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Next year's roster

Chuck Schwartz

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A- bina=the guy should have a damn movie of his life- the senior (i want to pick him as captain, but Kaip just seems more visibly like a leader)

A-duncan=hobey duh

C-Kaip= the unheralded bruiser who leads by example

A-Oshie= everytime on the ice, he is always the hardest worker, giving up his body, making plays with physicality or talent

Why doesn't Oshie's name come up for captain?

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I really like the way Kozek and Miller play. They both have good shots....and Kozek is a really hard worker on the ice. You can't teach hard work. Let's stay on the positive with these guys, we don't need anymore negativity with some of our current players like another couple I can think of.

Here's what I think:





Other possibilities....


A-Bina (Judy's incident hinders his chances)


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Kozek will not be on the first line, his stride is painful to watch and he isn't good. Forney can be good but he will not be in there because he hasn't proven himself. Miller won't be on that line unless they are playing Quinnipiac because that the only way he is a factor. Malone is way over-hyped, (yea you heard it here first). Vandevelde is probably the best fit there because of his skill level.

Potential Departures: Toews

Hopeful Departures: Lee, Finley, Kozek.

Live to play with himself you crack me up,Kozek is olaying a role he is not used to and playing hurt(off season surgery),Miller is basically a Freshman and I am sure you have never seen Malone play. Being a Sioux fan,if you really are you can be critical of plays but you really should support all the Sioux players not just the ones you deem worthy. I for one hope all the players come back and Finley and Lee even come back for their senior years.

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I thought a hockey team could only have two A's and one C? Or you could have three C's.

this years team had one C and three A's. I think that is what you can have, though I think there is a couple of teams who have two C's. It might just be that you can have four and divide it up in whatever way that you want.

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Why does he even bother scouting when he can tap into the expertise on this board? :silly:

You know I really have to question Lives-To-Play with himself's reasoning. I mean honestly Hakstol doesn't recruit hack jobs to play on his team, malone will probably be a big time player. Kozek, still will be a scorer before he leaves UND just a prediction. Imagine, we have only about 180 days to argue about all this stuff. Funny thing is, if the board shut down today, I am willing to bet that Hak and co would still be able to coach the team even without our help. :)

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Kozek will not be on the first line, his stride is painful to watch and he isn't good. Forney can be good but he will not be in there because he hasn't proven himself. Miller won't be on that line unless they are playing Quinnipiac because that the only way he is a factor. Malone is way over-hyped, (yea you heard it here first). Vandevelde is probably the best fit there because of his skill level.

Potential Departures: Toews

Hopeful Departures: Lee, Finley, Kozek.

To players, friends and family that might be reading this, I assure you he speaks for no-one, has established he knows nothing, and annoys us probably as much as he annoys you...

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You know I really have to question Lives-To-Play with himself's reasoning. I mean honestly Hakstol doesn't recruit hack jobs to play on his team, malone will probably be a big time player. Kozek, still will be a scorer before he leaves UND just a prediction. Imagine, we have only about 180 days to argue about all this stuff. Funny thing is, if the board shut down today, I am willing to bet that Hak and co would still be able to coach the team even without our help. :D

NOW I think you're getting a little too optimistic.

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Now that's crazy talk. :silly:

I have been up all night at work so I am a little tired and I suppose the lack of sleep has clouded my judgement.

That would be funny to see how Lives-to-play's analysis is recieved by the Central Scouting.

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We're spending too much time on Lives to Play's opinion. He's wrong. He was proven wrong again this year. He'll progbably be proven wrong again next year.

Let him and his overactive sense of disrespect spout his worthless opinion. Just ignore it. Most of us know what we'd lose if they all left.

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We're spending too much time on Lives to Play's opinion. He's wrong. He was proven wrong again this year. He'll progbably be proven wrong again next year.

Let him and his overactive sense of disrespect spout his worthless opinion. Just ignore it. Most of us know what we'd lose if they all left.

I think its funny watching the response he gets from people after his posts.

Wait till everyone gets up and has a chance to read it.

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Kozek will not be on the first line, his stride is painful to watch and he isn't good. Forney can be good but he will not be in there because he hasn't proven himself. Miller won't be on that line unless they are playing Quinnipiac because that the only way he is a factor. Malone is way over-hyped, (yea you heard it here first). Vandevelde is probably the best fit there because of his skill level.

Potential Departures: Toews

Hopeful Departures: Lee, Finley, Kozek.

To quote Debra Barone: "... I'm tired, just call yourself an idiot."

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Well, here's my shot at the lines for next year...





Hextall and Martens will probably be the ones fighting for PT, but I think Martens could be a nice surprise next year and contribute a bit. Plus this is all assuming Toews makes the jump.

As for defense, I think Lee will go... that leaves





Now I really believe Marto is going to be a really nice player at UND, but it might take him some time to work and earn his way into the lineup...I could see him either replacing Genoway, or playing at a forward spot by the end of the year. But just like Bina did, he's going to have to force the coaching staff to not sit him. For captaincy...I think it's Chorney, and Bina and Kaip the A's...but I wouldn't be surprised to see Vandy get one, or maybe Finley.


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I think its funny watching the response he gets from people after his posts.

Wait till everyone gets up and has a chance to read it.

Everytime I see him quoted, it reaffirms my adding him to the ignored list.

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Well, here's my shot at the lines for next year...





Hextall and Martens will probably be the ones fighting for PT, but I think Martens could be a nice surprise next year and contribute a bit. Plus this is all assuming Toews makes the jump.

As for defense, I think Lee will go... that leaves


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Oh, I want to give this a try. I will go sans Toews and hope badly to be proven wrong...

Duncan - Oshie - Genoway - I like Genoway hear, because he can take some defensive pressure off Oshie.

Watkins - VV - Trupp - If Trupp is healthy he can be the play maker that the second line needs.

Kozek - Kaip - Malone - Big physical Line that can score.

Radke - Zajac - Miller - No matter what the combination, due to a lack of defections this will be our best 4th in a long time.

Out: Hamilton, Martens, Hextall, Forney

Chorney - Lee

Finley - Bina

Jones - LaPoint

Out: Marto

Ouch, this is hard. Hamilton despite the numbers was a top player for AA 2 seasons ago.

Hextall will somehow get in and play a Prpich style, with potentially more scoring (good) and more penalties (bad and yes that is possible).

And Martens has showed he is a hard worker. Also recall that Martens perhaps put on more weight than anyone else on the team last off season and if he does it again this summer look for him to find a way onto a physical checking line.

Forney, I don't know, he is one of our guys so you hope for the best, I'm just not sure he'll ever be healthy.

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It just doesn't make sense to me to have our top two centers on the same line. Vandy is our best Center, IMO, especially on draws and he is good in front of the net getting a stick on a puck. I was actually thinking this season that Vandy would have helped with the style of play that oshie and toews play because they skate circles around everyone and get shots off, but because they cycle around the outside, there usually isn't anyone to clean up the rebounds. I think Vandy can play this role next season. He is great on faceoffs and has shown the ability to put the puck in the net. I don't buy the chemistry argument for Vandy and Watkins because they didn't play together for most of the season. If Forney isn't healthy, I think Watkins centering Trupp and Miller or Genoway would be an interesting line with a lot of speed and scoring ability.

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why does it seem like everybody thinks malone is one of the players that will have to compete to get playing time?

EDIT: maybe not everybody...

not me but there will be a battle for the last forward spot even with toews leaving whenever that is

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