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Not a lot of info. Just Leigh Jeanotte (not an enrolled member of the Spirit Lake tribe) giving a quote.


Very interesting. Who from the Spirit Lake tribe elected him to represent them? Who from UND gave him permission to interfere with a scheduled meeting between Kupchella and the tribal council?

I'm thinking that if I did something like that, I'd no longer have a job. :huh:

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Every time I have read a Herald articleon this issue, it has had the line: Spirit Lake officials were unavailable for comment. I was wondering to myself when those at the Spirit Lake Tribe were going to get sick of the Herald, Forum, and every other news paper in the nation calling on a daily basis for a quote. It could be very possible that they are completely sick of the issue. But then why would you go as far to schedule a meeting with Kupchella just to cancle the night before??? I can't imagine that is the reasoning. Even if it was, how in the hell would Leigh Jenotte know? Unless he was on the phone all day begging every one of the council members to cancle the meeting.

As far as I can see, if the Spirit Lake Tribe decides not to make any moves on the issue, their previous resolution to support UND would then still be valid.

If not, Bennett Brien has alrady publically stated that his tribe would support UND taking it's name. At least we could keep the logo.

If nothing else...

Heeeeere comes yoooour Fighting Cavalry!!!!!!!
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Perhaps the Spirit Lake folks have more important matters to attend to, rather than worrying about UND's name/logo. Unlike some of their colleagues. :huh:

As far as I can see, if the Spirit Lake Tribe decides not to make any moves on the issue, their previous resolution to support UND would then still be valid.

Precisely, but don't tell that to Jeanotte, Bellecourt, Herr Kracker, etc.

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There's a letter to the editor today from UND alumnus Erik Longie asking Kupchella not to go to Spirit Lake.

Kupchella shouldn't visit Spirit Lake

The visit sounds like the old days when the army general showed up with "Indian Scouts" to trick us into giving up our land. Today, Kupchella wants to use students to trick us into giving up our name and self-respect.
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Erik Longie must be really old by now if he can remember the "old days." Because if he wasn't physically there for the "old days" everything he's heard has been be second, third and probably even fourth hand stories. I think we all remember doing that in school. One person is told something and by the time it gets to the last person in class it's not even the same story that was originally told.

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I just read Erik Longie's letter in the Herald. I can't believe what I just read. He says in his letter that he talked to a colleague (no name of course) and this is what she said about Kupchella bringing students to the meeting.

"Those poor students. All that they want is an education, and Kupchella will use them to further his own cause. But when the come back to the reservation to work someday, (this is the part that made me almost fall off my chair) there are going to be people who will use this against them. They are too young and naive about tribal politics to realize that what they are doing will hurt their future."

This is a flat out threat!!!

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Has Spirit Lake formally recinded their resolution giving UND 'permission' to use the Sioux name? If not, than the original stands as initially written. Aren't resolutions considered law by Indian Nations? I don't thint that the vote taken by the Tribal Council to oppose the name and logo can be said to be a resolution. Only a particular tribe can pass resolutions for itself; that's what we've been waiting for Spirit Lake to do, again. Since they haven't and they haven't recinded the old resolution as far as I can tell we're golden.

But as stated many times, the Lakota/Nakota/Dakota do not own the Sioux name. While UND has respectfully been looking for formal continued endorsement from Spirit Lake, that lack of cannot be used as a legal format by the NCAA. If they do not grant our appeal, it's off to court we go. And as previousily stated, there is no way that we are going to lose what is a First Amendment issue. Winning in court will protect us from going through all this cr@p imposed on us by the NC$$ in the future.

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Probably not the right place, but can anyone explain all the different variations on Dakota.  Or Dacotah, or Dakotah, or ...

Is it a tribal dialect thing?  It seems that the proper way is Dacotah, but most tribes display Dakota.  At least on casinos.




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I say let's switch to the Fighting Chippewa. Keep the logo!!


Not a bad thought. It was the Chippewa who kicked the Sioux out of Minnesota. Winona Laduke is leading the land reclamation project but they are not going to give Grahamkracker or any of the others their land back. I believe that is one of the reasons my friend GrahamKracker uses the derogatory terms and is very much against a Chippewa artist having success designing the Sioux logo.

Did Kracker ever get back home? I hope they didn't forget him at the Legion or VFW in Bismarck. I will go get him if he needs a ride. I wonder if Puds is still open at Yates.

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Some will support it because they truly believe it "honors" us; others, because they have spent most of their lives on the reservation and never have experienced the racism caused by the logo.

Never have experienced the racism caused by the logo because they have spent most of their lives on the reservation? Does that make them hang-around-the-fort Indians as our good friend GrahamCracker likes to call them? Nice comment. How about the racism experienced ON the reservation? That racism involves having a differing opinion about the nickname/logo than what people like GK THINK your opinion should be. Heaven forbid we'd want those voices heard.

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