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WCHA first round


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Diggler, buddy. Think anti-trust. Think tripled damages.

If UND can prove in court that it's being treated differently than other NCAA members and being put at a competitive disadvantage, the NCAA better be prepared to write some big checks.

Like that whopper the USFL got after beating the NFL in court. Courts take a long time to do anything, and going it alone against a Goliath like the NCAA is not without risks. I'd much rather see cooler heads prevail.

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Like that whopper the USFL got after beating the NFL in court. Courts take a long time to do anything, and going it alone against a Goliath like the NCAA is not without risks. I'd much rather see cooler heads prevail.

My comment is based on the assumption that UND prevails in the name issue either in court or out of court. If that happens, one way or the other, the NCAA can't continue to deny awarding regional playoffs to UND based on the name issue or by pretending it's some other reason.

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My comment is based on the assumption that UND prevails in the name issue either in court or out of court. If that happens, one way or the other, the NCAA can't continue to deny awarding regional playoffs to UND based on the name issue or by pretending it's some other reason.

In that case, I agree, although I really hope Sioux fans snap up tickets soon. First, to keep away the potential swarm of maroon and gold, and second to not give the NCAA any out to in awarding future events to UND/GF. The Elite 8 hoops debacle combined with the relative difficult in traveling to Grand Forks (we really need another airline) are somewhat legitimate strikes against us.

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. . . .I really hope Sioux fans snap up tickets soon. First, to keep away the potential swarm of maroon and gold, and second to not give the NCAA any out to in awarding future events to UND/GF. . . . .

This is a really good point. The local fan base should be snapping these tickets up in droves now. First, the Sioux will be playing. Second, the tickets are actually damned reasonable in price. Third, it will be great hockey, regardless of who is in the field. Solid fan support can only send a positive message to the NCAA. Finally, let fans from the other participating schools twist in the wind, and be forced to rely largely on their team "allotment" from the NCAA. Gopher fans are a bit handcuffed right now, at least those without any foresight or gonads. They oughta be buying West tickets, but they nervously fret and claim that justice should prevail and that they should be sent elsewhere. So, now is a great time to buy. Come March 19, these tickets may well be much more difficult, if not impossible, to buy.

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From what I understand, I don't think it's going to matter in the future. The NCAA wants to hold its regionals at neutral playing sites. If they are truly dedicated to this, then the REA wouldn't get any more regionals anyways. Therefore, it really doesn't matter how many tickets are sold.

Or am I mistaken and what I am thinking of only relates to Frozen Fours?

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The NCAA wants to have regionals at places that are neutral. I think some out east are tired of getting clobbered in the East. Cornell is the first school that comes to mind. Their coach made a complete @$$ out of himself whinning about playing in Minny.

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From what I understand, I don't think it's going to matter in the future. The NCAA wants to hold its regionals at neutral playing sites. If they are truly dedicated to this, then the REA wouldn't get any more regionals anyways. Therefore, it really doesn't matter how many tickets are sold.

Or am I mistaken and what I am thinking of only relates to Frozen Fours?

Couldn't they still hold the regionals and it would remain neutral as long as the Sioux went elsewhere?

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The NCAA may want neutral sites, but they just don't exist in the west. In the next three years, Wisconsin, Minnesota and CC will all be hosting, so I think a good crowd will be important. And like I said, it's important to have fans in the stands wearing green and white rather than maroon and gold. What good is it to bid on and win the regional, then not pack in your own fans.

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What are you saying Slappy. Are you implying that there are some members on this site who don't have a life and have to hang around the Gopher chat for excitement. :lol:

No, I'm implying there are a-holes (not to mention stalkers) in both camps but are too blind to see it. ;)

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My predictions:

Gophs over AA in 2

Pio's over Dogs in 2

Bucky over Tech in 3

CC over JBSU in 3

Mavs over Sioux in 3

I know the Sioux are playing well but the Mavs looked awfully good in sweeping Bucky 2 weeks ago. I would predict them over CC and JBSU too. Should be a great series.

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This time of the year the talent rises to the top. Last year the Sioux did it on the backs of a solid defensive corps, but most importantly the three bonafide NHL players on last year's Sioux team: Zajac, Stafford and Greene all played at the next level. If our NHL players: Stafford, Zajac, Toews, Oshie, Lee, Chorney and Smaby elevate their game to what the Scouts were willing to bet a million bucks on, we will win the series. MSU is good and will come out hard. The Sioux have too much talent and are too deep to be beaten by any teams other than MN or Denver IMO.

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The fact that this series is at the Ralph makes a big difference. I think UND will take it, and possibly sweep. It is a very RARE occasion when a team just "switches it on" after a loss in conference playoffs. Denver did it. The last few titles UND won came on the backs of WCHA conference playoff titles. If they can win that we'll be in for great things.

Remember that certain teams play some teams better than others. UND has OWNED Duluth like NO OTHER team in the last two years. Mankato looks good now, but without that sweep of wisconsin...perhaps not as dangerous. Those games were in kato. The Mavs haven't fared greatly against UND, and this year at the Ralph was no different. The series against Tech was GREAT for the fans. It was LOUD, ROWDY and ROCKIN. Now...4 goals in 3 minutes will do that....but so will the playoffs.

UND's got a great opportunity to claim the Ralph as a place to be feared. NOW is the time to make that statement. It starts with Mankato...

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gophs over alaska in 3

sweep is very, very possible but just have a feeling that the seawolves steal one while getting outshot 45-19. can kessel go another weekend pointless. i doubt it if he has anything to say about it :D

du over umd in 2

dingle tears it up and paukabitch acts like a horses azz :lol: (see you at the X)

wisc over tech in 2

bucky gets back on track after their sweep vs scsu and earl doesn't take 1 dive the whole series ;)

sioux over kato in 2

did you expect anything else :) oshie, toews and stafford light it up while jpar wins a tight series

st cloud over cc in 3

only way is if scsu goalie gets red hot and they can score more than 1 goal a game ;)

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Gotta go with the home teams, much as I'd love to see an upset in the 1-2-3 vs 8-9-10 matchups, and move UND out of the 4-5 playin game, I can't see it.

Sweep Mavs and I think we're into the NCAA's. Take 2-3 and it will require perhaps 2 wins at the X.

Mankato's top line makes me very nervous - Backes would be on the top line of any team in the nation.

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If Sterling can't go, a St Cloud win is a likely scenario otherwise the tops seeds should all take their series. As for MSU, everyone outside of UND said that MTU were playing well too and hadn't been swept in 11 series. Well this Sioux team did it in convincing fashion and is on a mission. If MSU wants to play their wide open style with the Sioux there could be some high scoring games in store for the REA and don't be surprised if the Sioux hang a double digit score on them in at least one contest if they do.

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Did I call it or what? Way back in October, radio sportcaster Bruce Ciske of Duluth asked me to write a pre-season analysis of the Sioux for his blog (scroll way down to the Oct. 7 postings). Here's what Bruce asked about where UND would finish in the WCHA and what I predicted:

Put your cowbell down and stop yelling at that poor goalie. Be as objective as you can possibly stand to be. Where will your team finish in the WCHA and why?

Probably fourth, but a third place finish is within the realm of possibility if the team matures quickly and the talent plays up to its potential. I think Minnesota, Denver and Wisconsin will likely finish ahead of the Sioux. Once again, there are so many good teams in the WCHA that all predictions are a crap shoot.

As it turned out, UND did finish fourth and third place wasn't that far off for the Sioux. Who would've guessed that both Minnesota and SCSU would sweep UND at home or that the Sioux would lose to UAA? Plus, the Sioux had third-period leads on the road at SCSU, CC and DU in games they lost. Had they come away with two wins and a tie in any of those games, they'd be tied with DU and Wisconsin. So I was right by the skin of my teeth, and I'll take that. :lol:

As far as the upcoming series with MSU-Mankato goes, I have to agree with Dave Hakstol who said after the game Saturday that you can't compare last year's Sioux team with this year's because they're so different. However, it is interesting to review where the Sioux were at this time last season. They had just come off a 2-0 win and a tie against SCSU, a team that finished 8-19-0 in the WCHA.

UM-Duluth came to Grand Forks for the playoffs at 11-13-4 in the WCHA, was 4-1-1 in its last six games and had just beaten and tied Wisconsin. Their one loss was by a single goal to DU. Many prognisticators thought the Bulldogs were playing better than the Sioux and picked UMD to knock UND out of the Final Five. UND swept UMD in two games by scores of 8-2 and 6-1, setting the tone for the Sioux playoff run.

This weekend we have the red-hot Mavericks coming to town and many are saying the Sioux are ripe for the picking. Maybe they are, but I think that the Sioux are playing better now than they were at the end of last season.

I like the way Jordan Parise is playing. The chemistry of the Duncan-Toews-Stafford line is amazing. The third and fourth liners are chipping in goals. The defensive corps is chipping in goals and is playing far more physical than it was a few months ago. The one thing I'd like to see improve that would make the Sioux a truly formidable playoff team is for Spirko and Zajac to contribute some goal scoring.

Otherwise, it looks to me as if Hakstol has the boys peaking again at just the right time of year. We could be in for another great ride.

Edited by PCM
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MN - AA = MN doesn't lose important games that it should win. MN sweeps handily.

DU - UMD = UMD has some young talent and they play hard but it's been a long season and they struggle to get it done. DU seems to find a way to get it done, though my gut says they're not that good of a team. DU in 2.

WI - MTech = This is the first 3 goal series I'll predict. Teslak closed the shop for long periods this last weekend against relentless Sioux pressure. Can Bucky put forth that type of sustained pressure? Not so sure. If Teslak isn't suffering 3rd period nightmares after this last week he will steal one for Tech. But just one. Tech can't score. Bucky in 3.

Sioux - MSU = Mankato is playing solidly and has a history of giving the Sioux some trouble in first round playoff games. Totally different teams and coaches but I'm still running with that. Mankato is playing better and will find a way to take Friday's game, even though they should be logey after a late season week off. The Sioux struggle to find out how to replace Fabian in the lineup. The Sioux rebound and take the next 2. Superior talent and home cooking prevail. Of my 3 goal predictions this is the one I feel has the best chance to be just a sweep for the good guys.

CC - SCSU = SCSU can't score either, but Goepfert will make a statement in his last college hockey games and CC will be forced to go to 3 games to win the series. Of all the series, this is the best chance for an upset, especially if Sterling is out. If so, CC will have lost 2 very important offensive players in the last month.

Looking at the silver lining of playing a tougher team (as most are assuming), the Sioux will be forced to keep playing at a high level, and it will be another victorious weekend over a quality opponent at home. This should help provide confidence and force a continuing strong level of play going into the NCAA's.

As long as they win. Just win, baby.

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The one thing I'd like to see improve that would make the Sioux a truly formidable playoff team is for Spirko and Zajac to contribute some goal scoring.


They have been getting their chances, so if they start putting some of those chances in net (combined with the increased scoring of the freshmen and the Stafford line), that could make the Sioux very dangerous in the playoffs.

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I know everyone is saying that sweeping MSU may not help us in regards to the PWR and the NCAA's but I gotta say right now that CC has the best chance of missing the NCAA's. I don't know but does anyone have any idea what CC's PWR would look like if they lose there series to St. Clown.

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My predictions:

Gophs over AA in 2

Pio's over Dogs in 2

Bucky over Tech in 3

CC over JBSU in 3

Mavs over Sioux in 3

I know the Sioux are playing well but the Mavs looked awfully good in sweeping Bucky 2 weeks ago. I would predict them over CC and JBSU too. Should be a great series.

Wooger had a tough time picking the upset team of the weekend between SCSU and Mankato before the pairings were even known. He went with SCSU and their goaltending and I think he will be right - again. He says it like it is - or at least the way he sees it -and is not the homer, by any strech of the imagination, that Frankie is.

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