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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Fearmongering? Really? Question for you. If UND were to keep the Fighting Sioux name (without approval laid out in the settlement) would they be able to host an NCAA playoff game? Was that fear mongering as well? Hobe bout another non-UND related example. Did the NCAA allow post season games/tournaments/etc in the state of South Carolina when they had the confederate flag flwon at the capitol and in other locations within the state? These are real actual actions that the NCAA can and will enforce. Why? Because they have every rightto do so. Threats of sanctions are real and should be taken weriously.
  2. We were all fans of the Fighting Sioux name. We all hoped things could be worked out so UND could continue to use it. That didn't work out. My question is why would we want to "keep the beloved Fightind Sioux (nickname) going"? What good is that going to do? I get it that some people have move on quiker than others. Suggesting that UND pick a name so people cannot not move forward is a horrible idea. We will all eventualy move on and accept a new name. Doing something that allows fans to hold on to the old name will never accomplish this.
  3. I find find it pretty funny that last year our jerseys were too light and the helmets were too dark, and now this year it is the other way around!! How come other schools seem to be able to figure this out?!!
  4. I don't mind seeing Studsrud start. If he is the best QB we have on roster, he deserves to start. That simple. If he struggles, it is nece to have 2 veteran backups that have been in the system that can step in and be sufficient. My money is on Studsrud getting the nod, but wouldn't be surprised to see Joe win it either.
  5. I am comparring the jerseys from the above picture and the helmets of the below picture. Not the practice jerseys. TO me they don't match. Can't be the only one that sees this. I agree, we won't know wha they look like together yet. But just pointing out that there may be issues.
  6. I like the jerseys, but does anyone agree that there still may be an issue with matching the helmets? The helmets look like a much brighter green now compared to the jerseys.
  7. Unfortunately there are many others that are just as inimformed about this particular issue with the same opinion. And a few of them post on this site!!! (Even Portland State fans)
  8. So what do you suggest? Everone to come to University park, stand under a banner of the nickname they support, and have everyone get in a big shouting match saying why they feel their name is better? I am going to vote for Roughriders. Do I need to come on here every day and tell people to support it? I have made a couple posts with my reasons why I support it and why others should as well. Is it productive to shove it down everyones throats every day (like the no nickname crowd is trying to do?) No. We all have our favorite and we will get to vote for that choice soon. If you are offende by snide remarks, you should probably stay off every message board!!
  9. I think that most of that are in favor of UND picking a new nickname are putting a lot of faith that when it comes to a public vote, Sundogs will get very low support and that Kelley would never pick a name that finished dead last in stakeholder voting. SO unless Kelley picks Sundogs, there is no reason to freak out The problem with the no nickname debate is that a new name has not been selected. So the no nickname crowd comes off as complaining and not wanting to move on, etc. Now when a name does get selected and announced, then you at least have something to debate about. Either people will like the new name selected or not. If the no nickname crowd held a rally supporting just being North Dakota instead of say Sundogs, then you might have something that people could support.
  10. These "Sioux were Silenced" organizers need to get free keg beer and free pizza at their next rally. Then the college students will come running!! Heck, call it Springfest and they will come out in droves!!
  11. Ummmm......the other 6 choices currently are on te ballot. So why would there be a rally to support that?
  12. Last minute?? According to the Sioux were Silenced Facebook page, they have been planning this event since August 12th!!
  13. What are you guys debating? Whether or no the Sioux tribes supported UND using the Sioux name? Why are you debating this? It makes no difference now. Standing Rock could come out tomorrow in overwhelming support of the Sioux name and it would be too late. Why bicker and fight about whether or not the Sioux tribes actually supported UND using the name and when.
  14. Can Kelly or someone at UND please just relase a letter to all UND stakeholders and the Herald and just tell everyone their resoning for wanting to choose a new nickname and not just go as North Dakota? This should have been done days after it was initially cut. But I feel it would be beneficial to do it before the public vote hapens. There is information that Kelley and others have, conversations with NCA officials, conversations with Big Sky officials, other AD's, that the general pulic is not privy to. There is a lot of information labeled as "scare tactics" that proboably does carry some weight and is legit. This administration needs to get control of this situation. This process has been overly transparent, except on this issue. It needs to be addresed but Kelley.
  15. North Dakota is already the name of the school. You can always support that. Whether it by be your cheers at games, your apparel, whatever. If people truly want to be North Dakota, then they already have what they are wanting. Picking a new nickname will give those that want UND to move on from all this a name as well. So if you want to just refer to UND as North Dakota, you can. If you want to refer to UND by their new nickname ou can as well.
  16. It only takes one. SCSU would be the most logical choice o a school that has been very vocal against the Fighting Sioux name even before 2005. You really don't think anyone complains about the FSU tomohawk chop and shenanigans at FSU football games? Really?!! They do. Only difference is FSU got their required approval as laid out by the NCAA. UND did not. THat is the difference.
  17. No name is going to be good enough to the no nickname/North Dakota crowd no matter how many times the process is done. Suggesting that the process should be done over is just delaying the inevitable.
  18. There are many that say they support no nickname/North Dakota because the names that are left aren't good. The problem is no matter what names were left, the mojority of those people wouldn't support it. And most of the time they will not provide an acceptable name that they would support. It is failry obvious that the no nickname/North Dakota supporters are not going to support any name that isn't the Fighting Sioux. They refuse to aknowledge that a new name is going to be chosen and are seen as stubborn because they do not want things to change. And they wonder why people call them out for being childish.
  19. The NCAA said that UND would not violate the settlement agreement if no nickname was selected and went as just North Dakota. But they also said that if there are issues with the continued use of the name and there are complaints from other schools, they may have to impose sanctions based on the settlemet agreement. The NCAA right now is being pretty lenient on the settlement agreement. Mainly because they got what they wanted and UND retired the Fighting Sioux name. They have every right to enforce the rules based on the settlement as they see fit. At any moment they can enforce rules, sanctions, etc. This is not scare tactics. This is realilty. If there is even the slightest chance that the NCAA would come down with sanctions becuase of their actions, why even go there! It is not worth the risk.
  20. "The Sioux were Silenced" crowd is about 8 years late on their efforts. At this point, trying to convince UND and the NCAA that the Sioux people didn't get their voices heard is a lost cause. Having a rally with Standing Rock and Spirit Lake tribal memebers telling of the times they granted UND permission to use the name are going to do any good at the point. The "Move on" crwod is not saying that we need to move on because that is our opinion. It is because it is the only viable option right now.
  21. I honeslty believe that fans will transition to a new name. You will see less and less Sioux gear out there and more (insert new nickname here) merchandise and apparel. Fans will yell out the new nickname at the Ralph, Betty, Alerus, etc when cheering on UND teams. It will happen. history has shown that. Now will it be everyone right away? Of course not. There will be those that will wear there Sioux apparel to games till the day they die. But as time goes by, new students will come thru the doors, and younger fans will grow up with a new name and want the new merchandise being sold. They are going to yell out and cheer for the nickname of the team. We have already seen it at UND sporting events even with no nickname. You are seeing less Sioux apparel being worn by fans at all venues, (yes even the Ralph). I am not here to say that I am glad this is happening. It is just a reality. Now while I hope that people will trasnition to the new name at different speeds, I truley hope that we can al be unified and support the teams that we all bleed green for every year and not have to deal with all these distractions that have been plagueing our fanbase for over a decade!
  22. UND football has been wearing green jerseys with white pants at home for decades. This isn't something new, So if you are not a fan of it by now, you may never be!!
  23. You can have your opinion. You are entitiled to it. You bring up a lot of points. But let's just break it down to the most simplistic way possible. Having no nickname is just dumb. If it was such a hip, cool, unique idea, others schools (especially ones that were in the same boat we were that had to change their native american nickname) would have considered and done the same thing. NONE of them did that. I could give you reason why like moving forward, marketing possibilities, branding, etc. But it is really this simple. Having no nickname is dumb idea.
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