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the green team

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Everything posted by the green team

  1. I don't care if that's how they discipline their kids down south. Doesn't make it right. Stuffing leaves in a kids mouth and beating him until he has cuts in numerous places on his body is unacceptable. There is no way to get around that. I'm not anti spanking either. There is a line and that method is so far over it, it's not even close. Maybe people and the justice system should start coming around to the line of thinking down south. Finally, at least the NFL got something right. It does not make up for all their other things they have royally screwed up. This is a man from what I've seen in his statements since this occurred that doesn't think that is wrong, maybe this will help him understand. The NFL, as a private entity can basically do what they want, no matter the court decision. Of course that is dependent upon the agreement with the Players Association but that will get sorted out to. At least they started at this point. It will be up to the Players Association to now dirty itself and defend beating a child until they bleed.
  2. This statement, makes sense to me.
  3. Background Check, ID's- the crazies are still sadly, getting the guns. It shouldn't affect my abilities to legally acquire firearms with out hassle. That's why I'm against background checks and ID's for gun purchases. I do believe that the best deterrent of a crazy with a gun, is law abiding citizens with a gun.
  4. Should you have to go through a background check and have valid ID to purchase a fire arm? Not sure I believe in that. If you want a fire arm, a person should be able to get a firearm. Is this not America?
  5. You don't think that hasn't happened since this country was formed? We've seemed to have gotten by for some 200 plus years. Of course the sky is always falling for some. This issue just seems to be another one of those skies. I just can't believe that this was a pressing issue for the state of North Dakota.But leave it to the epically mornonic in our legislature to make it one or perceive it to be or want it to be. This of course was the same legislature that was actively considering that only and I mean only, abstinence should be taught in sex education in our schools. Does anyone really think that we have a real pressing problem with sex education in our schools? Abstinence is taught, as my kids just went through... but only teaching that...are they ostriches who have their head in the sand..uh what about the kids who are already past that point...what good is it then, to them? Whether your republican or democrat- Lloyd Omdahl recently wrote something that rings true "this legislature is out of touch with its electorate"
  6. I don't recall my forefathers having to get these ID's to vote. What's changed?
  7. I agree. Title 9 doesn't have any effect on the slaries of coaches.
  8. Tillman will need replacing, but I think we need get better at all corner spots, and I still think we have to find another level at the safety positions. Man, I miss Kuksa. Teams seem to like to short drop against us, our pressure can't get there and then it's a quick pass turned into big yards. There are people mad at Tillman for fielding that punt inside the 10 today, but we are quick to forget that he ripped off a big play by fielding one inside the 10 just a few weeks ago. Granted not advisable... But he was trying to make a play in a game where we desperately need one. The question I have is how many true freshman will be coming in? It has the feel that it will be huge, numbers wise. It could be that after the senior class and a few more guys heading for the door, they may be looking for 30 to 35 guys with an additional 5 to 12 drop downs/jucos/ and or transfers. Definitely will need a roster handy next season.
  9. Sorry, disagree with this completely. I now see why this coaching staff has really not given Sharp a chance. Runs way way to upright , leaves himself and the ball way too exposed. Doesn't hit the hole with any burst- just these short choppy steps. I've heard the clamoring for him, but now that I've seen it-consider me very unimpressed. The Defense, has to play perfect right now to have any chance, but they arre succumbing to bad mental mistakes at the back end on crucial downs, and with an offense that is extremely limited we are going to have a tough few weeks. Lets get through them, have a great offseason in recruiting and skill and strength development and move on from there.
  10. I understand the Title 9 argument. Were we Title 9 compliant before we added women's hockey? And are there other sports that lose less money than Women's Hockey? For example, there are a lot of collegiate women's sports out there...don't see many colleges and universities running to add hockey as a women's sport. Agreed, the answer is not simple.
  11. Wow! More coverage is always good. Could be tough year at times with a lot of guys in new roles, but recruits and families should like exposure.
  12. I don't think anyone can question whether the student athletes put in the time. I think the question is whether it's prudent to dedicate significant funds and resources to a program that doesn't make any money but costs a whole bunch (I'm assuming). That's the way I took the Tim and Swyg conversation. I don't think that's throwing anyone under the bus, but just asking a legitimate question.
  13. Did Southern Utah score on the opening possession of the 2nd Half? No. Was that the reason we lost the game? No. Was it the reason we lost at Eastern Washington? No. Can we move on? No
  14. umm, I'm going to say no...and echo the previous response.
  15. In visiting with various friends, as we are all "so called" experts, we speculated that due to lead paint, asbestos etc..- that makes it impossible to renovate the Hyslop. UND can continue to use it...as long as it continues to do so undisturbed, for if they do disturb it ie.renovate etc... there is so much of it, the whole building would have to come down-due to the amount of hazardous materials. So UND/Athletics go on using it as is. Maybe this is incorrect, but who knows. I also find it odd, that a University- the flagship school in North Dakota, which has athletics, has not added any of it's own additional new buildings with the exception of the Indoor Performance Facility...since who knows when. That does seem a bit odd. Obviously there was time when the state did build athletic buildings.. Hyslop, Memorial...apparently those days are long past.
  16. I'm not sure the Athletic Department, back in the day that The Betty was erected, was even allowed to be involved in the decision (no idea, just speculating). I would prefer a center hung scoreboard, I'm aware of the end bleachers, but I actually think it still would be seen if it was hung, directly under the current scoreboard. From my seat there seems to be plenty of space to look at from the top bleacher to the bottom of the current scoreboards. Heck, anything would be better than we have now. Let's see, USD- getting a new arena, with toys- NDSU, getting a new arena with toys. Are we not recruiting against these same schools? even though they are not in our conference, they are in the I-29 corridor, and most likely trying to bring in the same players we are. Basketball is an arms race, just like hockey and football is. It would be nice to see us get into the race for once.
  17. Not going to lie, this has been a sore spot for me for many years. The Betty should have been 1. Dug down, so that you can walk down into your seats (bowl type setting). If you look at traffic on game day of fans getting to and from seats you'll notice it's a mess. 2. Had video boards...at the very least at each end. 3.and a LED/LCD table. The reality is that these are missed revenue source opportunities for the department/REA/and the programs. What are we trying to be? Division 1? One of the top facilities within our conference? That is a legitimate question. That's awesome that hockey gets new "state of the art" locker rooms. But why not look to where there is still a ton of room to grow both competitively and revenue wise in athletics. I believe that's in the sports that operate in The Betty. But to be quite honest I'm not seeing a lot going on there, except for the addition of a storage shed...can a business sponsor that and get exposure to fans- like it can with Video Boards or LED table.
  18. Doesn't the article say this committee is to develop the "process" of how it will be chosen? It didn't say they were going to pick the nickname, maybe they are, I don't honestly know. From the posts in here, I infer that they are...but when I read the article not so much. Any idea which is it???
  19. I believe he and this staff already have. Perfect example is Jer Garman. I don't know how he won the job and earned the top spot on the depth chart coming out of fall camp. What could he have possibly of shown that would have gotten him that listing? I know Cedric Simmons was listed behind him, and as I was told watching last night from another fan, that Simmons was actually the number 1, but Garman was listed above him because he's been part of the program. Is that not some sort of favoritism? I tend to believe most of our running problems actually are a result of the inabilities up front... but the eye test for me, even going back to last year is that Shaugaby should be ahead of Garman, but perhaps also ahead of Simmons as well. Granted we don'thave a lot of options, but they've got be at the very least be able to run the ball with some toughness, and I think Shaugaby is that guy right now, on a list of not many options.
  20. Honestly, Moser moves too well to displace her. Dooley us just high end raw talent, and on the right the new freshman from Canada hits at a pretty good clip. I saw Thompson play briefly on Friday... I just don't see her being part of the rotation right now, but maybe I'm wrong. It seems that Coach Prior has got a core group that he feels he can really rely on right now, and the results seem to really support that it's working.
  21. No worries, I wasn't being critical, as I was not the best at government courses in high school and college. I was just looking for either clarification or validation that I actually guessed right for once.
  22. I'm not sure that it would be a council issue- for a bridge on the Merrifield road. Wouldn't it be a county commision issue, but more so a State Legislature issue, for both North Dakota and Minnesota?
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