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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. University of North Dakota Roughriders University of North Dakota Fighting Hawks University of North Dakota Sundogs University of North Dakota Nodaks University of North Dakota North Stars Those last two just seen awkward when putting it all together. Agreed?
  2. Not sure what you and others don't seem to get. We will always be known as North Dakota. Always have, always will. If you aren't a hige fan of the nickname selected, then jsut cheer, purchase merchandise, refer to the teams as, etc, etc, etc as North Dakota. I think the reasons for not having a nickname have been discussed at length in many threads. There will be a new nickname Everyone else has accepted that. You wanted to be known as "North Dakota". Wll guess what, you won!! We already have that name!! adopting a new nickname does not take away anything from the Fighting Sioux name or from North Dakota.
  3. So when I "make my case for the vote" I chose to make my point as to why NOT to vote for a certain name. What's wrong with that? If you don't think that people are going to say that if Nokaks is picked, that's fine. But you are kidding yourself. What is the derogatory word for Roughriders? A condom? I'd say USC and other schools with the Trojan name have done just fine. What percent of people think of a comdom when they first hear "Roughrider" anyway?
  4. Nodaks......really??? Have people lost their mind thinking this is a good nickname? Every team we play will be saying "What the hell is a Nodak? And, unfortunately due to the high number of immature idiots out there, opposing fans will resort to calling us the "NO DICKS" . Seriously people!! I thought Sundogs was the worst name that could ever be chosen, but Nodaks is by far the worst.
  5. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/3846428-after-long-wait-rhombus-brewpub-opening-today-downtown-grand-forks
  6. I am a RRHS alum and up until about 4 months ago a lifelong GF resident. I will be voting for Roughriders. I am not the only one either. So you need to talk to more people. Now you know at least one!!
  7. RRHS - Riders UND - Roughriders Problem solved!!!
  8. In all seriousness, it does seem like every week there is an opinion piece, letter to the editor, etc about one of the names gaining steam. Not sure if the Herald is just trying to make this vote more dramatic and have everyone think that all names have the same level of support and popularity. Either way, the article gets clicks and the Herald wins!! I really only see this as a 3 horse race. Roughriders, Nodaks, and Fighting Hawks. North Stars and Sundogs won't get into the double digits.
  9. You guys really don't get it when there is a smiley face at the end of a persons post, it typically means that the statment made before it is a joke or should be taken with a hit of sarcasm!!
  10. Nodak = North Dakota only = no nickname = Fighting Sioux forever = Sioux nickname at all costs = hockey only fans. Hey I did it!! 6 degrees of illogical thinking!!
  11. A Facebook post from one of our student athletes on why we should vote for a new name. Nails it!!
  12. I wonder what a Brien designed logo would look like taking the Fighting Sioux logo and making it into a hawk much like this logo took the Blackhawk logo and made it into a bird. Might make it easier for the transition if the logos were similar. What is the NCAA going to tell UND, that their new bird logo can't have feathers on it?!!
  13. Although no official logo's have been shown for each of the remaining names, the potential logo that will be used should play a role into your decision on what name to vote for. Let's look at the remaining names and the options for a logo: North Stars - Old MN Northstar logo, a star, a compass Nodak - current interlocking ND logo with "Nodak" written below, Written script saying Nodak, outline of the state with "Nodak" written in it Sundog - a sun, a rainbow, ice, a dog, a sundog as it appears in nature Fighting Hawks - many variations of a hawk including full body hawk, a hawk head, etc Roughriders - Teddy Roosevelt profile, Teddy on a horse, a horse Just initial thoughts on a potential logo for each name, but definitely something to think about when deciding on a name to vote for.
  14. If you are going to have a second tier D1 football conference, I would like to have all members have football. that is the main point for forming it. I agree with a previous post and take out Denver and Omaha. That would be a heck of a conference!!
  15. To be honest, I am glad that there aren't any conceptual designs. Just imagine UND coming up with logo designs for a name and then changing it completely when the final version is released!! Keep the process simple. Vot on a name right now. Once it is decided, a logo will be made.
  16. If I was a betting man, I would put Roughriders and Fighting Hawks to get the most votes, in that order with Roughriders winning the runoff.
  17. http://und.edu/news/2015/09/voting-dates-released.cfm
  18. For me the best Sioux/Bison game memory was a personel one. It was the last time they played. The 2003 game. We were standing at the student door first in line and an Alerus rep came up to me and the guys I was with and asked if we wanted to drive the helmet car around the parking lot. Obviously we said yes. We went into the Alerus, got the helmet car and made our way into the tailgate lot. Did we drive around by the UND fans? Hell no!! The first place we went was straight to the area that the Bison fans were tailgating, I was in the back waving my Sioux flag as we slowly drove thru the sea of Bison fans wondering what the hell we we were doing!! After that, we saw the band and team pull up in the busses so we figured we should lead them in!! Being able to lead the team in while riding in the back of the helmet car as fans are going crazy is something that still gives me goosebumps thinking about it. To put the icing on the cake, after we parked the helmet car inside, the Alerus staff person said that she needed help brining the Nickel trophy over from the South side of the field to where the Sioux ran in. We obviously said yes again!! So each one of us took turns carrying the nickel across the turf from one end of the Alerus to the other. We also got to put our stuff down on our seats in the front row, 50 yard line! Having that game be so close and hearing the Alerus rocking was great. When we stopped them on 4th down in OT to win, I don't think I have jumped so high in my life!! What a moment. The players then came over to the student section with the nickel so we all could get a closer look. The picture the took was on the front page of the Fargo Forum the next day and I have it framed. Because I was in it!! By far the best UND football game day experience I have ever had!
  19. Well there you go. Everyone that posted on this thread should take credit for finally convincing Faison to make this move!! Congrats everyone!!
  20. Conspiracy theories sure are fun aren't they!! Seriously, do you really think "the fix is in"? Come on man!!!
  21. And you know this how??!! Since you are in the know, can you tell us how NDSU is going to pay for the other half they still need to raise?? UND could have announce COA when they felt the time was right. Obviously when NDSU announced it they had to respond. You aren't going to let a school in your recruiting area make that anouncement and be the only school out there doing this when you are going to do the same thing as well. If you want to beat your chest and say you made the announce ment first (actually second) and are leading the pack in this issue, great. Go ahead. But UND has leveled that recruiting playing field, so any advantage you had with COA is gone in regards to UND.
  22. Since NDSU's next game after UND is their "rival" SDSU, is this a trap game for the Bison?!
  23. The jerseys looked sharp. Still to dark in my opinion. Was hoping the jerseys wold be the color of the helmets during fall camp. they obviously had to darken the helmets when the jerseys came in. The colors match, so that is good. Just wish the green was a true Kelly green and lighter.
  24. Could be worse. We could have wood bleachers in our "new" remodeled arena!!
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