how UND is doing in sports. It makes family/friend conversations much easier considering I love talking about sports. Have I ever set myself up as some consultant for UND athletics? Nope. Just offered an opinion that is different than some peoples opinions. If there is no differences in opinion, or minor differences, message boards get very boring. Your attitude is rude. Thanks Bye!
  23. JohnboyND7


    see below This. Most FCS fans would like to be a Montana. Congrats to UND on having a barnburner with the worst UM team in some time. UND should have the standard of pounding Montana when they have a year similar to this year. Tulsa beat Notre Dame a couple of years ago. Are you telling me that Tulsa is the same quality of program as Notre Dame? If so, Mr. Colorado.....I think that is just silly. Seems like plenty on this board have lowered their standards for UND football while claiming 'we still expect the best' sort of thing. Just sayin'(can't wait to get trashed for saying these obvious things)
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