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Media Stories on the Sioux Name


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Despite Lloyd Omdahl's column to the contrary, I sincerely hope that the momentum is there to keep the name.

I think we all took it for granted and thought commonsense would prevail on this issue. Here's hoping it's not too little, too late!

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I am not even sure the SR need to have a vote. I would think that a poll of the tribal members would give the tribal council a good idea if the nickname and logo are suppported or not. A vote would be better if it can be done in time and if their constitution will allow it. From there they could have a council vote to approve or not approve continued use of the nickname and logo. They also need to get a longterm binding committment from both tribes before the SBOHE will consider the issue another vote. They do not want to go through this issue again in another 4 or 5 years.

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Iam really surprised it has taken all of these people this long to get proactive about this issue. I would have thought that the people would have banded together along time ago.

May be it took this action to finally piss people off.

Either way I wish you folks well on keeping the nickname.

Appreciate the support from the Bison camp. I have a lot of Bison friends here in Fargo that DON'T want to see the Sioux name gone either. Of course you have the MplsBisons out there, but we all know that deal. :(

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Poll results from Jamestown Sun...

Last week, The Jamestown Sun asked readers of its Web site the question “Do you agree with the decision to retire the University of North Dakota’s ‘Fighting Sioux’ nickname?” Here are the results of the unscientific survey:

No....81.8 percent (606 responses)

Yes....16.7 percent (124)

I don’t know....1.5 percent (11)

Total responses: 741

I'm buying stock in Orville Redenbacher. I'm not sure we have reached intermission yet.

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Lets see if the SR can show that they're not completely hapless and hold a vote.

Then that would be something. Until then, the nickname is dead.

Wrongo Gopher-Bison. The nickname will not die in my life-time and I hope to live another 30 years. It may be retired, but it sure won't be dead! Long live the Fighting Sioux!

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BREAKING NEWS: Hoeven tells board if SR votes...you should reverse the retirement!!!!


I guess I didn't read anything in the article that states Hoeven recommends reversing the decision should Standing Rock vote. He states the Board should give it consideration. I don't interpret that as reversing the decision.

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So after a presidental election, people still Bi*** and complain and people reply, "you lost get over it."

If the vote goes through and it is pro-nickname and it is retained by the University, will supporters get to say the same to evey protest to follow?

That is the problem with fighting a minority of people(in opinion not race), they can still be upset and hold protests long after this would be settled against them. If it is retired, as a supporter I am told, "Tough s***, stop holding onto what is gone."

Where do we get to draw that line? Just because the vote supports, doesn't mean a 30 year agreement would ever be binding, would it?

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Not sure which of the many blogs we have on this same issue to wiegh in on.

Keeping in mind UND did ask permission and was granted permission by elders at the Standing Rock Reservation, and reaffirmed in 1969 when elders bestowed a Native American headress and honor to President Starcher. There have been protests since the 1960's. There have been plenty of opportunites to enhance the relationships with Native tribes and reservations over the years and there have been attempts thwarted by some of the tribal officials. UND could have done more over the years and the tribal member supporters could have done more. Our elected officials probably could have done more.

There have been opponents over the years and much of their rhetoric is inaccurate or exagerated. They have collected anything negative related to the logo and then presented that to many groups as if it is ongoing. Examples are the T-shirts or some of the insults and songs especially from our friends to the south. Many of the opposition leaders have not done any research before speaking out. A recent example is the rhetoric scribed by Winona LeDuke in last Sundays Forum. She refers to UND's mascot. She also pokes fun at the name supporters and lectures for the supporters to "get over it". She refers to the broken treaties and even the landing of Christopher Cloumbus in 1492. (She somehow misses the irony of lecturing to people about getting over an issue only weeks old vs. issues from 500 yrs ago that can't be changed). I would love to debate the issue with her because she thinks she is very smart because she went to Harvard. ( I would love to see her SAT or ACT scores). I and a few others in my HS graduating class were recruited to attend Harvard by Judge Pat Conmy. I chose UND and I have never regretted that decision.

The issue hasn't been "rushed". I realize the SBoHE has moved up the decision based on the lack of movement by the Tribal Officials at Standing Rock and I understand the criticism as well as the decision although i wish they would have waited. It doesn't mean they are "d-bags", they are not stupid and in fact a number of them are UND supporters. Richie Smith, the Board Chair, attended Creighton and played BB there. His wife is a UND alumnus. President Kelly is a sharp guy and is a friend to UND and will do a good job. Neither his job nor Faison's are in jeopardy over this issue. To state otherwise shows ignorance and name supporters lose credibility when they make insulting statements to or about our leadership. Doing so decreases the chance we will accomplish the goal of keeping the name.

Threatening to withold donations to UND for athletics or academics is immature and also shows a lack of vision. It will hurt all athletic programs, including hockey, the academic programs and the University as a whole. Why would you punish your teams based on something they did not initiate? No matter what one thinks they know from the safety of their home or bar stool, blaming UND officials or the state board does no one any good. If that is what one must do to feel better, God help you get through life. When our University and our atheltic teams need us to do what we can do to help our teams be successful you are saying you will let those kids and the teams down. We can't count on you. I am glad I never had to go t war with some of you folks.

UND officials, over the years, have tried a number of things to try and make this work The SBoHE has also done a number of things. If you need to blame someone blame the NCAA. That is where the blame lies. Ranting on a blog does not help. If you are going to call someone, or write to someone do so with class and intelligence. If you can't do that get a UND grad to help you or don't say anything.

Trying to turn this into a hockey vs. other UND athletics is also stupid. Are you aware that as long as UND remained D2 in other sports we lost our share of the Frozen Four hockey revenue? We received only expenses which never covered UND's travel and lodging expenses. According to UND Alumni and athletic officials that was costing us around $400,000 per year when we were in the Frozen Four. I have to confess I am not sure how it affects what we might get if we make the playoffs but no the Frozen Four.

I would say there is still a slim chance the name could be saved but it is up to our Native American friends. Insulting others only makes it tougher to achieve success so please grow up. If you think withholding financial support because of this issue then you were never a loyal fan in the first place or you need a CAT scan to see if there is anything within your skull other than cheese.

I was an athlete at UND in 2 sports, coached one and was a team physician covering all sports at times including hockey. Never in the 40 years that I have been around UND atheltics did teams prepare by discussing the logo. We prepared by practicing, getting in the weight room, studing film etc. We did need the support of our fans and that made a difference back then and according to our athletes and coaches still makes a difference today. The greatest assets of our University's athletic and academic traditions is the quality of education, the college experience, and the great winning traditions of our UND teams. The Fighting Sioux name and logo are also a part of that tradition but not the most important part. Our coaches and our atheltes need us now as much as ever. We need to continue to do our part as fans. If we are to continue the legacy of being "the greatest collge hockey fans ", we need to be committed to or team and the University. The Wisconsin, Minnesota, Boston College, would not be threatening to abandon their teams or hurt their Universities if PETA got the NCAA to ban animal or bird names for their teams. What is the matter with our fans?

The worlds "best college hockey fans" or for that matter "best college athletic team" fans will not let their teams down over this issue. If we withhold one penny of support for UND for athletics, academics or any other worthy cause related to UND over this issue it is a mistake. It is not going to change who our University President is nor should it. Let those who can affect change do their jobs. Write letters to the Tribes, the politicians, the SBoHE, or UND officials, if you wish, but don't be a jerk and don't undermine what those who are trying to do to save this and do not fail our teams and athletes when they need us most.

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Not sure which of the many blogs we have on this same issue to wiegh in on.

Keeping in mind UND did ask permission and was granted permission by elders at the Standing Rock Reservation, and reaffirmed in 1969 when elders bestowed a Native American headress and honor to President Starcher. There have been protests since the 1960's. There have been plenty of opportunites to enhance the relationships with Native tribes and reservations over the years and there have been attempts thwarted by some of the tribal officials. UND could have done more over the years and the tribal member supporters could have done more. Our elected officials probably could have done more.

There have been opponents over the years and much of their rhetoric is inaccurate or exagerated. They have collected anything negative related to the logo and then presented that to many groups as if it is ongoing. Examples are the T-shirts or some of the insults and songs especially from our friends to the south. Many of the opposition leaders have not done any research before speaking out. A recent example is the rhetoric scribed by Winona LeDuke in last Sundays Forum. She refers to UND's mascot. She also pokes fun at the name supporters and lectures for the supporters to "get over it". She refers to the broken treaties and even the landing of Christopher Cloumbus in 1492. (She somehow misses the irony of lecturing to people about getting over an issue only weeks old vs. issues from 500 yrs ago that can't be changed). I would love to debate the issue with her because she thinks she is very smart because she went to Harvard. ( I would love to see her SAT or ACT scores). I and a few others in my HS graduating class were recruited to attend Harvard by Judge Pat Conmy. I chose UND and I have never regretted that decision.

The issue hasn't been "rushed". I realize the SBoHE has moved up the decision based on the lack of movement by the Tribal Officials at Standing Rock and I understand the criticism as well as the decision although i wish they would have waited. It doesn't mean they are "d-bags", they are not stupid and in fact a number of them are UND supporters. Richie Smith, the Board Chair, attended Creighton and played BB there. His wife is a UND alumnus. President Kelly is a sharp guy and is a friend to UND and will do a good job. Neither his job nor Faison's are in jeopardy over this issue. To state otherwise shows ignorance and name supporters lose credibility when they make insulting statements to or about our leadership. Doing so decreases the chance we will accomplish the goal of keeping the name.

Threatening to withold donations to UND for athletics or academics is immature and also shows a lack of vision. It will hurt all athletic programs, including hockey, the academic programs and the University as a whole. Why would you punish your teams based on something they did not initiate? No matter what one thinks they know from the safety of their home or bar stool, blaming UND officials or the state board does no one any good. If that is what one must do to feel better, God help you get through life. When our University and our atheltic teams need us to do what we can do to help our teams be successful you are saying you will let those kids and the teams down. We can't count on you. I am glad I never had to go t war with some of you folks.

UND officials, over the years, have tried a number of things to try and make this work The SBoHE has also done a number of things. If you need to blame someone blame the NCAA. That is where the blame lies. Ranting on a blog does not help. If you are going to call someone, or write to someone do so with class and intelligence. If you can't do that get a UND grad to help you or don't say anything.

Trying to turn this into a hockey vs. other UND athletics is also stupid. Are you aware that as long as UND remained D2 in other sports we lost our share of the Frozen Four hockey revenue? We received only expenses which never covered UND's travel and lodging expenses. According to UND Alumni and athletic officials that was costing us around $400,000 per year when we were in the Frozen Four. I have to confess I am not sure how it affects what we might get if we make the playoffs but no the Frozen Four.

I would say there is still a slim chance the name could be saved but it is up to our Native American friends. Insulting others only makes it tougher to achieve success so please grow up. If you think withholding financial support because of this issue then you were never a loyal fan in the first place or you need a CAT scan to see if there is anything within your skull other than cheese.

I was an athlete at UND in 2 sports, coached one and was a team physician covering all sports at times including hockey. Never in the 40 years that I have been around UND atheltics did teams prepare by discussing the logo. We prepared by practicing, getting in the weight room, studing film etc. We did need the support of our fans and that made a difference back then and according to our athletes and coaches still makes a difference today. The greatest assets of our University's athletic and academic traditions is the quality of education, the college experience, and the great winning traditions of our UND teams. The Fighting Sioux name and logo are also a part of that tradition but not the most important part. Our coaches and our atheltes need us now as much as ever. We need to continue to do our part as fans. If we are to continue the legacy of being "the greatest collge hockey fans ", we need to be committed to or team and the University. The Wisconsin, Minnesota, Boston College, would not be threatening to abandon their teams or hurt their Universities if PETA got the NCAA to ban animal or bird names for their teams. What is the matter with our fans?

The worlds "best college hockey fans" or for that matter "best college athletic team" fans will not let their teams down over this issue. If we withhold one penny of support for UND for athletics, academics or any other worthy cause related to UND over this issue it is a mistake. It is not going to change who our University President is nor should it. Let those who can affect change do their jobs. Write letters to the Tribes, the politicians, the SBoHE, or UND officials, if you wish, but don't be a jerk and don't undermine what those who are trying to do to save this and do not fail our teams and athletes when they need us most.

Well done!

I think all the non-fans on here threatening to withhold donations should go all the way and refuse to watch the teams, whether in person or on TV.

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Not sure which of the many blogs we have on this same issue to wiegh in on.

Keeping in mind UND did ask permission and was granted permission by elders at the Standing Rock Reservation, and reaffirmed in 1969 when elders bestowed a Native American headress and honor to President Starcher. There have been protests since the 1960's. There have been plenty of opportunites to enhance the relationships with Native tribes and reservations over the years and there have been attempts thwarted by some of the tribal officials. UND could have done more over the years and the tribal member supporters could have done more. Our elected officials probably could have done more.

There have been opponents over the years and much of their rhetoric is inaccurate or exagerated. They have collected anything negative related to the logo and then presented that to many groups as if it is ongoing. Examples are the T-shirts or some of the insults and songs especially from our friends to the south. Many of the opposition leaders have not done any research before speaking out. A recent example is the rhetoric scribed by Winona LeDuke in last Sundays Forum. She refers to UND's mascot. She also pokes fun at the name supporters and lectures for the supporters to "get over it". She refers to the broken treaties and even the landing of Christopher Cloumbus in 1492. (She somehow misses the irony of lecturing to people about getting over an issue only weeks old vs. issues from 500 yrs ago that can't be changed). I would love to debate the issue with her because she thinks she is very smart because she went to Harvard. ( I would love to see her SAT or ACT scores). I and a few others in my HS graduating class were recruited to attend Harvard by Judge Pat Conmy. I chose UND and I have never regretted that decision.

The issue hasn't been "rushed". I realize the SBoHE has moved up the decision based on the lack of movement by the Tribal Officials at Standing Rock and I understand the criticism as well as the decision although i wish they would have waited. It doesn't mean they are "d-bags", they are not stupid and in fact a number of them are UND supporters. Richie Smith, the Board Chair, attended Creighton and played BB there. His wife is a UND alumnus. President Kelly is a sharp guy and is a friend to UND and will do a good job. Neither his job nor Faison's are in jeopardy over this issue. To state otherwise shows ignorance and name supporters lose credibility when they make insulting statements to or about our leadership. Doing so decreases the chance we will accomplish the goal of keeping the name.

Threatening to withold donations to UND for athletics or academics is immature and also shows a lack of vision. It will hurt all athletic programs, including hockey, the academic programs and the University as a whole. Why would you punish your teams based on something they did not initiate? No matter what one thinks they know from the safety of their home or bar stool, blaming UND officials or the state board does no one any good. If that is what one must do to feel better, God help you get through life. When our University and our atheltic teams need us to do what we can do to help our teams be successful you are saying you will let those kids and the teams down. We can't count on you. I am glad I never had to go t war with some of you folks.

UND officials, over the years, have tried a number of things to try and make this work The SBoHE has also done a number of things. If you need to blame someone blame the NCAA. That is where the blame lies. Ranting on a blog does not help. If you are going to call someone, or write to someone do so with class and intelligence. If you can't do that get a UND grad to help you or don't say anything.

Trying to turn this into a hockey vs. other UND athletics is also stupid. Are you aware that as long as UND remained D2 in other sports we lost our share of the Frozen Four hockey revenue? We received only expenses which never covered UND's travel and lodging expenses. According to UND Alumni and athletic officials that was costing us around $400,000 per year when we were in the Frozen Four. I have to confess I am not sure how it affects what we might get if we make the playoffs but no the Frozen Four.

I would say there is still a slim chance the name could be saved but it is up to our Native American friends. Insulting others only makes it tougher to achieve success so please grow up. If you think withholding financial support because of this issue then you were never a loyal fan in the first place or you need a CAT scan to see if there is anything within your skull other than cheese.

I was an athlete at UND in 2 sports, coached one and was a team physician covering all sports at times including hockey. Never in the 40 years that I have been around UND atheltics did teams prepare by discussing the logo. We prepared by practicing, getting in the weight room, studing film etc. We did need the support of our fans and that made a difference back then and according to our athletes and coaches still makes a difference today. The greatest assets of our University's athletic and academic traditions is the quality of education, the college experience, and the great winning traditions of our UND teams. The Fighting Sioux name and logo are also a part of that tradition but not the most important part. Our coaches and our atheltes need us now as much as ever. We need to continue to do our part as fans. If we are to continue the legacy of being "the greatest collge hockey fans ", we need to be committed to or team and the University. The Wisconsin, Minnesota, Boston College, would not be threatening to abandon their teams or hurt their Universities if PETA got the NCAA to ban animal or bird names for their teams. What is the matter with our fans?

The worlds "best college hockey fans" or for that matter "best college athletic team" fans will not let their teams down over this issue. If we withhold one penny of support for UND for athletics, academics or any other worthy cause related to UND over this issue it is a mistake. It is not going to change who our University President is nor should it. Let those who can affect change do their jobs. Write letters to the Tribes, the politicians, the SBoHE, or UND officials, if you wish, but don't be a jerk and don't undermine what those who are trying to do to save this and do not fail our teams and athletes when they need us most.

you did not mention the protest option. There could very well be a time in the near future where that will be our best move.

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As long as the protest doesn't hurt UND or UND athletics or insult Native American opponents. I would hope the Spirit Lake group and other Native American supporters would sue the NCAA for discrimination. They have been singled out and refused the same right as the Irish, Norwegians and others to be associated with Universities and Colleges. A local retired businessman, who had been very successful in the radio business, mentioned after Rotary last week that the free publicity the Sioux tribes get from the name is worth about $1,000,000 per year and he couldn't understand why they would want to lose that.

It requires the Tribal leaders and name opponents to start thinking outside the box. They need to think of themselves not as Natives first but as men or women identified by who they are (i.e. doctors, lawyers, welders carpenters) and what they do and proud of their Native Heritage but not defined by it. They need to look at how they can make this work for them and what the positives are that might improve opportunites for their people, especially their kids.

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I agree that withholding donations does harm to UND but it also gets a message across.

I love UND, I love the athletics, I love the institution. I have always donated at least something every year. I have written my letters, my emails, made phone calls, posted things on FB to other fans and colleagues. What do I have left?

With SR officials working this out, where are the leaders of UND? Why aren't they saying, loudly, to give SR some time to work on the issue or pushing the SBofHE to honor their deadlines with the NCAA? There is a dearth of leadership on ALL fronts. I am glad Gov. Hoeven said something, even if it wasn't as forceful as I would have liked. I suspect that no one anticipated the political will to keep the name especially from SR and SL.

I also agree that any degrading, nasty language directed to or about Native Americans is counterproductive. The Anti-Nickname types always use racism as their golden ticket in this argument. From this moment forward, let's respect the Native population and stop giving the political fringe anymore ammunition. I will live with whatever SR decides.

But please, don't assume I hate UND or I'm a fairweather fan or immature if I elect to make a statement with my pocketbook. When I see some real leadership coming from UND, I will continue donating generously. To me, the Fighting Sioux name is more than a simple moniker. It is a tie between me, my home state, the Native American population, and my beloved UND.

This fight matters.

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Not sure which of the many blogs we have on this same issue to wiegh in on.

Keeping in mind UND did ask permission and was granted permission by elders at the Standing Rock Reservation, and reaffirmed in 1969 when elders bestowed a Native American headress and honor to President Starcher. There have been protests since the 1960's. There have been plenty of opportunites to enhance the relationships with Native tribes and reservations over the years and there have been attempts thwarted by some of the tribal officials. UND could have done more over the years and the tribal member supporters could have done more. Our elected officials probably could have done more.

There have been opponents over the years and much of their rhetoric is inaccurate or exagerated. They have collected anything negative related to the logo and then presented that to many groups as if it is ongoing. Examples are the T-shirts or some of the insults and songs especially from our friends to the south. Many of the opposition leaders have not done any research before speaking out. A recent example is the rhetoric scribed by Winona LeDuke in last Sundays Forum. She refers to UND's mascot. She also pokes fun at the name supporters and lectures for the supporters to "get over it". She refers to the broken treaties and even the landing of Christopher Cloumbus in 1492. (She somehow misses the irony of lecturing to people about getting over an issue only weeks old vs. issues from 500 yrs ago that can't be changed). I would love to debate the issue with her because she thinks she is very smart because she went to Harvard. ( I would love to see her SAT or ACT scores). I and a few others in my HS graduating class were recruited to attend Harvard by Judge Pat Conmy. I chose UND and I have never regretted that decision.

The issue hasn't been "rushed". I realize the SBoHE has moved up the decision based on the lack of movement by the Tribal Officials at Standing Rock and I understand the criticism as well as the decision although i wish they would have waited. It doesn't mean they are "d-bags", they are not stupid and in fact a number of them are UND supporters. Richie Smith, the Board Chair, attended Creighton and played BB there. His wife is a UND alumnus. President Kelly is a sharp guy and is a friend to UND and will do a good job. Neither his job nor Faison's are in jeopardy over this issue. To state otherwise shows ignorance and name supporters lose credibility when they make insulting statements to or about our leadership. Doing so decreases the chance we will accomplish the goal of keeping the name.

Threatening to withold donations to UND for athletics or academics is immature and also shows a lack of vision. It will hurt all athletic programs, including hockey, the academic programs and the University as a whole. Why would you punish your teams based on something they did not initiate? No matter what one thinks they know from the safety of their home or bar stool, blaming UND officials or the state board does no one any good. If that is what one must do to feel better, God help you get through life. When our University and our atheltic teams need us to do what we can do to help our teams be successful you are saying you will let those kids and the teams down. We can't count on you. I am glad I never had to go t war with some of you folks.

UND officials, over the years, have tried a number of things to try and make this work The SBoHE has also done a number of things. If you need to blame someone blame the NCAA. That is where the blame lies. Ranting on a blog does not help. If you are going to call someone, or write to someone do so with class and intelligence. If you can't do that get a UND grad to help you or don't say anything.

Trying to turn this into a hockey vs. other UND athletics is also stupid. Are you aware that as long as UND remained D2 in other sports we lost our share of the Frozen Four hockey revenue? We received only expenses which never covered UND's travel and lodging expenses. According to UND Alumni and athletic officials that was costing us around $400,000 per year when we were in the Frozen Four. I have to confess I am not sure how it affects what we might get if we make the playoffs but no the Frozen Four.

I would say there is still a slim chance the name could be saved but it is up to our Native American friends. Insulting others only makes it tougher to achieve success so please grow up. If you think withholding financial support because of this issue then you were never a loyal fan in the first place or you need a CAT scan to see if there is anything within your skull other than cheese.

I was an athlete at UND in 2 sports, coached one and was a team physician covering all sports at times including hockey. Never in the 40 years that I have been around UND atheltics did teams prepare by discussing the logo. We prepared by practicing, getting in the weight room, studing film etc. We did need the support of our fans and that made a difference back then and according to our athletes and coaches still makes a difference today. The greatest assets of our University's athletic and academic traditions is the quality of education, the college experience, and the great winning traditions of our UND teams. The Fighting Sioux name and logo are also a part of that tradition but not the most important part. Our coaches and our atheltes need us now as much as ever. We need to continue to do our part as fans. If we are to continue the legacy of being "the greatest collge hockey fans ", we need to be committed to or team and the University. The Wisconsin, Minnesota, Boston College, would not be threatening to abandon their teams or hurt their Universities if PETA got the NCAA to ban animal or bird names for their teams. What is the matter with our fans?

The worlds "best college hockey fans" or for that matter "best college athletic team" fans will not let their teams down over this issue. If we withhold one penny of support for UND for athletics, academics or any other worthy cause related to UND over this issue it is a mistake. It is not going to change who our University President is nor should it. Let those who can affect change do their jobs. Write letters to the Tribes, the politicians, the SBoHE, or UND officials, if you wish, but don't be a jerk and don't undermine what those who are trying to do to save this and do not fail our teams and athletes when they need us most.

That is the best summation I have seen on the subject. I agree with you 100% and I wish I could have said it half as well as you did.

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I agree that withholding donations does harm to UND but it also gets a message across.

I love UND, I love the athletics, I love the institution. I have always donated at least something every year. I have written my letters, my emails, made phone calls, posted things on FB to other fans and colleagues. What do I have left?

With SR officials working this out, where are the leaders of UND? Why aren't they saying, loudly, to give SR some time to work on the issue or pushing the SBofHE to honor their deadlines with the NCAA? There is a dearth of leadership on ALL fronts. I am glad Gov. Hoeven said something, even if it wasn't as forceful as I would have liked. I suspect that no one anticipated the political will to keep the name especially from SR and SL.

I also agree that any degrading, nasty language directed to or about Native Americans is counterproductive. The Anti-Nickname types always use racism as their golden ticket in this argument. From this moment forward, let's respect the Native population and stop giving the political fringe anymore ammunition. I will live with whatever SR decides.

But please, don't assume I hate UND or I'm a fairweather fan or immature if I elect to make a statement with my pocketbook. When I see some real leadership coming from UND, I will continue donating generously. To me, the Fighting Sioux name is more than a simple moniker. It is a tie between me, my home state, the Native American population, and my beloved UND.

This fight matters.

Reminds me of the Natives who can't see how forcing the name change will hurt their cause in the long run. What will holding your support for our athletes, coaches, teachers and students do to advance the cause of the logo/name? Even if you don't see the leadership qualities of President Kelly, if you think holding donations is going to convince anyone to make a change in UND's leadership you are mistaken. The governing board with the authority to hire and fire just directed him and the University to make the change. I don't know that many people know what has gone on behind the scenes. I believe Kelly was told he would not have to deal with this issue before he was hired. He does have more important things to do. He was at the Final Five wearing his Sioux Hockey jersey as proudly as anyone. He gets threatened by you that you will hold donations and he gets threatened by others that they will hold donations if the name isn't changed. Unless the tribes make it happen I don't think the name will remain. Kelly needs to be smart enough to play it close to the vest right now. I am not sure we know what he has done to try and keep the name.

I dont assume you hate UND I do know that you are willing to hurt UND and UND can't afford to lose any support right now. UND is trying to navigate the move to D1 and trying to get the hockey team back to the Frozen Four and another national championship. Holding donations will hurt recruiting and hurting recruiting can set programs back for years.

The best fans in the world do not abandon their teams and the University when times are tough. If you can't get your message across without hurting the teams and your "beloved UND", then UND failed in educating you to effectively communicate and maybe you have a right to hold donations but don't do it for the wrong reason or with the idea it will help. Communicate your frustrations other ways. Set up an appointment and talk to President Kelly about how you feel. Call him and speak with him, I did when UND didn't hire Rob Bollinger as AD. Although it didn't change the ultimate decision, he listened and I was impressed with the depth at which he had researched and evaluated the situation.

Other than Phil Jackson there aren't many former or present Sioux athletes (if any others0 who want the name changed, but the support of the fans is more important than the name or logo.

Go Sioux!

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Appreciate the support from the Bison camp. I have a lot of Bison friends here in Fargo that DON'T want to see the Sioux name gone either. Of course you have the MplsBisons out there, but we all know that deal. :(

Nobody in Bison Land wants him either. Sorry he is here. But at least we dont have to listen to his drivel.

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