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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Put the settlement agreement asside for a secaond. We have debated the language enough on multiple threads. I agree that UND must never forget the Sioux name and the history of it over the years we had it. Selcting a new name doen't throw all that away. It is still a part of UND athletics rich history. We all know about the PC NCAA mrons who forced this issue on us causing the name to be retired. We can be mad at them, that's fine. But to not select a name on the basis of "sticking it to the NCAA" and still being able to have Sioux as the unnoficial name is just dumb. Plain and simple.
  2. In a related note, There are many people that post on here that claim that more and more peopple are yelling "Sioux" at the end of the anthem. While that may be the case at hockey games (although one could argue it is less), it is almost non existant at every other sport. Of course the "hockey only/Sioux forever/no nickname" crowd probably isn't aware of this fact (or that UND has any other sports besides hockey either)
  3. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=RxBCcAiK6Ug Couple things to look at when watching this video; 1. The opinion of these people is supposed to represent the majority? The numbers shown here do not support that. 2. Listen to the chants. What is the motive? 3. The organizer herself is wearing a Sioux hockey jersey, not "North Dakota" gear. Shows true motive.
  4. After thinking about this issue for awhile, the fact that Kelley hasn't come out and clearly stated that the NCAA has an issue with UND having no nickname leads me to believe that maybe the NCAA does not have a problem with it. If he clearly didn't want "no nickname" to be an option, he could just pull out the "the NCAA has a problem with it" card out of his back pocket to push his "agenda". (Of course it still may be in play and he may wait to play it if "North Dakota" moves on to the popular vote and comes out on top." Now lets just say that is the case. It is still in the best interest of the University to select a new nickname. First an foremost to move past the Fighting Sioux nickname debacle that has plagued this University, it's fanbase, and this state for a decade. Forget settlemet agreements, forget recruiting scare tactics, forget marketing opportunities. UND and all of its invested stakeholders need to move on from this issue. Not selecting a new nickname will not allow all of us to do that.
  5. It's been use by other coaches to recruit against UND. That is a FACT. You can choose to not believe it, but it is reality.
  6. The GOBC has been in lockdown in meetings since last Tuesday night. "My source" says they are planning a protest in the Chester Fritz lawn to try to get Fighting Sioux back on the names under consideration list!!
  7. YOu guys must not watch too many games then. On the National broadcasts, it always comes up!
  8. OK, how bout this for an option. Kelley reduces the choices to Roughriders and North Dakota. Put those up for a vote and see what comes out on top. If it is Roughriders, then that is the name and the supporters of "North Dakota" can't complain because their choice made it to the final vote. If "North Dakota" wins out the popular vote, Kelly can then inform the NCAA that UND has chosen to not have a nickname and just go with "North Dakota". If the NCAA is OK with it, then fine. If they say that is not an option and can't do that and that UND must select a new nickname, then default back to Roughriders.
  9. Gotta love the conspiracy theorist out there!! They make rationale topics so much more interesting!!
  10. But we are still under their juriistiction. They are the governing body that our Stletic teams compete under. And we must folllow their rules. Whether you are USC, UND or Alcorn St. They all under the unbrealla of the NCAA and must adhere to their rules. YOu say we are not that high on their totem pole, but we were high enough to have them care about our nickname. And we deffinitely got their attention when UND had a lawsuit against them. TO think that the NCAA doen't really care about what UND does is just naive. You want to test the waters and see is they care or not? That's fine. But I doubt UND wants to go down that road.
  11. Imagine this scenario. UND does not pick a new name and remains North Dakota. NCAA can't punish them, sure if you want to believe that. Let's say UND puts a bid in to host the NCAA Regionals in hockey at Scheels arena in Fargo. Hmm, I wonder who decides the sites to host? You think that sticking it to the NCAA is a good idea? Well they could stick it to UND and never let UND host a regional ever again. Scare tactics you say? Well why give them a chance to do something like that!! Don't bite the hands that feeds you!
  12. SO you are telling me we are dealing with yet another vocal minority?!!
  13. http://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/letters/3802734-letter-if-und-nickname-committee-isnt-interested-me-im-not-interested-und Apparently for this guy, the answer to the question is never!!
  14. Wht is trademarking such a big concern? I am no expert, but seems that there are many colleges/universities using Billdogs, Eagles, Cougars, and Wildcats that don't seem to have any issues. Name can be the same, as long as the logo is different. SOmone have and tradmark expertise that can explaion this to all of us?
  15. Yeah, becuase a bunch of students on a hockey team get to decide what jersey they will wear when competing for the school that pays them their scholrship to play there. Sorry bud, that's not the way it works. Sorry to burst your bubble, but just because the hockey team produces the most revenue for the athletic department, doesn't mean that they can do whatever they want.
  16. It is curious that it seems that the Sioux Forever crowd seems to be younger fans/college students, and the fans that want UND to select a new name are older. Sure it's not the case all around, but I have noticed that seems to be about the demographic for each group. What is intriguing is these college students were barely out of grade school when all this went down 10 years ago. Many of them may be unaware of the process that has transpired this past 10 years. Which may be why many of the younger Sioux forever/no nickname supporters are willing to go all in on their beliefs. They simply do not know all the facts. Dom I blame them, no. But they should at least get educated on the entire 10 year process and all that has taken place before making a stance on an issue. College kids thinking and rationalizing their decisions.......Might be too much to ask!!
  17. Well, I am not sure many people would put too much stock in your "I would say it is about" poll that you have taken either!!
  18. Not here to rip on the Siou name. I loved it. Was sad to see it go. But nost reconizable and lauded in the NCAA?!!! This is one thing that is affecting many people who are nt willing to change. Yes the Sioux name and the Brien logo were great. But UND is more than a logo and a name. Sure it was our identity for 80 years. But they were the University of North Dakota before, and they are after the Sioux name. People are attatched to a name and logo. If UND never changed their name from the flickertails, I would be a die hard UND Flickertail fan today!! When the NHL announced that a team was returning to Minnesota, did people wait to see what the name was going to be before they decided if they were going to cheer for them? NO!! Because they are a fan of the team first, not the name. So for all the people that love the Sioux name, I was deffinitely there with you. UND will always be my favorite college sports team in every sport. I am a fan of UND not my Sioux hockey jersey.
  19. It boggles my mind that the question has not been answered or even asked.....What does the NCAA think about UND choosing no nickname as an option and just being "North Dakota". Did Kelley ever inquire about it? Did Goehring or anyone on the committee ever bring it up? Did the consultants ever wonder if it was an issue? Seems like kind of big elephant in the room that still hasn't been answered!! If Kelley wants to end all these protests and public outcry, he can simply ask the NCAA what their thoughts on having no nickname are. Granted, it's probably about 8 moths late, but it would clear up a lot of questions and calm things down a lot more if the NCAA says that having no nickname is unacceptable.
  20. North Dakota North Stars. Say that out loud a couple times. Then get back to us!!
  21. Jim nailed it with his blog post today. Do we really want to go from an original, regional name that we were all proud of to a generic name that is the trend for schools changing their contrversial native american nickname?
  22. Great!! So now when a new nickname is implemented, the fanbase will be divided into "Fighting Sioux Forever" fans, "Just North Dakota" fans, and (insert new nickname here) fans!!
  23. I think it was reported that KG had said that when the motion to send Kelley the remaing 5 names was passed. Would seem odd that he would add any at this point.
  24. I don't think the commitees job is done. Still have things to figure out like if the names need to be narrowd down at Kelley's request, when the vote will be, who will get to vote, etc. Unless Kelley and his office are going to determine all that.
  25. So shouldn't they change the group to "The no namers were silenced"
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