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the green team

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Everything posted by the green team

  1. I'm not sure we have a quarterback on the roster that will be the starting qb in 2 years. Maybe, maybe not. I have not been sold on either one.
  2. Now, 18 to 3. UC Davis. That Hardin and Sparks bungling a kick off was unbelievable. A person actually has to see it, to fully appreciate the ineptitude of it. Wow!
  3. Just a 1st half observation. Hooker looks to me that he belongs. Both he and Antwi have looked good in the first half. If they develop, we are going to have really deep backcourt. Nash, very athletic. We look like we need to work on our defensive blocking out on rebounds. I think our guys are trying to utilize their athletic advantage on Morris' misses as opposed to getting a body on somebody and sealing out the area around the rim.
  4. Unfortunately, it appears that it's the same story once again in that category.
  5. 57-56 UNI with 21 secs to go- Panthers to line.
  6. So all the billboards are the University's (enrollment branding push)? And not NDSU Athletics? They should be2 different funds-- but all the billboards I've seen have "get your Basketball tickets now". If it was a enrollment push, wouldn't it say "Come learn about farming"?
  7. I don't do their marketing but, I ask this question when doing mine...How many season ticket packages or tickets do they have to get in order to pay for the billboard? Or in my case, how many widgets do I have to sell to make the ad pay off? I don't know. It's just a question. I'm sure they get better rates on their billboards than I do for mine as they buy more- but still how many ticket buys do they have to sell in Grand Forks to make it pay off for them? Do you think they'll get that many ticket sales in GF or is just wasted $'s? Fair question
  8. Another response that demonstrates understanding of todays media.
  9. ++++++! Game, Set and Match in understanding network media.
  10. Personally, I think he's best served using a redshirt. However, as I've been told before, it's actually the student athlete who has to make the decision. Obviously, a good coaching staff is trying to provide a young person with all the information they need in order to make a decision. In the end the player will decide if he wants to redshirt.
  11. I realize the defense has taken its lumps on here over the last couple of seasons and rightly so. Being where the defense is at right now, coming into this game, if you knew they were only going to give up 28 points to Eastern Washington--wouldn't you think that UND would have a decent shot to win? I know I would have. Yes, it's sad that we are at a point were 28 points is a good performance for our D, but forgetting that- they did nearly everything they could do today, in regards to their abilities. You just got to give yourself a chance...unfortunately our offense is not giving us that chance. The turnovers hurt...a lot. In regards to the comment about Jake Miller, I agree he is ok, but at this level...not where we need to be. But I don't think our offensive line is where it needs to be either. Jer Garmin, made a couple of nice short yardage runs...I found that odd, but they pulled it off so, what can I really say. But Garmen, I would say is probably more often than not is overmatched at this level of football. I will be interested to see how the rest of the season plays out. I'll definitely be interested to see what our final plus minus turnover ratio will be at seasons end.
  12. I agree very much that you don't just replace a Munkeby or a Parlich but I don't think will be too bad next season. Our setter Husfeldt returns, along with our 2 defensive specialists in Clarke and Hart, add in outside hitters Robinson and Pioske. I think we have a good foundation. From what I saw of Moser early in the year...I was impressed...they tried her out wide but she's a middle, but who is she going to replace in the middle right now? Munkeby? Parlch? Of course not. Thompson is going to have to improve, but she has done so in recent games and hopefully will continue to do so. I'm excited about next year. I think we'll make the tournament.
  13. Someone was telling me this morning that we only had 2 first downs in the 2nd half and our offense had a time of possession of not even 7 minutes in the 2nd half. Ouch... It's hard to believe we won the game. The defense certainly deserves the criticism it has received this year and the last few, but on Saturday, they must have done just enough to preserve the "W". Sounds like the offense needs to get going. If UND turns it over and is penalized as much as they were against Idaho St, this Saturday...it will be very difficult to watch.
  14. I know he was on the Tennessee staff...but it wasn't like he was the associate head coach. He has also served as a head coach at a juco. All in all, I don't know that we need to unnecessarily build him up to something unbelievable. I think Coach Shay sounds like a good coach who hopefully will add some more positives to a program that I believe has been heading in the right direction. Again, I think this was a solid staff prior to Shay's arrival and I'm sure he will be a positive for this season. What will make the difference to this years success is if we are a tight knit team who play great basketball. Looking at our roster, I would say that we would have the potential to do that. I'm just not sure what appears to be as an over infatuation with Coach Shay, on this site, by some is about, when really he just got here. I'm all for the arrival of Coach Shay to the staff...but the difference makers this year will be by those on the court.
  15. I guess I'm not sure why we need to worry about when it was announced? They don't even know if he can play this year. I always feel privileged when they share information, but I don't worry about it when they don't, or to even worry about the timing of when it was or wasn't released. I have too many other things going on in life to sweat it. In regards to the 3 schools part... good question? That too, is tough to read into, as it could be for a variety of reasons. Strictly hypothetical, let's say that as a high school player that the allure of playing in Philly and the A10 would have appealed to a young guy...but maybe he decides he wants to be a closer to home. See's UW-Green Bay see's that its in a pretty good league and that it's not home but it's pretty close that the family can get to it a little easier...then he has to endure a bad coaching situation (basically what I gleaned from reading the accounts earlier this spring) and bang your at UND. It could be as simple as that or it could be more complicated. I hope UND proves to be a good fit for Cole. I hope he and his game succeeds here and I hope he gets what he wants out of his education here.
  16. It was announced on the Coach's Show tonight that Molberg has been told that he is the starter. He will be getting the majority of the reps in practice.
  17. At Rutgers they allowed everyone to transfer and play immediately but since this coach at UW-Green Bay still kept his job...I have no idea how that will turn out. I don't typically believe in personally vendettas but last years Nash situation really made it seem like the NCAA had one against us. Of course South Dakota State's transfer, the delinquent from Florida gets to play right away...I'm not sure but that may have been because he was kicked off the team and had his scholarship pulled, but that is just a guess as to why he gets to suit up for the Jacks immediately.
  18. Is that who that is. Kid was a shooter in high school and I believe his 1st year at La Salle. Not sure if the NCAA would allow him to be elgible on transfer right away or not. I suppose it is possible considering the mess that was going on earlier this year at, UW Green Bay. But I'm not going to hold my breath knowing how the Nash thing played out. I will never understand why a Coach can up an leave a program but a player has to go through all sorts of hoops to transfer schools when dealing with the NCAA.
  19. While I think Nash will be in asset to UND. I also think that it's too early to tell how measurable his contributions will be. Although, I have never seen him play, he appears to have a long reach, but is built rather slight. What does that mean? I have no idea. I want to hope that he will be a big time contributor and lets hope that's the case.
  20. hmm, I can name every guy in that picture except for the guy on the far left. Brekke has his hand on his shoulder. That must be our un-named player.
  21. My guess is it isn't Tyler. Because he's already been announced of being here. From the statement above, it must be someone new. Nice carrot... It definitely got my attention. I guess I will be anxiously awaiting more info.
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