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I can't believe I'm about to do this:

JBB is right (gasp!) about one thing. That Clear Channel / UND contract is pretty good to both sides. I'm glad UND has it with them.

Whew! I'm glad that's over. :D

Now, about Sioux fans jumping all over Ed for those comments:

I'm sure JBB, et al, would sit idly by if Jack Michaels (color voice for Bison BB and FB) used 20 minutes of his weeknight WDAY sports talk show to rip, as "bush league" and worse, Zaundra Bina (sp) or Bucky Maughan (sp) for missing an interview. That would be the equivalent situation.

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Ed=Brainless Jerry Springer on crack

Can't believe it sells advertising. I can't listen to him no matter what the topic. He was terrible as the voice of the Bison and remains as bad as the Sioux football announcer.


Thank you Skateshattrick for the spell check. I sure appreciate the fact that they have spelling majors up there. Your willingness to help out will not go unnoticed. However, the derogatory remarks about North Dakota State University, the State

  The Sicatoka said:
I'm sure JBB, et al, would sit idly by if Jack Michaels (color voice for Bison BB and FB) used 20 minutes of his weeknight WDAY sports talk show to rip, as "bush league" and worse, Zaundra Bina (sp) or Bucky Maughan (sp) for missing an interview. That would be the equivalent situation.

No comments on that, eh? :D


This is getting way more attention than it deserves. And the blame for that goes to Dean Blais.

Blais should have kept quiet about the matter. After all, what does he care? Does anyone honestly think that Ed Schultz is going to sway anyone's opinion about Blais and the Sioux hockey program? Like Sicatoka and others have said, I'm sure Ed did this for ratings and as a way to suck up to the Twin Cities audience - he probably thought this would be his ticket to a metro radio time slot. Locally though, I think that Ed shot himself in the foot with his tirade and he knows it. If anything, Dean's complaining about it has let him off the hook. At the very least, its allowed Ed to milk the "they're trying to muzzle me" angle - every talk show host's dream.

But, in Blais' defense, he has always been one to say what he thinks, especially when he feels he or his team has been wronged. It's gotten him some negative press in the past and will probably do so again. I appreciate the candor most of the time and have accepted that you have to take the bad (which is minimal) with the good (which is considerable).

I agree that UND should ask Clear Channel to reconsider who does the Sioux football play by play. Not only because its very embarrassing to the University if one of its game announcers is apt to trash another Sioux program publicly but also because Ed's announcing skills have deteriorated considerably ever since he started thinking he was one of Rocky's assistant coaches. The subject should be addressed in private though.


As a Bison fan that despises UND I must admit that this whole Ed Schultz thing makes me smile...... :D . However, it seems like no matter what Ed does it is a disgrace to the whole State of North Dakota. He was disliked at NDSU and is not liked at UND as the voice of either sports program. He needs to be sent packing and needs to go back to Virginia. What can we expect from a guy that was so stupid he shot his dog. (Among his many other notorious exploits).

Eddie......Go away.


JBB--You are welcome for the spelling corrections. It is the least that I can do for the academically/developmentally challenged friends who have no choice but to attend the high school with ashtrays. What was your major---cows? tractors?

You were wrong, however, about one thing. Although I attended UND, I am one of the many UND fans living in Fargo. The fact that you interrupted the UND message board confirms that: (1) NDSU is irrelevant, particularly in athletics [is women's volleyball still the major sport?]; and (2) that you have too much time on your hands, which is not surprising since a degree from NDSU means you are probably unemployed or working the night shift for Burger King. :D


Now I don't normally surf KFGO.com, but there's mention of, and a link to, Sioux Hockey right there on the front page. I don't recall anything like that being there in the past. That seems rather new and recent. I wonder why that's shown up ..... :D


Or why Eddie didn't want to talk sports wil that gal who called in around 10.

To many calls,e-mails,Eddie? ;)

I bet the Spotlight is a little hot for Big Eddie. :D

I would rather listen to Eddie over the other Blow Hard in Fargo.(scotty Rush hennin) ;)


I'm getting sick of this being reported as if the worst thing Ed Schultz did was call Dean Blais "bush league." Have any of these journalists actually heard everything that Schultz said? Have any of them asked for a tape or a transcript of the program?

Blais is being made to look like the bad guy in this and he's not. Anyone who heard what Schultz said would know that it was unprofessional and inexcusable.


The rumor that Ed accidentally shot his dog started in Fargo. As you probably know, you have to be a real jackass to shoot your dog while hunting. Last rumor I heard had him doing it twice. I have no idea how this started or whether it's true or not. The oddness of the rumor (I mean, why would somebody make that up?) doesn't make it any more believable because people often come up with bizarre extrapolations from tiny bits of information.

I don't know if the rumor is true and, as a rule, I hate gossip. Maybe if you called him up and asked him why NDSU students have been chanting "Ed shot his dog!" for over a decade, you'd get him to go off on another tirade - or maybe he'd spin a heartbreaking tale along the lines of "Old Yeller." If you don't get cut off, it might be entertaining and/or informative.

He's probably pretty pretty defensive at the moment so you might want to wait until football season to ask him. It's almost the same atmosphere as when NDSU students threw a whiskey bottle into his booth (I still don't know if that was intentional - whiskey bottles had a habit of taking long flights over the back of the stands at Dacotah Field) and Ed responding by swearing up a storm on air before charging into the stands as if he could find the culprit by seeing who had whiskey on his breath - talk about trying to find a needle in a needle stack. Personally, I've never blamed him for that.

Anyway, I'd sure like to hear Ed's side of the man-shoots-dog story.

  Riverman said:
Or why Eddie didn't want to talk sports wil that gal who called in around 10.

To many calls,e-mails,Eddie? ;)

I bet the Spotlight is a little hot for Big Eddie. :D

I would rather listen to Eddie over the other Blow Hard in Fargo.(scotty Rush hennin) ;)

Hey.. scott hennen ROCKSS!!!!!!! ;)


As the wife of an NDSU grad (hey, I try to overlook that part... he's a good guy, really!) and former sports reporter, here's what I know about the stories in question. I'll have to ask my husband for the exact details when I get home from work.

Re: Ed shooting his dog.

Supposedly this happened while he was actually doing a hunting show and no, it wasn't on purpose. Stupid, but not on purpose. The dog was a black lab named Red and Ed was said to be completely crushed about shooting him. That's all I know.

Re: whiskey bottles being pitched at the broadcaster's booth

My husband was actually sitting near the guy who threw the whiskey bottle that day and it wasn't intentional. He just finished off the bottle and threw it over his shoulder. Unfortunately, it went through the broadcaster's booth and Ed completely freaked out. Freaking out is, of course, nothing new for Ed.

Re: Scott Hennen being a blowhard.

Granted I don't always agree with Scott on a variety of issues; however, I know him and he's a pretty nice guy and a fabulous Sioux fan! It'd be nice if Ed could appreciate the Sioux as much as Scott does.


You have to be careful with stories that have been repeated so many times that everyone assumes they're true. For example, there was a story about a close relative of mine who was a policeman. Supposedly he was demonstrating his quick-draw skills for patrons in a bar when he accidentally shot a vending machine.

Years later after he ran for county sheriff and was defeated, he told me that what hurt his campaign most was the untrue story about him shooting a vending machine. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'd been repeating the story because I always assumed it was true.


I was in the stands the night the Whisky bottle went through the window. When Ed walked up to the booth he was taking a lot of crap. the NDSU fans were, for the most part, tired of him and his UND leanings. He was fairly good natured about it in his long wool coat but it was a bit of a struggle to get to the booth. He was taking a lot more than Jim Addelson would have ever deserved or taken. Addelson would have handled it better.

Naturally the game was an NDSU BISON route of whom, I don't remember (they were all the same including UND). But the stands were wild. I don't believe the Whisky bottle was intentional, but when it hit we moved out. By the time we got to the car we were hearing the rant. We couldn't believe it. Ed blamed it on fan drinking and that excuse held.

The new rant against Blais isn't even in the same ballpark. Blais is a hayseed. He chumped the big time media (probably confused Eddy with the local market, but he must have forgotten how enamored UND fans were when Eddy was reported to be in contention for the Viking job) so he has to pay a price.

Blais owes Eddy an apology, and he should apologize to all the UND coaches for insisting that they too ignore the mighty clear channel. "By Golly" Lennon and "Beyond Blame" Blais need some continuing education. They make UND look like a junior college getting some unexpected attention.

Blais is humiliated.


Listen up Joe Billy Bob(JBB)--if you don't want to let the facts get in the way of your arguement, why don't you go back to one of those pathetic bison sights--thye are hilariously fun by the way.

  JBB said:
I was in the stands the night the Whisky bottle went through the window. When Ed walked up to the booth he was taking a lot of crap. the NDSU fans were, for the most part, tired of him and his UND leanings. He was fairly good natured about it in his long wool coat but it was a bit of a struggle to get to the booth. He was taking a lot more than Jim Addelson would have ever deserved or taken. Addelson would have handled it better.

Naturally the game was an NDSU BISON route of whom, I don't remember (they were all the same including UND). But the stands were wild. I don't believe the Whisky bottle was intentional, but when it hit we moved out. By the time we got to the car we were hearing the rant. We couldn't believe it. Ed blamed it on fan drinking and that excuse held.

The new rant against Blais isn't even in the same ballpark. Blais is a hayseed. He chumped the big time media (probably confused Eddy with the local market, but he must have forgotten how enamored UND fans were when Eddy was reported to be in contention for the Viking job) so he has to pay a price.

Blais owes Eddy an apology, and he should apologize to all the UND coaches for insisting that they too ignore the mighty clear channel. "By Golly" Lennon and "Beyond Blame" Blais need some continuing education. They make UND look like a junior college getting some unexpected attention.

Blais is humiliated.


JBB--If you are going to post, please learn how to spell. "Route" is a traveled way. "Rout" is the term for beating a team badly. It is also "whiskey" not "whisky". You really reveal your ignorance a.k.a. school affiliation with your spelling. You have no credibility or objectivity to begin with because of your NDSU bias, but your grammar only magnifies your ignorance.

Please go lay by your dish---nobody cares about your opinions.

  JBB said:
The new rant against Blais isn't even in the same ballpark.  Blais is a hayseed.  He chumped the big time media (probably confused Eddy with the local market, but he must have forgotten how enamored UND fans were when Eddy was reported to be in contention for the Viking job) so he has to pay a price.

Ed's rant was unprofessional. He's been stiffed before. He's been stiffed by greater and lesser people. (Heck, he's been 'stiffed' more times than a $2 whore! :D;) )

What set him off this time? He was stiffed in front of his bosses down at Clear Channel Minneapolis. No one dare do that to the great and powerful Eddie the Ego, especially in front of those folks.

But the CC MSP guys know that their people get stiffed too at times. It's a part of the business. How you respond to it is important. I'm sure Ed's rant was duly noted.

And for a 'hayseed,' Blais is doing OK with TWO "Spencer T. Penrose Awards" (given annually to the Division I coach of the year).

Both Blais and Schultz did break one of my fundamental rules: Praise in public, punish in private.

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