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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. At least NDSU is willing to win. May want to email faison about Mussman's lack of will to win.
  2. Keller made some relatively long ones this year I believe. That kick was attrocious though.
  3. Greatest game in dome history many Bison fans speculate. I know it was the best game I have seen. No reason a DI team can't have a decent kicker.
  4. I'm sure they'd provide for an interesting challenge for NDSU's D. But their D looked awful. If you can't stop NDSU from running the ball, the game is over.
  5. As I have mentioned before, I know nothing about hockey. Go Flyers. The Pride of Philly!
  6. JohnboyND7


    The socks thing seems a bit odd! Still, get your point. Head coaches are supposed to be assholes!
  7. This Natty run gives him something the previous three stupid coaches didn't provide. Hope. Bob davies was the Glen Mason of Notre Dame. Turns out going 7-4 8-5 every year isn't tolerated in South Bend. Ty Willingham and Charlie Weis couldn't build a proper team. The knock on my man Kelly was that he wasn't a guy who has had good defenses. Turns out he built a good one(tonight doesn't change that). His offense will get better. #1 pocket passer qb Gunner Kiel redshirted this season. If Golson isn't good enough to retain his job, Kiel will take over. Notre Dame traditionally has great TE's(QB's best friend) and is finally starting to put an O-Line together. This Notre Dame team reminds me a bit of the 2009 Alabama team that got waxed by Utah. Not quite there yet. But a lot closer than it appears. I agree, Notre Dame is about to become SEC North.
  8. Is it not accepted by most people that Canuck Juniors is the highest level? They are better by most opinions. NCAA DI is clearly the FCS of hockey. The speed wasn't the difference. Alabama's Oline won the battle in the trenches. That was the difference. Why? Notre Dame probably would have beat any team in it's path. Bama had the right type of team to beat Notre Dame. Notre Dame dominates the trenches. Alabama was just better in that area. That was a huge difference. Florida? Psh, they lost to Louisville. Oregon? Lost to Stanford, who Notre Dame beat, that would have been a fun game. oregon vs. notre dame. Notre Dame and Alabama were the two best teams. Giving teams a month off without playing has interesting effects. This time, it benefitted Alabama. Maybe next time it benefits someone else.
  9. I won't call it playoffs til it is a legit playoff system. Get 8-12 teams in there! If in 2014 they want to change things again to keep confusion down, I don't see a problem with that.
  10. Call it something it is not? I am 100% ok with you saying it is not the big dog D-I. If you want to watch the best teams in the country, the elite FBS teams are the ones to watch. Football Bowl Subdivision. These teams play a regular season with the hope of going to a bowl game. Football Championship Subdivision. These teams play a regular season with the hope of going to a playoff championship tournament. Would you be less upset if they called it the FPS? Football Playoff Subdivision.
  11. There is a clear standard. One is the bowl division where teams play in bowl games. One is the championship division where teams play in a playoff championship tournement. So you care whether NDSU is called the Division I FCS National Champions or the Division IAA National Champions? Anyone who gets confused when they turn on the tv and see NDSU vs. SHSU "FCS National Championship" and is wondering where Notre Dame and Alabama went is an idiot and deserves to be confused.
  12. I get and respect that point(it is a real life situation after all), I am thinking for a majority of cases and potentially after some amount of time that the B1G will do exceptionally well in recruiting in large part because of their name. The top college football player could choose to play in the ACC, does that mean that it is as easy to recruit for ACC schools as it is for SEC teams.
  13. Nice to hear the US winning. The one time I put aside my feelings towards UND. USA! Warning: Not for children. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZdJRDpLHbw
  14. Ah, where did I say that the NCHC will not recruit compared to the B1G? No where. Just asked if anyone else thought that being a conference full of big name athletic schools will help them. Hater-ade much? Good Lord. See, this guy sees what I am saying. I think replacing the smaller schools on the schedule with big-name schools will be beneficial. Example, I think Texas A&M will be a higher quality team(even if their record doesn't always reflect that) in the SEC than they were in the Big XII(ten) because it is a more enticing league to play in for recruits.
  15. I know nothing about hockey other than I cheer for the US in the olympics, and the Gophs and the Irish when tourney time rolls around. Am I the only one who thinks recruiting should be pretty easy for the B1G teams to sell? "Come play for us at Michigan State and play against Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio State, and Penn State(as well as any others who potentially add hockey)." having their own conference certainly can't make the bad teams any worse right?
  16. It will be tough for UND to be consistently better than NDSU if NDSU maintains the current commitment to being a dominant force in the FCS. The type of money NDSU is now giving Bohl and the assistants is excellent and should ensure that NDSU is going to have a top notch coaching staff(see getting Klieman to bail on UNI to come to NDSU) no guarantees that UND will ever win a title. No guarantees that NDSU wins another one. Should be interesting to see what kind of D-I program UND develops into. Who would have thought that SDSU would be better in D-I than D-II? Who would have thought that Northern Colorado would (at least since the jump) be an embarrassment? UND fans seem to be very high on the current freshman crop and the one coming in. That could be big in seeing what direction the program goes in. Our 2010 class has been dominant and done great things for our program. The next couple classes for UND could provide a similar impact in a positive or negative way. Another thing I will find interesting(good or bad) is how NDSU as a school and fanbase handles things when things aren't perfect like right now. It is easy to fill the dome when people know they are going to watch the best team in the country. What happens in a year(and the following year) when the Bison just aren't anything special? Who knows, maybe NDSU will just be a Montana where a down year(2012 notwithstanding) is just 8-3 with a playoff birth.
  17. I saw a guy with a sign that said that last night at a restraunt. May have been the same guy. You mad bro?
  18. More of a zone guy. Does not look comfortable in man. Just a #10 Bobby Ollman. He is a backup/sometimes starter. So...depending on how you look at things....just sorta kinda 1. Disregard. Forgot about Martin. Whoopsies.
  19. Plenty of friends. Enjoy reading and posting things. I got plenty of free time. Though, you should realize you that telling people to go away on an internet board only encourages them to stay. Yep. Right away I believe.
  20. Ah, well I did not see a single one at the game. I did not see any yesterday. I doubt I will see one today, tomorrow, or Sunday either. If you would like to let the actions of a few uncreative people dictate what you perceive to be a fanbase, that is a personal problem.
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