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I'm no expert on finding out who did what on the internet.......but can't they trace the EXACT computer that something came from?

I believe so, although I'm certainly no expert on network security.

But consider just how absurd Gary's defense is.

First, I've had to help Sioux-cia send a JPG by e-mail, so she's not exactly the type of person with the expertise to go around hacking into wireless networks. Sorry, Jo. :lol:

Second, what kind of moron sets up an unsecured wireless network in an apartment building?

Third, Sioux-cia or I would have had to have known Gary had a wireless network. Never having been in his apartment or apartment building, how would I/we know that?

Fourth, even if I knew that Gary had a wireless network (which I didn't), how would I know which specific wireless signal was his if there was more than one signal coming out of the building? Or would the same idiot who set up an unsecured wireless network in an apartment building be stupid enough to set its SSID as "Gary LaPointe's Open-To-the-World Wireless Network"?

Fifth, until a couple of weeks ago when I set up a wireless network, I had no idea how they worked or how to make them secure. Most people who neglect to make their wireless networks secure use the default SSID, which is typically something like linksys, netgear, belkin, etc. So it's doubtful that even if Gary was the totally clueless Internet dweeb he now claims he was, it's doubtful that he would have known enough to change his wireless network's SSID to something that would tell the outside world it was his.

At any rate, Gary is weaving quite a tangled Web for himself.

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I work for an ISP, and YES, they can trace activity from a computer on the Internet.

When there is a complaint, it is handled through the police via a subpoena. This is the only time that we do the digging involved to gather information to trace "hacking" or "cracking" or any type of harassment that would warrant it.

So yes, be careful what you do on the Internet, they will find you if you do anything illegal and someone goes to the police about it.

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I have never been a reader of the DS - But it sure seems to be taken over by the real Hostile & Abusive folks in all of this - I don't think a College Newspaper should be so Unbalanced & Unfair (is it tax supported) ?

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Lesson 1.

A networked computer must have some sort of network card. Every network card must have a unique MAC address from the manufacturer. MAC addresses can be spoofed.

Lesson 2.

A computer must be associated with a public IP address to be on the Internet. IP addresses resolve in various ways to a MAC address. IP addresses can also be spoofed.

Lesson 3.

Spoofing is easy enough, both MAC and IP addresses, but gets more complex as more security measures are in place. Tracing and logging who and what are going where and when is also not that difficult if the effort is put in place.

Lesson 4.

I need to get back to work...

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I know what its like to be a UND student just trying to get educated but many people get so caught up in this debate that even the professors stop doing what they are supposed be doing, and focus on the 'issue' in its class, as one woman phrased it to me after a racist comment was made towards native americans and myself

Not sure who posted this. But I would like to respond in part to shed light on the professor at UND.

I have several degree's from UND, one of which is a minor in communications. I feel VERY slighted in that the education I received from that department was sub-par at best. Most of my classes revolved around professors who would rather do nothing but discuss the nickname issue and trash on any student who was in favor of the nickname.

One of the few C's I received in undergrad came from a graphics design class. Our final project was to be a social activist project. I choose (against my better judgement) to do a pro-Sioux nickname poster, and very quickly received an F and a lecture, result in my overall grade going from an A to a C. My appeal fell on deaf ears in O'Kelly hall. I even had graphic designers on my side saying it was an excellent, professional quality project. All that because I was pro-Sioux.

I've also witnessed it go the other way, activists sticking up for their beliefs, trashed on because of those beliefs. It is a sad thing to witness.

In regards to the MBA dept. from which I recently graduated. The professors in that department are nothing, but the utmost professionals. Not once in my two years as an MBA student did I directly or indirectly hear any professor even refer to the nickname in any manner.

In my opinion, without knowing much of LaPointe, I am inclined to believe he came across Dr. Wamsganss' accounting class or Dr. Nam's quantitative management class and couldn't hack it. There are quite a few people who drop out every semester from the MBA program for various reasons, it would be interesting to see if LaPointe every returns to any school to finish his degree. But I will say this, whatever his reason, he did not come across racism or hostile environs within the confines of the MBA program.

It is interesting to note, due to the timing of it all, that Dr. Nelson just resigned as the director of the program this past week. Susan is also the head of the Sport Marketing programing in the CoBPA. She is a wonderful person, and I highly doubt her resignation is in anyway related to this issue. But the timing is interesting.

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I have never been a reader of the DS - But it sure seems to be taken over by the real Hostile & Abusive folks in all of this - I don't think a College Newspaper should be so Unbalanced & Unfair (is it tax supported) ?

Student Fees are used in funding the DS. The DS is overseen by the Board of Student Publications, a standing committee of Student Government as the role of publisher. They are required to put in a disclaimer that states:

Opinions expressed in this publication are not neccessarily those of UND, Student Government, the Board of Student Publications, or the administration,faculy,staff,or student body of UND.

BOSP as the board is commonly referred to as, is in charge of hiring the DS editor every spring. I have not yet read the articles that were in today's paper,so i can't really comment on them. I am on this board so if any students have something they would like us to look for in an editor, please pm me. I can't guarentee anything because we have to work with the applicants that we get, but i can try.

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First, I'm not going to claim this is what Gary thinks, but I think it is a possibility (as out there as it may be):

I've seen people of minority who feel entitled in everything they undertake because they feel they are doing their small part to pave the way for others of their minority. This, in itself, is alright I guess. I don't think any minority should be held on the outside looking in, but when times get tough for these people, they will make attempts to remedy the situation and, if that remedy is unsatisfactory, they will lump it into a smiliar sort of persecution that plagued their race some amount of years in the past (depending upon the minority in question). Sure, that's despicable and unfair, but think of this: It is how they are raised.

If Native American children are being raised to believe that all the white people think they are inferior and bad people, stupid people, or are out looking for an excuse to lock the reservations back up, how do you suppose they will react towards institutions brought upon by what they consider a "white man's government" such as education, employment, and so on? They grow up only being able to handle criticism by Native Americans on Native American issues. If a White person happens to criticise them or place them in a challenging situation it isn't like it is if that person was white (in which case it would be called "life") it is persecution. That's why the best numbers of high school graduation rates are below 55% in most states (perhaps even all states), why unemployment and crime is so high in the reservation and among Native Americans outside of the reservation.

White persecution of the Native Americans DID happen, but it really has stopped (except for the rare isolated incident here and there) in the past 40 years. Right now, they are living a self-fulfilled prophecy.

Their plight is truly sad because if they truly did stand up and say "I'm going to move beyond perceptions and succeed regardless of what happens to me" I think they'd be better off, even if that success is only limited to what they do on the reservation.

Now, there are Native Americans who have succeeded in life and have good, healthy attitudes both towards their own people and towards the rest of humanity, but there are simply not enough of them. And I don't know what we can do to help remedy this since White people are not trusted at best.

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...like it or not...Gary has now made himself a "martyr" for his cause in the eyes of his supporters. A lot of martyrs throughout history have never been questioned as to their actions - only the results. I did find the Dakota Students editorial disappointing...they were willing to accept internet posts as "proof" there is a racist attitude out there despite solid information there was another side to the story. Nice to see they're teaching the students now to "just sell papers!" rather than do some actual work....

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That whole threat on the Dakota Stupid site has become a rediculous, of course our school fish wrapper the Dakota Stupid ate it all up. They had their story of a life time, their 15 minutes of fame. I suppose its tough when no one reads your paper. I mean really, there isn't a friday when school is in session that you can't find a 100 of them laying on the floor in the Memorial Union, being walked on and or blown down the street. Every school I can think of has a better school newspaper than UND. It funny how Lapointe got his platform to spew his rhetoric. I mean really, you quit school go away. This is why It leads me to believe that he flunked out of school or just couldn't cut the mustard in a business class so he decided to drop out, I can't falt him for that. Also, the fact that his name is on paperwork in the law suit makes it fishy for me. What is his agenda?

Our own SS.com member Sioux-CIA has done a pretty good job of stating the facts and showing them how GK is really not who they think he is then GK supporters/minions pontificate run there mouth on and on about how they are being oppressed and held back by the nick name and whitey, and UND is such a rasit univeristy, to hear these people talk you would have thought Adolf Hitler and Ralph Englestad were brother or relatives.

I would love to ask some of these people If this is true and UND is such a bad place why stay here. Why are they still going to school here. I mean why go to school at UND go off to all these other so called great places. If this is really true why are all of these professors still teaching here at the this second class university (We have been told because of the name this is a second class college and we are being held back because of the name).

I know there is a whole bunch of these like minded individuals in the social sciences constantly complaining about the name, the University, REA and who else makes them mad that day. My advice to them is if this place is so bad quit, follow Lapointe. I'd love to tell my former professor if UND is so bad go teach lectures somewhere else. Go learn somewhere else. The name was here long before they got here.

I am surprised the great Johnny Hoff hasn't cut in with his two cents (I think that is all he has). This debat has become the same old tired crap, being rehashed again, and again. I know of like two incidents that have happened since I been in Grand Forks (1993) and one of them was the tomahawk chop by the frat boys, during the home coming parade. I haven't even heard of anything even remotely that bad since that incident. Of course the pro name change people claim have all kinds of so called anecdotal evidence of wrong doing but nothing in the form of real hard evidence to back it up their claims. The pictures of shirt they have are already 16 years old.

Edited by Goon
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Somehow, I think you arrived on this Board with your agenda already in hand. :blush:

You figured that out too, huh? It's pretty obvious. He/she won't respond to intelligent posts, but just looks for any type of sentence he/she can twist to make us seem hostile and abusive. Glad I'm not the only one to see what this poster is up to.

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So now we're moving onto not liking me? Well, I guess, I wasn't liked from the beginninng just because I wanted to see more maturity out of some of the posters on here.

I'm not an active protester. If I was, I guess I would have known about a protest that apparently happened this weekend, that you must be referring to? I just simply support a name change. I would like to see one that has nothing to do with people. I don't agree with any human being to be used as a mascot. I was involved in sports and know what comes out of our mouths during a game. I'm not politically correct but I try to be polite, even when people are cruel to me. But at the same time, I'll stand up for what I believe in. Whether its something I chose to believe in 10 minutes ago, or something 10 years ago.

Then I've been challenged about why haven't I been responding. Because I have a life outside of this message board and don't read it daily. I'm sorry I'm not living up to your expectations for a debate. Even if I were, there's been far too many messages/posts up here that I'd want to respond to. And I don't want to constantly argue if I know a person doesn't want to really hear what a person has to say, they'd rather rip that person or that person's statement to shreds.

I didn't come here just to argue. I've been reading these boards for the past year on occassion to try to keep up on UND sports, since I don't have time to watch every game and I don't memorize everything to do with sports. I have a life outside of this sports hobby of mine. But I when I did read posts about Mr. LaPointe, I was quick to join yes. I didn't know anything of his apparent hacking. Which I don't know if I believe, but I don't disbelieve either. But I guess I'm dim if I say innocent until proven guilty. And from what I've gathered that it hasn't been proven yet.

And I do not understand why everytime this nickname is brought up that Native Americans are ridiculed. Especially about so called free rides or their upbringing. I don't know any Native Americans that have a free ride as many state it. Yes there are plenty of scholarships for Native Americans. Same goes for African Americans. Same goes for Catholic Daughters of America, or whatever it is called. Same goes for children of the American Legion, etc. The list goes on. Scholarships are given to particular groups yes.

As for Native Americans, we do strive to do better in todays society. There are many Native Americans that are successful but it is still unbalanced yes, and most live in a povern state. Many of us work towards making things better for our people. I left my home several years ago because I knew that I had a better chance for a life off reservation. Someday I'd like to return and make improvements as well. But I'm out here learning so that I can help educate others. Yes reservations are generally poor. Many reservations have perhaps a gas station, public utilities, a grocery store, a church, a school and a clinic, if that. But many people try to bring more to the reservations such as chains, whether its a car dealership, a clothing store, etc but many chains won't come to reservations, or put so many stipulations that its almost impossible. And I know this because I've tried. So of course we can't grow economically to support each other unless we move off reservation. And not all reservations resort to opening Casinos to support their people. And even if they open a casino, it doesn't mean it is successful. There are very few casinos where they have so much profit that they can give each member a check monthly. And many reservations don't live where there is a great traffic flow to get people to come to their casinos.

Stating that in the past 40 years the government has tried to make things right for Native Americans is a laugh. Unless you've lived on a reservation for 40 years, you'd know that's inaccurate. Yes they are improving something yes. But taking away a lot too. On one reservation, their population is 14,000+ and they have maybe 2 permanent doctors to care for that many people. I have been told that they are also attempting to close the food pantry on that particular reservation. This reservation has 50% or more poverty and yet they're trying to get rid of basic commodities? That doesn't sound like improvement.

On that note, In my generation many of us are the first to graduate from high school, let alone attend college. Luckily in my family, we are third generation to graduate from high school and even college. But not many families are so fortunate nor successful. What is unfortunate that through the education my cultural traditions were not handed down to me through my family because they were taken away 2 generations ago when my grandparents and parents were at boarding schools, where they were not allowed to practice those traditions nor speak their native tongue. Luckily my father didn't attend boarding school, so through him I've learned a little bit of my family's background. It was Great Aunts and Uncles that weren't fortunate to recieve even a lower education that have taught me about my family and who I am. They weren't racist or refer to off reservation as 'white man' land or anything like that, as suggested on some threads. And going back to education, I remember one of the most intelligent girls in my class was taken out of school her senior by her mother so that she can go to Job-Core (I'm not sure what exactly its called) so that she can get a job faster to support her siblings. I had not seen her in years, but I was graced by her presence when visiting home. She said that despite any assistance her family recieved it wasn't enough to pay bills such as heat, or put clothes on her siblings. She's doing better now, but her siblings are first to graduate from her family. So yes many of us do try to educate ourselves. And why attend UND? Well many of us who've attended UND never thought it would be such an issue. My own father warned me about the nickname, but it wasn't something he or I thought would be so bothersome. And at the time we supported the nickname. And if you're trying to survive or make life better, we picked a college just like any other average person. What we can afford, if we can have any financial assistance, what programs are available in the degree we are chosing and what makes us comfortable. I chose UND because of two different programs I thought I wanted to be part of. Eventually it became only one.

My parents were never racist, none of my family ever was, how can we be when were are so extremely interracial? Well, my grandfather (God rest his soul) was, but even in his later years, he realized it was wrong, even the last time I spoke to him, he said he felt bad that in his younger years for things he had said. So my stance on this issue isn't because my family told me to think a particular way. Well I take that back. They did tell me don't let people do you wrong by making you feel bad about who you are or where you came from.

I also think I know who someone's referring to about an instructor who clearly is an active protestor about the nickname. I don't agree with her if she's truly giving out poor grades because of what you choose as far as a stance on the issue. But that's exactly how I felt about the man who was supposed to be an instructor to me, and didn't give me a second glance in class until I had stated that I supported the nickname. I felt cheated out of an equal education. But you know, he taught me more than he thought. What a pity is to go through life being so consumed in something like sports when he clearly isn't involved in it at all except going to games or throwing frozen beavers on the street when Minnesota is visiting.

If I've called names, my apologies. I don't recall doing so, but apparently I have. That's not my nature at all. Someone must have clearly upset me, and I stooped to their level.

And once again that research paper was very ridiculous. That definitely shows one person's upbringing.

And he will pass on ignorance, which we can all do without.

So even if you respond to what I'm posting here, forgive me if I don't respond. I don't have much time to give you all personally. And some of you, I guess I choose to ignore it because it's just too ridiculous for me. I feel like I'm in a playground getting my braids pulled on, just like Ms. D Lajimodiere had stated once in a column. And I'm really getting tired of it.

Thank you if you've read this, I'm sure I've hit and missed somethings... but I hope some of you have learned something positive and will remember it.

I must get back to life, which is a good one yes.

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That whole threat on the Dakota Stupid site has become a rediculous, of course our school fish wrapper the Dakota Stupid ate it all up. They had their story of a life time, their 15 minutes of fame. I suppose its tough when no one reads your paper. I mean really, there isn't a friday when school is in session that you can't find a 100 of them laying on the floor in the Memorial Union, being walked on and or blown down the street. Every school I can think of has a better school newspaper than UND. It funny how Lapointe got his platform to spew his rhetoric. I mean really, you quit school go away. This is why It leads me to believe that he flunked out of school or just couldn't cut the mustard in a business class so he decided to drop out, I can't falt him for that. Also, the fact that his name is on paperwork in the law suit makes it fishy for me. What is his agenda?

Our own SS.com member Sioux-CIA has done a pretty good job of stating the facts and showing them how GK is really not who they think he is then GK supporters/minions pontificate run there mouth on and on about how they are being oppressed and held back by the nick name and whitey, and UND is such a rasit univeristy, to hear these people talk you would have thought Adolf Hitler and Ralph Englestad were brother or relatives.

I would love to ask some of these people If this is true and UND is such a bad place why stay here. Why are they still going to school here. I mean why go to school at UND go off to all these other so called great places. If this is really true why are all of these professors still teaching here at the this second class university (We have been told because of the name this is a second class college and we are being held back because of the name).

I know there is a whole bunch of these like minded individuals in the social sciences constantly complaining about the name, the University, REA and who else makes them mad that day. My advice to them is if this place is so bad quit, follow Lapointe. I'd love to tell my former professor if UND is so bad go teach lectures somewhere else. Go learn somewhere else. The name was here long before they got here.

I am surprised the great Johnny Hoff hasn't cut in with his two cents (I think that is all he has). This debat has become the same old tired crap, being rehashed again, and again. I know of like two incidents that have happened since I been in Grand Forks (1993) and one of them was the tomahawk chop by the frat boys, during the home coming parade. I haven't even heard of anything even remotely that bad since that incident. Of course the pro name change people claim have all kinds of so called anecdotal evidence of wrong doing but nothing in the form of real hard evidence to back it up their claims. The pictures of shirt they have are already 16 years old.

The so called tomahawk chop incident has kind of grown into an urban myth. It happened in 1992 and the tomahawk chop was done in response to a couple of guys giving each other crap about who was going to win the world series that year. A couple Blue Jay fans along the parade route were chirping at a couple guys(friends of theirs) who where wearing Atlanta Braves gear and they responding with the tomahawk chop. It was blown WAY out of proportion and exaggerated to the point that now people treat it like it happened the way it has been twisted.

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So now we're moving onto not liking me? Well, I guess, I wasn't liked from the beginninng just because I wanted to see more maturity out of some of the posters on here.

Why is it that it seems as though if we are pro-nickname, we are not mature? Seriously, I don't like either side saying "I don't like you because you don't agree with my opinion." That's rather immature in itself and, sorry, undsportsfan, it isn't just coming out of the pro-nickname side of the argument. And, no one thus far has said they don't like you.

I didn't come here just to argue. I've been reading these boards for the past year on occassion to try to keep up on UND sports, since I don't have time to watch every game and I don't memorize everything to do with sports. I have a life outside of this sports hobby of mine. But I when I did read posts about Mr. LaPointe, I was quick to join yes. I didn't know anything of his apparent hacking. Which I don't know if I believe, but I don't disbelieve either. But I guess I'm dim if I say innocent until proven guilty. And from what I've gathered that it hasn't been proven yet.
Unless Jim Dahl (the mod) has anything different to say about this, I believe it has been proven that it was Gary LaPointe. Whether you believe it or not, Sioux-cia isn't one to lie about such things.

And I do not understand why everytime this nickname is brought up that Native Americans are ridiculed. Especially about so called free rides or their upbringing. I don't know any Native Americans that have a free ride as many state it. Yes there are plenty of scholarships for Native Americans. Same goes for African Americans. Same goes for Catholic Daughters of America, or whatever it is called. Same goes for children of the American Legion, etc. The list goes on. Scholarships are given to particular groups yes.

I don't recall a scholarship only for african americans. However, the point is valid in ONE certain respect: In a country where every organization is screaming "We treat everyone equally" there seems to be starting an opinion that some ethnicities, religions, and such are "more equal." Native Americans aren't being ridiculed for being Native Americans. They are in a bad way right now. I feel bad for them.

As for Native Americans, we do strive to do better in todays society. There are many Native Americans that are successful but it is still unbalanced yes, and most live in a povern state. Many of us work towards making things better for our people. I left my home several years ago because I knew that I had a better chance for a life off reservation. Someday I'd like to return and make improvements as well. But I'm out here learning so that I can help educate others. Yes reservations are generally poor. Many reservations have perhaps a gas station, public utilities, a grocery store, a church, a school and a clinic, if that. But many people try to bring more to the reservations such as chains, whether its a car dealership, a clothing store, etc but many chains won't come to reservations, or put so many stipulations that its almost impossible. And I know this because I've tried. So of course we can't grow economically to support each other unless we move off reservation. And not all reservations resort to opening Casinos to support their people. And even if they open a casino, it doesn't mean it is successful. There are very few casinos where they have so much profit that they can give each member a check monthly. And many reservations don't live where there is a great traffic flow to get people to come to their casinos.
Here's where cultures collide. I don't think Native Americans should strive to support each other. They should strive to support THEMSELVES. If they say "enough is enough" as a society and start working for themselves, they won't need government or casino handouts. They won't need people leaving the reservation to build enough money to return one day and make improvements. For however long there is someone out there willing to give away everything they need to survive at the cost of someone else's penny, there will be no incentive for improvement. This is not a Native American problem, though, this is an American problem. It just seems more visible with Native Americans (media? I don't know who's to blame for that).

Stating that in the past 40 years the government has tried to make things right for Native Americans is a laugh. Unless you've lived on a reservation for 40 years, you'd know that's inaccurate. Yes they are improving something yes. But taking away a lot too. On one reservation, their population is 14,000+ and they have maybe 2 permanent doctors to care for that many people. I have been told that they are also attempting to close the food pantry on that particular reservation. This reservation has 50% or more poverty and yet they're trying to get rid of basic commodities? That doesn't sound like improvement.

I never stated that the government was trying to make things right. I stated that things have slowly gotten better for minorities (of which Native Americans are one) over the past 40 years. They now have equal rights under the law, have more access to education and employment should they decide to try to do it, than ever before. Is it perfect? No, it's not. Is it better than it was 40 years ago? I defy you to tell me how it was better in the 1950s or earlier. Chances are, it wasn't.

On that note, In my generation many of us are the first to graduate from high school, let alone attend college. Luckily in my family, we are third generation to graduate from high school and even college. But not many families are so fortunate nor successful. What is unfortunate that through the education my cultural traditions were not handed down to me through my family because they were taken away 2 generations ago when my grandparents and parents were at boarding schools, where they were not allowed to practice those traditions nor speak their native tongue. Luckily my father didn't attend boarding school, so through him I've learned a little bit of my family's background. It was Great Aunts and Uncles that weren't fortunate to recieve even a lower education that have taught me about my family and who I am. They weren't racist or refer to off reservation as 'white man' land or anything like that, as suggested on some threads. And going back to education, I remember one of the most intelligent girls in my class was taken out of school her senior by her mother so that she can go to Job-Core (I'm not sure what exactly its called) so that she can get a job faster to support her siblings. I had not seen her in years, but I was graced by her presence when visiting home. She said that despite any assistance her family recieved it wasn't enough to pay bills such as heat, or put clothes on her siblings. She's doing better now, but her siblings are first to graduate from her family. So yes many of us do try to educate ourselves. And why attend UND? Well many of us who've attended UND never thought it would be such an issue. My own father warned me about the nickname, but it wasn't something he or I thought would be so bothersome. And at the time we supported the nickname. And if you're trying to survive or make life better, we picked a college just like any other average person. What we can afford, if we can have any financial assistance, what programs are available in the degree we are chosing and what makes us comfortable. I chose UND because of two different programs I thought I wanted to be part of. Eventually it became only one.
A sad story, for sure, but I still fail to see how the nickname is responsible for this or even a part of it.

My parents were never racist, none of my family ever was, how can we be when were are so extremely interracial? Well, my grandfather (God rest his soul) was, but even in his later years, he realized it was wrong, even the last time I spoke to him, he said he felt bad that in his younger years for things he had said. So my stance on this issue isn't because my family told me to think a particular way. Well I take that back. They did tell me don't let people do you wrong by making you feel bad about who you are or where you came from.

And I don't believe anyone here is trying to do that.

I also think I know who someone's referring to about an instructor who clearly is an active protestor about the nickname. I don't agree with her if she's truly giving out poor grades because of what you choose as far as a stance on the issue. But that's exactly how I felt about the man who was supposed to be an instructor to me, and didn't give me a second glance in class until I had stated that I supported the nickname. I felt cheated out of an equal education. But you know, he taught me more than he thought. What a pity is to go through life being so consumed in something like sports when he clearly isn't involved in it at all except going to games or throwing frozen beavers on the street when Minnesota is visiting.

If I've called names, my apologies. I don't recall doing so, but apparently I have. That's not my nature at all. Someone must have clearly upset me, and I stooped to their level.

And once again that research paper was very ridiculous. That definitely shows one person's upbringing.

And he will pass on ignorance, which we can all do without.

So even if you respond to what I'm posting here, forgive me if I don't respond. I don't have much time to give you all personally. And some of you, I guess I choose to ignore it because it's just too ridiculous for me. I feel like I'm in a playground getting my braids pulled on, just like Ms. D Lajimodiere had stated once in a column. And I'm really getting tired of it.

Thank you if you've read this, I'm sure I've hit and missed somethings... but I hope some of you have learned something positive and will remember it.

I must get back to life, which is a good one yes.

I can appreciate your stance even if I don't believe in it, but there are some things that simply aren't worth fighting over. There is so much to improve in the lives of the Native Americans that this whole issue hardly seems worthy of the time. I'd rather see economic development in reservations or improvement in health care for Native Americans than an elimination of names from the walls of buildings and T-shirts.

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hey UNDSPORTSFAN...here's the real deal (assuming you are NOT associated with "know the facts" or the poster formerly known as "Identity-Kracker") You made a point in your previous post about "making it off the reservation" - that's great! That's exactly what a college (UND) education is designed to do...make you a better educated and more rounded person. Congratulations! You're doing it and will have a better life ahead. You might want to share the wealth!

Believe it or not, a lot of people struggle! No one restricts Indians to a reservation - you're an American citizen too and have every right to pursue whatever you want out of life...it just takes drive! I was just a white kid from rural ND...not particularly gifted but I wanted to get a college education and decided to work my *ss off for it (working part-time jobs 60 hours+ a week just to pay for school!) and I did it!! It doesn't matter if you come from the reservation or a small ND town....THIS IS AMERICA!! You can do what you want if you try!! Stop crying about your situation - take the bull by the horns and make something of yourself - it sounds like you're doing that and I applaude you for it! If UND changed the nickname tomorrow....would it significantly affect your life? NO! Your life is what YOU make of it!

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Why is it that it seems as though if we are pro-nickname, we are not mature? Seriously, I don't like either side saying "I don't like you because you don't agree with my opinion." That's rather immature in itself and, sorry, undsportsfan, it isn't just coming out of the pro-nickname side of the argument. And, no one thus far has said they don't like you.

Unless Jim Dahl (the mod) has anything different to say about this, I believe it has been proven that it was Gary LaPointe. Whether you believe it or not, Sioux-cia isn't one to lie about such things.

I don't recall a scholarship only for african americans. However, the point is valid in ONE certain respect: In a country where every organization is screaming "We treat everyone equally" there seems to be starting an opinion that some ethnicities, religions, and such are "more equal." Native Americans aren't being ridiculed for being Native Americans. They are in a bad way right now. I feel bad for them.

Here's where cultures collide. I don't think Native Americans should strive to support each other. They should strive to support THEMSELVES. If they say "enough is enough" as a society and start working for themselves, they won't need government or casino handouts. They won't need people leaving the reservation to build enough money to return one day and make improvements. For however long there is someone out there willing to give away everything they need to survive at the cost of someone else's penny, there will be no incentive for improvement. This is not a Native American problem, though, this is an American problem. It just seems more visible with Native Americans (media? I don't know who's to blame for that).

I never stated that the government was trying to make things right. I stated that things have slowly gotten better for minorities (of which Native Americans are one) over the past 40 years. They now have equal rights under the law, have more access to education and employment should they decide to try to do it, than ever before. Is it perfect? No, it's not. Is it better than it was 40 years ago? I defy you to tell me how it was better in the 1950s or earlier. Chances are, it wasn't.

A sad story, for sure, but I still fail to see how the nickname is responsible for this or even a part of it.

And I don't believe anyone here is trying to do that.

I can appreciate your stance even if I don't believe in it, but there are some things that simply aren't worth fighting over. There is so much to improve in the lives of the Native Americans that this whole issue hardly seems worthy of the time. I'd rather see economic development in reservations or improvement in health care for Native Americans than an elimination of names from the walls of buildings and T-shirts.

i am just responding to several posts at once. I noticed you just stated that somethings are not worth fighting over, for me the nickname triggers offensive behavior. intentional or not. and it should be corrected. i even went as far as talking to some of those who are more involved with the university and when I mentioned perhaps since we use the nickname, to have requirements that all students must take Indian Studies courses. I was laughed at. But I don't want to get into that. I really didn't want to get into any of this but reading comments here and on all the boards that were suggested, I couldn't help but post that lengthy but very summarized thread above.

i do contribute to many things outside of native american based programs, etc, but i do feel drawn to help the people who've helped me and that i care for on a more personal level. Wouldn't you want to contribute to your family? Because that's who the people are from the band I belong to, my family. Blood or not. They are my family. And I will try to protect them the best that I can.

I never said Sioux-cia is a liar. I just said I don't know if I am certain that it was Mr. LaPointe. But I never said he didn't do it either. Also, I didn't say anyone who is pro-nickname is immature. I said I wanted to see more maturity from some people. Such as the guy who basically said, 'my dad said this, therefore he is correct.' Claiming to have made a research paper. I have many friends and family that are pro-nickname. I don't call them immature for that reason. (though some are immature for other reasons *smiles*) A person's opinion on this particular matter is not going to deter me from maintaining a friendship with them unless they act in a way that I can no longer associate with them. I have said it before, I can understand the loyalty to the name as a sports fan I suppose. But once again, it was stated that somethings are not worth fighting for. So let it go. Embrace a name that isn't so offensive to a person's race and culture.

anyway i really am tired of this. I wish this would all end. But it won't rest until the nickname is changed unfortunately, regardless of how I feel, even if I choose to support it once again, the issue will remain.

best wishes to all of you

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There are things in life that some faction will always disagree with.

Being a functioning part of a civil society is learning that:

(a) not everything will be to your satisfaction

(b) things you enjoy will be the bane of others

We all must live within this framework of satisfaction/dissatisfaction. It's what keeps the whole representative democracy, the great experiment of this country, functioning. It's what keeps us as a country from swinging radically one direction or another.

When enough hit the "dissatisfaction" point on an issue, then action and change occurs. Until then you must work, in a civil manner, to convince others to your point of view.

What we have now is a minority of a minority who are offended by something (see (b) above) and those same folks demanding that their will be imposed on others.

Seeing another's will imposed (think: totalitarianism, censorship, or any of the other great political evils) rammed onto anyone is a bane of my life.

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