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1 hour ago, SiouxTupa said:

A tie is like the game not being played, where pairwise is concerned. Do-over tonight, get it right, and the tie won't matter. Seemed like a typical early season game to me. Guys played tentative, but moved the puck well. 

Is this true? 

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33 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

Few guys will get to think "how in the world did I miss that gaping net?"

I don't think I've seen a team make goaltenders look as good as UND has the past few seasons.  The former goalie in me wants to give the tendys their due, but when you've seen it as much as we have it gets to be a broken record.

Move on, bear down.....it's a process that doesn't end because you tied Anchorage early in October. 

Agreed. although they played terrible and their Pp was as bad as it gets.  A tie isn't the end of the world though.  A loss would have been much worse.

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31 minutes ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

That's a pretty optimistic review of a game where only 1 goal was scored against a miserable program. I don't think their goalie is anything special, I just think UND has been good at making goalies look leaps and bounds better than they actually are the past 2 seasons. 

I wouldn't mind it if UAA controlled play the entire game tonight and outshot UND 4-1 as long as UND out scored them by 3 or 4 goals. At least there would be a break in this ugly trend of poor scoring percentages. As we all know, the PP is still miserably bad, but I didnt realize it was 5 shot attempts on 5 power plays bad. Yikes 

Simo was a beast on the dot last night and was the only guy able to bury one. Good flash of leadership there by him, showing it on the ice where it counts. Nick Jones went 6-0 on the dot as well, so thats a flawless start for him. 

Mantha has a career .913 with THAT dumpster fire of a team in UAA. He's a very good goaltender.

With that said, no excuses for missing open nets. None. It just can't happen.

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49 minutes ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

That's a pretty optimistic review of a game where only 1 goal was scored against a miserable program. I don't think their goalie is anything special, I just think UND has been good at making goalies look leaps and bounds better than they actually are the past 2 seasons. 

I wouldn't mind it if UAA controlled play the entire game tonight and outshot UND 4-1 as long as UND out scored them by 3 or 4 goals. At least there would be a break in this ugly trend of poor scoring percentages. As we all know, the PP is still miserably bad, but I didnt realize it was 5 shot attempts on 5 power plays bad. Yikes 

Simo was a beast on the dot last night and was the only guy able to bury one. Good flash of leadership there by him, showing it on the ice where it counts. Nick Jones went 6-0 on the dot as well, so thats a flawless start for him. 

Watching the game it wasn't the typical shoot it into the goalies belly and chest and make him look good last night. The kid made some really nice saves but to me it was more about missing a couple open nets and passing up a couple of really good chances to shoot and making the extra pass and then not even getting a shot off. The powerplay was really passive and just didn't look like it flowed well at all. Was very surprised to see the 2 best chances on the powerplay come on setups from Olson.

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9 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

Yeah, as soon as I said that, that was my first thought.

What were the groupings last night? 1) Gersich Rhett Pogo Poolman Wolanin ... 2) JJ Hoff Mismash Shaw Peski?

No they were Gersich-Hoff-Poganski-Poolman-Peski and Adams-Gardner-Olson-Shaw-Wolanin last night and they alternated which unit started each powerplay. I thought the personnel would be a little different and eventually I think Mismash and maybe Kawaguchi and Jones could find their way onto one of the powerplay units. 

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7 minutes ago, SiouxScore said:

No they were Gersich-Hoff-Poganski-Poolman-Peski and Adams-Gardner-Olson-Shaw-Wolanin last night and they alternated which unit started each powerplay. I thought the personnel would be a little different and eventually I think Mismash and maybe Kawaguchi and Jones could find their way onto one of the powerplay units. 

I wonder if we will see more of those 3 you just listed on the PP tonight since it went so poorly last night. I'd like to see Olson and Gardner off it for sure and to be replaced by Kawaguchi and Jones. 

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2 hours ago, SiouxTupa said:

A tie is like the game not being played, where pairwise is concerned. Do-over tonight, get it right, and the tie won't matter. Seemed like a typical early season game to me. Guys played tentative, but moved the puck well. 

I tried to look into tie's and pairwise, but couldn't find anything. If that's the case, that's great, basically just a mulligan when you tie a really bad team.

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4 hours ago, Wilbur said:

Few guys will get to think "how in the world did I miss that gaping net?"

I don't think I've seen a team make goaltenders look as good as UND has the past few seasons.  The former goalie in me wants to give the tendys their due, but when you've seen it as much as we have it gets to be a broken record.

Move on, bear down.....it's a process that doesn't end because you tied Anchorage early in October. 

This was an early season problem for sure.

2 hours ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

A new team handling adversity well in my eyes would be a team gutting through a bad game by still coming out on top with a gross win. I don't really see killing off a 5-3 to squeak by with a tie vs a team like that is a very good sign for season to come.They couldn't find a way to win, let alone find a way to score on one of the worst teams in the nation. I don't blame myself or others for being a little bit concerned already.

I think this is an impressive thing they did, how do you think it is a bad sign for the season?

5 on 3 with 2:?? minutes left in a tie game and not lose, and it's a bad sign. :blink:

1 hour ago, SiouxScore said:

Guys played pretty well last night and dominated for stretches. Anchorage's goalie was outstanding but we also had a couple guys just plain miss with open nets. Really liked Kiersted on defense last night. Was really smooth and did a good job of picking his spots to get involved offensively. The Olson-Simonson-Bowen line played well together again and might have been our best line last night. Few lapses in the defensive zone but overall not too bad at all for the season opener. Need to do a better job of getting shots through tonight and probably put the puck on net a little more as it seemed like there were a few different times last night where guys just overpassed it and really passed up a good scoring chance.

That's what I seen.

1 hour ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

That's a pretty optimistic review of a game where only 1 goal was scored against a miserable program. I don't think their goalie is anything special, I just think UND has been good at making goalies look leaps and bounds better than they actually are the past 2 seasons. 

I wouldn't mind it if UAA controlled play the entire game tonight and outshot UND 4-1 as long as UND out scored them by 3 or 4 goals. At least there would be a break in this ugly trend of poor scoring percentages. As we all know, the PP is still miserably bad, but I didnt realize it was 5 shot attempts on 5 power plays bad. Yikes 

Simo was a beast on the dot last night and was the only guy able to bury one. Good flash of leadership there by him, showing it on the ice where it counts. Nick Jones went 6-0 on the dot as well, so thats a flawless start for him. 

I think you are crazy here, are you only happy with a 10-0 thumping every game?:lol:

51 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

Mantha has a career .913 with THAT dumpster fire of a team in UAA. He's a very good goaltender.

With that said, no excuses for missing open nets. None. It just can't happen.

Says it all, this guy has nothing around him for a team and has those numbers and the Sioux apparently just made him look good...?? I don't get it.

35 minutes ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

I highly doubt they will shuffle the lines for the game tonight. Guaranteed they will for next weekend if they play as poorly tonight 

I think they will just to see what happens.

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4 hours ago, Wilbur said:

I don't think I've seen a team make goaltenders look as good as UND has the past few seasons.  The former goalie in me wants to give the tendys their due, but when you've seen it as much as we have it gets to be a broken record.

If St. Lawrence has a "hot goalie" next weekend, then I will start making comments like this. But this is a young team that will get better and better with more experience playing together.

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36 minutes ago, AJS said:

I tried to look into tie's and pairwise, but couldn't find anything. If that's the case, that's great, basically just a mulligan when you tie a really bad team.

A tie brings down your RPI if your a winning team. 1/2 win and 1/2 loss. The RPI is a factor in the Pairwise.

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From the GF Herald:

“That’s something we’re going to have to continually work on to get better,” Berry said. “When you lose a couple of key players from last year, you have to fill those voids and find the strengths of your team. We’re getting some information now. Hopefully, if we can have success -- get one or two power-play goals -- we can get some momentum with those units.”

I have a huge problem with this, UND's PP was at 18.5% last year, which is not good. The 18.5% looks better than it actually is, where you'll see two or three games where they really click (4-7 type nights) that bring the average way up. Do you have to go back to the early 2000s, late 90s, where they actually had a good PP? It's so frustrating, because I haven't heard once over 15+ years that it might just be the PP scheme they run. What they've tried over the years isn't working. You have two first round picks and it's only at 18.5%? It's completely unacceptable. For a team that has made 15 straight tournaments, night in and night out, teams that have less talent seem to look better on the power play. This is on the coaching staff. It won't get fixed and it'll be another frustrating special teams year. I just want to for once hear some accountability. 


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7 minutes ago, fightingsioux4life said:

If St. Lawrence has a "hot goalie" next weekend, then I will start making comments like this. But this is a young team that will get better and better with more experience playing together.

I'm with you, there are some trends (I'll continue to harp on the PP), that are concerns after seeing it year after year, since that's on the scheme. "Hot goalies" or lack of finishers, I'll need more of a sample size to judge. Last nights game, wouldn't have followed the trend last year, where more times than not, UND made the goalies look better. Mantha was just an animal.

One type of advanced stat I'd love to see is compare a goalies Save % at the end of the year and if their games against UND they were better or worse than their average. 

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25 minutes ago, bigskyvikes said:

This was an early season problem for sure.

I think this is an impressive thing they did, how do you think it is a bad sign for the season?

5 on 3 with 2:?? minutes left in a tie game and not lose, and it's a bad sign. :blink:

That's what I seen.

I think you are crazy here, are you only happy with a 10-0 thumping every game?:lol:

Says it all, this guy has nothing around him for a team and has those numbers and the Sioux apparently just made him look good...?? I don't get it.

I think they will just to see what happens.

I just meant our meaning of adversity might be in the wrong place. UND was already fighting adversity by putting themselves in a tight game late in the 3rd with a horrible program. In my eyes, dealing with that adversity well would've been by UND stepping up and potting a 2nd goal to put that ugly game to bed. Instead they let in a very late goal letting it go to OT. In OT they put themselves in an even worse situation of a 5-3 disadvantage. Sure, getting out of that is a start, but I feel like we're picking a pretty tiny positive when you step back and look at the big picture. I wasn't saying killing a 5-3 was a bad sign, just getting themselves into that spot in the first place was a bad sign and getting out of it feeling good is sad.

As for the goalie-- Everyone see's his stat line as 1 GA on 33 shots. You don't see the missed open netters and tap ins that he had nothing to do with. Sure he had a great game on top of that, but I'm saying it seems like we end up saying that about A LOT of goalies, so what makes this guy any different. "Their goalie had the hot hand." "but their goalie stood on his head". Get some odd man breaks, get some unstoppable scoring chances. When you are dominating play that badly, you should get those opportunities to score those types of goals, and it doesn't matter who the goalie is those types of plays. 

No I don't expect 10 goals a game, but when any team dominates the puck possession and shots on goal that heavily, I really think it has a lot to do with what type of shots are being taken more than it has to do with the goalie himself.

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13 minutes ago, AJS said:

From the GF Herald:

“That’s something we’re going to have to continually work on to get better,” Berry said. “When you lose a couple of key players from last year, you have to fill those voids and find the strengths of your team. We’re getting some information now. Hopefully, if we can have success -- get one or two power-play goals -- we can get some momentum with those units.”

I have a huge problem with this, UND's PP was at 18.5% last year, which is not good. The 18.5% looks better than it actually is, where you'll see two or three games where they really click (4-7 type nights) that bring the average way up. Do you have to go back to the early 2000s, late 90s, where they actually had a good PP? It's so frustrating, because I haven't heard once over 15+ years that it might just be the PP scheme they run. What they've tried over the years isn't working. You have two first round picks and it's only at 18.5%? It's completely unacceptable. For a team that has made 15 straight tournaments, night in and night out, teams that have less talent seem to look better on the power play. This is on the coaching staff. It won't get fixed and it'll be another frustrating special teams year. I just want to for once hear some accountability. 


I thought the exact same thing when I read that. If we're going to start comparing to last year's powerplay as a bench mark, UND PP is screwed. 

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8 minutes ago, AJS said:

I'm with you, there are some trends (I'll continue to harp on the PP), that are concerns after seeing it year after year, since that's on the scheme. "Hot goalies" or lack of finishers, I'll need more of a sample size to judge. Last nights game, wouldn't have followed the trend last year, where more times than not, UND made the goalies look better. Mantha was just an animal.

One type of advanced stat I'd love to see is compare a goalies Save % at the end of the year and if their games against UND they were better or worse than their average. 

Well for starters-- CC's goalie had a year long save percentage of .899 and had a .944 against UND. I'm sure there are worse ones out there than that! 

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1 hour ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

I highly doubt they will shuffle the lines for the game tonight. Guaranteed they will for next weekend if they play as poorly tonight 

I watched the game, and I did not think they played poorly at all. They were clearly the superior team.  Sometimes you don't get the finish.  Mantha was awesome.  tie in non-conference doesn't do very much in PWR, its a missed opportunity, but not a big deal.  I also contend the ice was very poor.

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15 minutes ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

I just meant our meaning of adversity might be in the wrong place. UND was already fighting adversity by putting themselves in a tight game late in the 3rd with a horrible program. In my eyes, dealing with that adversity well would've been by UND stepping up and potting a 2nd goal to put that ugly game to bed. Instead they let in a very late goal letting it go to OT. In OT they put themselves in an even worse situation of a 5-3 disadvantage. Sure, getting out of that is a start, but I feel like we're picking a pretty tiny positive when you step back and look at the big picture. I wasn't saying killing a 5-3 was a bad sign, just getting themselves into that spot in the first place was a bad sign and getting out of it feeling good is sad.

As for the goalie-- Everyone see's his stat line as 1 GA on 33 shots. You don't see the missed open netters and tap ins that he had nothing to do with. Sure he had a great game on top of that, but I'm saying it seems like we end up saying that about A LOT of goalies, so what makes this guy any different. "Their goalie had the hot hand." "but their goalie stood on his head". Get some odd man breaks, get some unstoppable scoring chances. When you are dominating play that badly, you should get those opportunities to score those types of goals, and it doesn't matter who the goalie is those types of plays. 

No I don't expect 10 goals a game, but when any team dominates the puck possession and shots on goal that heavily, I really think it has a lot to do with what type of shots are being taken more than it has to do with the goalie himself.

I saw at least a half-dozen high percentage shots...we score on half of those and its a 4-1 win.  Sometimes the puck doesn't go in.  This is not a big deal.  If we respond with another dominating performance and pump some in, it will be a good start.  

The 2010-2011 Pony Express team- which was the best team in the country that year- also tied in the opener in Alaska with a veteran laden stud team.

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