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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. 3-0 Final. Van Domelin CG 11Ks scattered 4 hits. UND tied for first in conference standings with Griz. Onto game 2.
  2. 3-0. Good guys, er, Hawks.
  3. It was also in yesterday’s edition of UND Today. Cool deal! This includes $75,000 for athletics on top of their existing endowment for athletics. http://blogs.und.edu/und-today/2018/03/alum-couple-says-thanks-a-million/
  4. Did you get the sense that the juniors were a little unsure about the seemingly bigger challenge that the Summit might bring with the South Dakota schools and all. Maybe they sensed the road to a title would be a little easier in the familiar territory of the Big Sky. I don’t know. Interesting.
  5. I don’t get your logic. You bemoan a private business setting up in Casselton, 17 miles away from Fargo, because Fargo will benefit from it. But you can’t fathom a scenario, with an even more direct tie to Grand Forks, with multiple businesses setting up near the GFAFB, as similarly beneficial to Grand Forks, only 13 miles away. Grand Sky’s success has great potential to send ripples of benefits throughout the county, and nowhere more than the regional epicenter that is Grand Forks (spinoff jobs, families in houses, kids in schools, etc. ) These things would not be happening here without UND and the perfect drone ecosystem that exists around Grand Forks with the Base, FAA drone testing area, Border Protection and Air Guard. Fargo can’t duplicate these assets (apart from air guard) but even if they do score a success in drones here and there — who cares? Any success anywhere in the state should be lauded and not poo-pooed with petulant jealousy. If private industry decides it wants to set up in Grand Forks city limits to do its business... that would be fine and dandy. Let them do it. More power to them. But the more likely scenario — and wiser move—is that they would want to set up shop where the drone synergies are at — at Grand Sky. And yes, despite your blind spot for logic, Moser, Grand Forks would still benefit. IMHO, you need to put your petty jealousies and parochial tendencies aside and see the bigger pictures that are all around you.
  6. They’re putting it in Casselton, out in the middle of Cass County, so Fargo won’t reap the benefits. It’s a new conspiracy against Fargo. Don’t have a link, but you can believe it. (So purple).
  7. F’n A, Cotton! Idiotic fans. What are they thinking!!?? First rule of fandom... never express hope or glass-half -full opinions. Always mire oneself in absolutes and brutal honesty to the point where you’ve expunged all fun and you’re indistinguishable from SU trollers. “Hope springs eternal”?? — screw that noise! We are what we are, FHawks fans. Until we’re not. Get use to it. And quit trying to hope yourself out of the cellar. Tell you what, hope in one hand and crap in the other, and see which one fills up quicker. Get the point? No room for inane optimism in here. That’s simply weakness entering the fan base. No fun allowed. This is a business, so get back on the depression wagon and get back to work hating on these young men. Tough love is the only way, folks. Quit making them think they might have an iota of a chance. That’s pu$$y talk. They won’t get better any other way! C’mon. Sheesh! LOL!
  8. It's one possible idea in a 30-year planning cycle. This is why it's tough to do business in the public sector. Folks glom on to one possibility (in some cases the most extreme) and act like it's the only option and that the decisions are already made and set in stone. As an open government proponent, I wouldn't have it any other way. But it sure is a challenge to appear like you're a well-oiled machine just humming along when the whole world gets a peek at how your sausage is made. This is why there's a perception that corporations and private colleges do things better .... they have the same issues, they just get to keep it behind closed doors.
  9. In a better location, too!
  10. Ran into Coach P awhile back, and per usual, was excited for the upcoming season. Talked about a new recruit coming in from Finland (TBA later this spring) who will be another solid addition. He loves it here.
  11. The following is a short except from a much longer article, which appeared a few weeks ago in the university’s online magazine —UND Today, about UND’s most recent financials report to the NCAA (it addresses some of the cost cutting and what has been done with those savings): Then, last year, UND Athletics had to reduce its overall budget by $1.3 million to adjust for $700,000 in one-time NCAA distributions that would not be replicated and as part of University-wide cuts brought on by falling oil and agricultural prices and decreases in state funding. The resulting Academic Year 2018 budget of $21.9 million reflects funding from ticket sales, contributions, student fees, and $6 million in institutional support. This belt-tightening resulted in the elimination of women’s hockey and men’s and women’s swimming and diving, whose total budgets in the Athletics Department were $2.3 million. That didn’t mean, however, that UND Athletics all of a sudden was awash with freed-up cash. Last year’s restructuring anticipated reinvesting about $500,000 of those savings in new scholarships in eight remaining programs (women’s golf, women’s and men’s tennis, women’s and men’s track and cross country, and softball), both maintaining UND’s strong record for gender-equity compliance and enhancing the competitiveness of those programs. Another $200,000 was used to offset increases in scholarship costs, and $100,000 covered increases in health insurance for Athletics Department employees. Also, about $175,000 was needed for contracted salary increases to retain coaches and assistant coaches with proven track records. These financial moves leave UND with a stronger, more competitive athletics program and will be reflected in UND Athletics’ FY18 NCAA report, due at this time next year.
  12. So what’s your concern, then? Seems relatively harmless.
  13. Did we really? According to many on here, UND is going to hell in a hand basket on greased skids.
  14. True. Folks are going to believe what they want to believe. And the paper of record has done a pi$$ poor job getting these things right. But, you know, sensational sells.
  15. I love it when Jeff Dodson tweets about former UND baseballers and what they’re up to. But the update tweets on WIH always seem to be dripping with ulterior motive.
  16. I think you all are making the point just fine, but to put it another way: those former UND players that BS tracks should thank their lucky stars they cut WIH at UND, because it allowed them to transfer into either one of the traditional Big 2 in the WCHA the real reasons UND never could make it) or to a team in a weaker conference where they actually have a chance to play in the tourney. Bottom line: UND's inability to be a top 2 team in the WCHA kept these players out of the tourney. And coaching, it sounds like.
  17. Moser, are you that crank on KNOX Radio who calls in under the pseudonym ”UND in 3 years guy”?? Your rants on here are awfully similar to his on the radio. Dude, UND is a big organization with lots of moving parts. Things are not the same as they were in 2008. Some things are worse off, others are far better off, and still others don’t exist at all anymore, for better or for worse. Such is the evolution of a big public organization that thrives or struggles depending on the prices of oil and wheat, and that has a transient population that moves on every 4-6 years. It’s been changing since 1883. Ever hear the old saying “you can’t go home again”? Dynamic organizations like colleges and cities are not static. They change — constantly. So please spare us the threads from 2008, and in the immortal words of Aaron Rodgers: “R-E-L-A-X.” Just because the grass always looks greener on the other side doesn’t mean it necessarily is.
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