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the green team

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Everything posted by the green team

  1. The Schedule has been officially released! 16 home games-nothing spectacular of whos coming here, this season. But @ Montana @Wisconsin Green Bay @Northern Iowa and @ Wichita State- not bad.
  2. I have to agree with the previous post, he simply stated what I believe to be true, after he had already given tremendous props to our institution. I am a basketball fan first and a hockey fan 2nd here at UND, and I happen to believe that I am in the minority. Even though I'm a basketball fan you will always find me interested to see how the hockey team is doing, that included the ugly late 80's and early 90's period, but I have found it rare to find many hockey fans that could ever give a rip about how either of our basketball teams are doing on the same night--that's just the way it is. I've said before I cheer and care for UND in all sports I feel there may be a lot of hockey fans that only care about UND in hockey. And I guess that's ok to0.
  3. You may prefer May, and I'm glad he signed with us, but Allard is a perimeter player with great size & handles the ball well for a 6'6 guy- which is exactly what the sioux need while they make their way into DI. I think it would be a huge coup if we could get him to sign. Don't get me wrong- I'm happy with May and some of the other guys in this class but I think the factors of size, raw ability, and po-tential, I want Allard. The reality is... all these guys coming in have potential, but I really think Allard has that little extra.
  4. If you had asked my fellow Sioux fans who I wanted to see the Sioux play in the semis, I said Boston College, because of their track record, their excellence, I wanted the opportunity to beat them. I was surprised that was not the case where I watched the game 2 weeks ago. Most wanted Miami of Ohio to be the possible opponent. Despite the result, I'm still glad it was Boston College. One it shows us we need to improve, I honestly think that had we even played better we still would have been beaten by this squad...unfortunately they are better...this year. This Boston College team reminds me alot of the teams in 97 and 2000 that we had, by quickly turning turnovers into instant scoring chances, they have a great transition game- they are tenacious bunch and it reminds me of those 97 and 2000 teams. We need to get quicker... I've believed all year that the "Speed Kills" slogan may not apply to this team and to the last few. Boston College to their credit has found a chink in our armour over these last few years and that is to use their speed to get on our defensmen in a hurry, and you know what we haven't responded. A coaching change is not necessary but I will say that our staff has recruited to fit the style of play that continues to be allowed to be called in the WCHA-it's effective against the clutch and grab style of the bottom teams of our league. The players that we recruit to play in the WCHA, and have success here, may not match up well the style of play, skills and abilities that the players from BC have. imho
  5. the quote "i have seen her try to injure people on more than one occasion"... the only response I can possibly come to... is to invoke this quote from the movie Billy Madison--"No where in your rambling incoherent response did you come close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. We are all dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul." These are the same USD fans that went Bazerko when Ashly set a screen at midcourt during the closing seconds of the NCC tourney title game, when in fact they should have been going bazerk at the own team for not telling the poor girl it was coming up ahead. I realize that this whole concept of setting proper screens may be difficult for USD to understand...since they never saw any legal ball screens on the perimeter all year. USD is the home of the moving screen.
  6. It's certainly frustrating, I honestly don't know what to say after that game. We weren't the only team to have a bad day today. West Texas A&M I believe lost in ot, Indiana PA, i think lost as well. MSU Mankato beat Concordia of St. Paul. Unfortunately there were certain things that plagued us this year, that once again reared itself today, and we were not able to overcome it. The officials at times were horrible, there is no excusing the one officials performance, however that is not why we lost today. We lost today because we could not stop anything in the first half defensively and during that same span our offense could not get the ball inside (the blame lies with everyone on this- bigs and perimeter players alike). From there that was an absolutely clutch performance of shooting by necessity to stem our runs in the 2nd half, by Wayne. Within the last couple of years, for whatever reason we are not as good defensively as some of the Sioux teams have been in the past- I say this because you go back to the championship teams and some of the other teams- when they kicked up the defense- you could tell that we just were going to get the stop we needed at the time-in the last few years-that just wasn't the case. There appears to be a lot of chinks in our amour, and teams have found it and exposed it. This is a tough way to head into D1, that's the sad part, because it will never be the same again, and that's why I'm so bummed about this one. Honestly, I know I'm going to take some heat for this but I for one hope USD has some success. Coach Lavin has done a magnificent job this year and it would be nice to see him retire with a good run. Plus, I like to see good teams do well, and they have one. I don't tend hold a grudge against teams that beat us as long as they have good people in the program...the only thing is, I really dislike, make that strongly dislike USD fans... they are by far the biggest a$$ clowns around. I am severely bummed I'm making myself sick. I wish I could say there's always next year but in our case there won't be, and that's a tough pill to swallow.
  7. I heard that as well however I think that is unfortunate as I don't know if the community of Vermillion is as able to host like a Grand Forks could or even St. Paul for that matter. I mean where is everyone going to stay, and I'm not talking just the fans of which their probably won't be to many but the teams as well- I don't know how many adequate hotels there are in Vermillion- 2 or 3. The regional is an 8 team tournament with 7 coming from out of town. I've always felt that the NCAA often times missed this point, some places just are not set up- community wise to host. Hotels, Restaurants, etc...
  8. I don't know if I would zone a team that loves to slash gaps in a defense and kick to anyone on the perimeter for an open 3. USD is a drive and kick team and zones present gaps to drivers Amber Hegge, Shannon Daly and Jeana Hoffman, what happens is that the zone collapses to cut it off and that results in a dish to a more than capable 3 point shooter on that team. I can't say I agree with this philosophy.
  9. I did see Red River's 3rd line on the ice in the 2nd and 3rd overtime. What are you talking about? They may have missed a couple of shifts due to Red River having last change and the matching being done. But the 3rd line did indeed play. I do not believe Coach Malm got outcoached, however he would probably have you think that way if for any reason it deflected anything negetive away from the kids. I have never seen a coach year in year out continually get these players to become better young people along with becoming better hockey players. Yes, Coach Malm gets some incredibly talented kids into his program, but that doesn't mean you're just going to win. I particularly didn't like Brad Schlossmans attack on his blog today, I firmly believe it Matt Malm's statement that if he was in the same position he wouldn't feel as if that state title was as warranted. The first thing was, and most things out of Coach Malm's mouth after this whole ordeal has been nothing but complimentary to the play and performance of GPR. That doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to show disappointment in the missed call against his team, and the one thing about the response that Schlossman featured and jumped all over, he was responding to a hypothetical question- that's all and he answered it. Malm didn't get outcoached- Red River didn't get outplayed- GPR just won the championship on a wonderful play in the 3rd ot, that's how it works sometimes. Congrats to them.
  10. I believe the song goes... "3 Blind mice, 3 Blind mice..." Plain and simple, sad for all involved. for taking away from the story of GPR's marvelous play in the championship, for Red River getting jobbed on a (non)call that changed the game- for the second time this season, and for the officials, a horrifically embarrasing mistake that will continue to plague the perception of officials by the fans. Already we battle a shortage of officials in just about all sports-I encourage everyone to consider becomming one. However, with a replay system in place it would have only helped save these officials- save themselves from ignoring what was indeed a penalty, perhaps and I stress the word perhaps... of the game changing variety. My only question is what was discussed in that huddle of officials after the goal... I would have paid money to hear that conversation and how they came to the conclusion they did...we most likely will never know. Sad very sad.
  11. There won't be many NSIC teams for either the men or the ladies to play- the reason being that the NSIC will be so large next season that they will have a 20 to 22 game conference schedule leaving roughly 6 to 7 games for non-confence. My understanding is that most of these (NSIC) schools will choose to play a few NAIA opponent to gear up for the long conference and a few intra- regional games to match up against another conference within their region- to try to promote strength of conference when comes time to make the regional (just as we do with playing NSIC and RMAC schools now). I would be really surprised if we see many, if any, NSIC teams on our schedule. I think our home games will consist of NAIA schools and on we'll be road against alot of D1's nobody's heard of.
  12. Your wish will come true beginning next year. The day of the doubleheader will be near dead, once the Sioux move to DI. You will see an occasional doubleheader when their is a NAIA school on the schedule, but by and large- DI schools do not do, doubleheaders.
  13. I also might add- aren't we fortunate to be able to have these type of discussions about this team. When it gets down to it, the personnel this team is blessed with, its a nice problem to have.
  14. This is why I perceive the line-up is the way it is, now I could be completely wrong about this, because it is conjecture, but I think the reason that Seay starts is usually she is given the toughest defensive assignment by the coaching staff. The staff evidently believes that she has the capability to make things tough on our opponents top perimeter players from driving the basketball to the hoop, something we collectively as a team have had trouble stopping. If you look at the players she has guarded this year- Johnson (Mankato), Jeana Hoffman (USD), Alyssa Green (UNO) - all those players and others are well rounded and like to also get the ball to the hoop- but most of the points that they got against us were from shots from the perimeter...meaning they were cut off from getting to the basket- taking away an important part of their games. That's why Seay starts.
  15. Certainly a big win for MSU Moorhead which helps us, but this coming weekend is going to be a pivotal one in which we see Mankato again, and can really put them in the rear view mirror with a win over them on Thursday. Watch out! Augie is playing well- they stomped Mankato last night pretty good and their only conference loss was in overtime to USD. Their two posts are among the top in the NCC in rebounding and blocks. Getting to the midway point of the conference schedule at 5-1 one with 2 wins already vs. Mankato and a win over Augie would set up the 2nd half well, but somehow I don't think the games will come easy. On another note, from the USD game thread on SS, I know there has been alot made about the Sioux making a change to the line-up after the USD game. I know there is a lot of support for Bergan over there, and thats great, Jossy is a tremendous player, and is impossible not to like, but for all you folks that were getting off the Guinn train- how about the 16 1st half points she put up on Sat. 19 total. She needs to be on the floor... and right now the spot available is at the point. Beck has been playing well lately as well and another solid game.
  16. I love Saturday Afternoons, they're great... With Double headers who wants to be there until 10 at night on a Saturday night. If I'm the road, and granted in this instance their not, but this allows the road team to get on the road and back home at a semi-decent hour. If you look at most major division 1 college basketball programs-look at the majority of the programming on a Saturday for your tv and you'll find that most play in the afternoons. I like it because I can go have lunch, and then go to the games...and when they are over, there is still time to get some dinner at a decent hour. If I'm a student fan I should love it because I can still get up late from Friday night partying, and start Saturday night partying in the early evening. If there is any question that I have on what possible could be one of the biggest home games of the season is will there be any vocal rowdy student sections to support the team. There hasn't been a student section that I have been proud of since the days at the Slop when Beasley was playing. In fact, I recall the student body was so raucous that a player from Omaha flipped off the students, and was suspended the for the next week of play. We just don't see that type of aggrevation any more. I love our fans that come regularly- I'm one of them, but my huge concern is that our Basketball fanbase is skewing older and I love the fact that they come, but I just wish our students would embrace these programs. I guarentee that the hounding from the student body when we go to Vermillion will be relentless, and you want to know our womens and mens players love it, they laugh at it, it makes it a fun atmosphere to be a part of. I'm not saying I want a bunch of students being vulgar- but be creative needle players a little when their waiting to inbound from the baseline or at the freethrow line- needle the officials- lord knows their all against us anyway..... And I'm spent
  17. I think that the if your going to criticize Langen, about her game shape, you had best see her at the end of games where at times this year she has put the team on her back, and excelled. That's when we've needed her at times MSU Moorhead, Mont St, just a couple of examples. She and Kimbrough lead the team in minutes played. Also, her minutes suffer sometimes due to foul trouble. And we all know that she gets some "crap calls" called against her sometimes...naturally she is going to have to sit in those situations As far as losing so much scoring when 35 and 55 check out- yes there is going to be some, but compared to when other teams pull 2 of their leading scorers off the floor it's night and day. Also, let's not forget that Ledger is averaging double digits coming off the bench- the last 5 games. About the guard play, yes it needs to improve, however it has- in recent games as well. Seay has been solid since Hawaii. Nearly averaging double digits since that road trip, Beck has gained confidence, as has Guinn and both have put together nice games recently. The key here is the guards confidence to score. They are getting better! That will open up the interior slightly if this continues to happen and we will see the posts score even more! And they need to continue to make better decisions about how they deliver the basketball to the post players in the paint. There have been some ugly turnovers this year. The fact is, Langen is a way better basketball player today then when she arrived, especially her court vision and her ability to do other things with the basketball. She definately recognizes double and triple teams better, and has become a better passer to rotate the basketball when those come- than she was even last year. The fact is, Roebuck likes to use his bench and will continue to do so, he feels it's essential to have that bench available at critical moments down the stretch of the season... so get used to seeing #55 and #35 averaging not more than 30 minutes a game and not less than 20. It's not about conditioning. There are a lot of factors here.
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