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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    I have nothing against Mussman outside of his coaching. I've ran into him at a bar a shared some drinks before. He's a good guy. I just don't think he is a head coach at the FCS or higher level. Maybe he develops into one down the road, I'm sure there are coaches that have taken awhile to develop and gone on to become decent coaches. How long should we wait to see if Muss has what it takes? He hasn't shown much yet...
  2. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    So you think the schedule UND played last year is on par with the schedule we have played this year in terms of strength?
  3. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    Agree...also a big jump in the level of competition should be taken into account.
  4. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    I've actually been pretty quiet on all of the football threads since the season began. I have stated in the past, that Mussman is not the guy for the job. I figured I would let the season play out before saying anything this year. But as UND-FB-Fan has said, he hasn't done anything to change my mind. Maybe it's as simple as changing the DLine coach, but I fear it's much more than that.
  5. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    Comments such as "We were only a play or two from turning the game in our favor," or "we ran into a good football team" today. It may just be my observation, but he doesn't come across as a head coach when he's being interviewed or when he's on the sideline. He seems to lack the fire, intensity, and demand for respect that a good head coach should have. Again, maybe it's just my preference for what to look for in a head coach...
  6. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    Exactly. But even more alarming is we aren't competing with the "good teams." The team under Mussman's watch just have not looked good. Too many penalties, bad tackling...you can go on and on...
  7. It's because you always bring the bison into the conversation. Take a look at the Montana game thread for example, after your post about schedules and how NDSU would do against it, the thread went to He!! Talk about the bison in this thread all you want but please don't bring them up in the other threads.
  8. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    What has he done to earn another year? He's on OC at best at this level. He brought in a 5th year senior (FBS) transfer and has recruited a few wide receivers which has translated to a couple of wins this years. Outside of that he has been out coached much of the season and continues to say ridiculous comments to the media. At this point every other GWFC team that is now in the Big Sky is ahead of where UND is.
  9. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    Time to fire up this thread again? I am getting very frustrated with Mussman coached teams. The last several years we have had undisciplined teams, have gone into games unprepared as evidenced by our first half scores, and are unable to make any kinds of adjustments at the half. Our best win this year is Montana which is having their worst year in probably 20 years. Yes, I'm a bit emotional after the pathetic display today, but we haven't come close to competing against any good teams this year. SUU just knocked off EWU. UNC knocked off NAU. Something needs to be done in the off season, whether it's the head coach or on the defensive side...this is just unacceptable. Edit: I guess UNC lost to NAU, but only by three...
  10. Since this has turned into a bit of a Braden Hanson thread. I figure it's ok to post this article here: http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/247884/ Braden's dad was actually sitting in front of me for most of the third quarter of the Montana game. Nice guy and you could tell he get's a bit nervous when his son is out there. I didn't want to distract him too much with questions, but he did say his son is enjoying his time at UND. I agree that we will need to bring in some help next year at the QB position. It would be nice if we could get someone the caliber of Braden Hanson, but I don't think the odds are in our favor. It's too bad a lot of people in GF aren't taking advantage of seeing him play. He's a talent that we don't get in GF, for UND or their opponents QB's, very often.
  11. Sorry to bring this thread again, but here is an example of what can happen when a person commits forgery in the real world... http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/247779/
  12. I believe UND-1 was referring to Coach Bohl...as in he will be moving on to bigger and better things in the near future so he doesn't care if his players are getting in trouble at this point...
  13. This thread has turned into what every thread UND thread on AGS turns into which is NDSU feeling the need to "correct" everyone and anyone whenever they feel they have been the least bit slighted. I've said it before and I will say it again, you don't see UND fans continually monitoring Bville or other boards waiting for bison fans to disrespect UND so we can get into a "pissing" match...well maybe outside of one UND fan. Yet that's all that Bison fans seem to do. The only way to stop it is to ignore their trolling... I will give this thread a "third" to lock down since no one is talking the Montana game anymore.
  14. They've already been up here once...2 or 3 years ago, I forget which. EDIT: it was the 2009-2010 season. Unfortunately it was one of UND's uglier games...here is the recap: http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPID=6388&DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=204860134
  15. I initially had thoughts about making the trip for this game. However due to work obligations, and the way the season turned, I have decided against it this year. A couple of things have me worried about this game. First off, the cats are coming off a loss and have had two weeks to think about it as well as to prepare for UND. I also believe the weather could play a factor. I know we have a lot of "cold weather" guys on the team and we practice outdoors. However, how many of them have played a game in cold weather conditions and had to execute at a high level against a high quality opponent for 60 minutes? With the offense we have, I think we can play with any team in the country. With the defense we have, we can lose to any team in the country. Hopefully we can play some defense and sneak out a win but as of now I don't like our chances. I reserve my right to change my mind later in the week however...as others have stated...it depends on what type of pep talk geaux_sioux gives throughout the week. Here's a link to MSU's message board...some funny look a likes on there already... http://bobcatnation.com/bobcatbb/viewforum.php?f=20
  16. Sorry Darrell but your post is the one that ignited this debate and hijacked the thread. A word of advice, next time ignore the troll... I say the mods lock this thread and if people still want to talk about the Montana game, they can start up a "Montana Post-Game" thread.
  17. According to this article, she is a recruited walk on. http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/247442/
  18. Yeah, that's kind of what I got out of it too. I haven't seen any of his other work, but it's nice to see UND Football being discussed and exposed to another new audience (if anyone watches it) with this preview. It was also kind of nice to be called the Fighting Sioux again...
  19. The chatter about the UND-Griz game is finally starting to pick up on egriz. I came across a video preview of the UND...er should I say Fighting Sioux-Griz Matchup. This guy also seems to think Hendrickson will be the QB on Saturday...enjoy... http://www.egriz.com/grizboard/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=59546
  20. Ok, I know this game has lost some of it's luster with the way that both teams seasons are playing out, but I still find it a bit odd that there is so little chatter about this game from the Griz fans. I have yet to see a Griz fan post on siouxsports this week. AlphaGriz was here a few weeks ago, but not lately. I also went to egriz last evening and found no chatter/talk about this game. Going in to the season, I figured this would be the week that would have quite a bit of action in the football forums, especially considering the fan interest of Griz nation. I haven't posted much myself just because I have been so disgusted with how the season has played, primarily with the defensive side of the ball. As the saying goes, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. So I will continue to bite my tongue for bit longer, but there better be something positive out of the defense these next few weeks. If not, count me in the group who wants to see some coaching changes... Edit: Guess I have to edit this statement. Just went to Egriz and saw there is now a thread for the game...although it was started by one of our own... Bincitysioux...
  21. So to summerize what you said, NDSU won't play us because they are afraid of losing.
  22. This. UND has a real good Sophomore class. We may be struggling a bit this year (and hopefully we can still make a run come tourney time), but the next couple of years could be a lot of fun for UND vb fans.
  23. Although I'm disappointed with the performance the football team has displayed the last few weeks just as much as the next guy, I'm not going to give up on them. I'm not going to get into how I feel about the team on this post but rather post about the "buzz" comment. You may be right, but it is still Homecoming and I've heard from quite a few people who are planning on going. In fact, I'm part of a group that is hosting the "Grand Forks Volleyball" group tailgate party on Saturday. We are expecting between 20-30 people to come out and tailgate and go to the football game. Hoping for a good crowd, good weather...and hopefully some good football from the home team! Having said all that, I would expect around 9,000-9,500 for this game.
  24. That, and the fact that "The Wave" is outdated an longer the thing to do. I have never liked the wave, however, I do recall the unique wave which used to be done in the mid 90's at the old Ralph. At least it was the first time I had seen it done. It would begin with a regular wave for the first couple of rounds and then a few of the students who were leading it, would slow it down. Then when it came back around, they would make it make it super fast. That's about the only time I enjoyed watching the wave.
  25. Here you go...enjoy! http://www.bigskyfans.com/eagles/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1326
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