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What's Up With The Offense?


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Let's make a QB change after only 6 quarters of poor football? That isn't a large enough sample size, in my opinion, and I would hate for the coaching staff to make an impulsive irrational decision this early in the season. Also, for those who appear to have forgotten, UND does still have a winning record. 

The offense has been horrible in the last 6 quarters, but changing QBs isn't going to help if they're constantly getting pressured and hit or the WRs aren't breaking free and doing their jobs. There's more than one position on offense that makes it go, and right now, the offensive line, WRs, and RBs need to play better, particularly the offensive line. 

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When you see 4 yards of total offense in the 3rd quarter, people should be called out, coaches and players. 

Plus Drake in the second half.  The vaunted Drake that just got smoked 52-0 by South Dakota.

Edited by gundy1124
added material about Drake
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When you see 4 yards of total offense in the 3rd quarter, people should be called out, coaches and players. 

Absolutely. The whole unit, coaches and players, did not do their job on Saturday. Changes need to be made, but they need to be more than just switching out the QB. The play-calling, offensive line/blocking scheme, skill position players, etc. all needs to be analyzed so that this offense can start developing. Last season the offense was horrible, and if the offense hits another season-long dry spell in 2015, it will look like the offensive coaching staff is an issue along with the players. 

With that all said, I do think there is something to the fact that the offense is young and maybe just more game experience and upcoming talent via recruiting is needed. Continuing to work hard and patience is a virtue. 

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I may be a bit reactionary here about Studsrud, but it appears that Wyoming does NOT play D and as pointed out above, Drake is not a great D either.

In the 2nd half of that game he faded. YES, play calling was really conservative, but am I wrong that he locks in on a receiver without any progressions if that guy is covered. A great D (last Saturday) saw that. Do we think a conference D Coordinator is not noticing that in their reviews?

We blame the ground game, but when the D sees the QB has trouble making the passes to stretch the D, the ground game is gonna suffer with 8 guys in the box.

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The reason I want Mollberg to play, when he healthy, is because he can do things that Studsrud will never be able to do. Studsrud throws a nice ball but he can't make all the throws, I've seen a lot of one hops to guys on the sideline routes. Mollberg can actually spin it out to those guys with enough venom. And for those of you saying Studrud has played really well I totally disagree. I get nervous when he passes because he stares down his primary read worse than Dante Culpepper, and he had Moss. I realize that we need better playmakers on the edge but we also need a qb cabable of progressing through his reads and making the throw and being able to handle the pressure. Joe was clutch last year against Montana, big time. He's the guy we need to play.

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Alright, listen up all that are calling for a QB change.  Here is my informed thoughts:

Did you watch the first two games of the year?  When Studsrud played damn near flawlessly out in Wyoming and then threw for 260 and 3 TD's vs. Drake with a extremely dumbed down playbook.  

Now he goes into probably the most hostile environment in FCS and became very tense and basically wilted under the lights.  He didn't handle it well at all, that much was obvious to all.  Throws were erratic and the offensive flow was horrible.  

Here is a pretty good reason:  This was Studsruds 7th start of his career with no redshirt year to grow off of.  He went 2-2 last year, looking horrible at times and decent others.  This year he was 2-0 before the entire offense melted down in their biggest game.  Why the hell would he get pulled for that?  For not beating NDSU in Fargo?  For not throwing well enough to lead them to any kind of yardage?  Not his fault they got pounded up front.  Everyone was bad offensively, not just him.

Quit bringing up Mollberg, too.  He is not ready and has shown that through camp.  His progressions when he was healthy were not up to par anyway.  There is a reason why he is third.  

People really need to settle down.  UND is 2-1.  The offense has looked bad for the past 6 quarters but they aren't playing NDSU type defenses every game from here on out.  How you matchup with schemes (NAU) is a big part of it as we saw at the end of last year.  

Would it really make sense to send him into Fargo, lose, and then let the backup play vs. Davis at home?  Little bit different situations.


Great points, some perspective is in order. If anyone has paid attention between the Mussman teams and Bubba teams, it's clear as day that Bubba has these kids playing hard for 60 minutes win or lose. They might not play well at times, but they do not give up, and when you are rebuilding that is essential.

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The reason I want Mollberg to play, when he healthy, is because he can do things that Studsrud will never be able to do. Studsrud throws a nice ball but he can't make all the throws, I've seen a lot of one hops to guys on the sideline routes. Mollberg can actually spin it out to those guys with enough venom. And for those of you saying Studrud has played really well I totally disagree. I get nervous when he passes because he stares down his primary read worse than Dante Culpepper, and he had Moss. I realize that we need better playmakers on the edge but we also need a qb cabable of progressing through his reads and making the throw and being able to handle the pressure. Joe was clutch last year against Montana, big time. He's the guy we need to play.

Lets talk about starting the second string quarterback before we start talking about starting our third string quarterback.

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The reason I want Mollberg to play, when he healthy, is because he can do things that Studsrud will never be able to do. Studsrud throws a nice ball but he can't make all the throws, I've seen a lot of one hops to guys on the sideline routes. Mollberg can actually spin it out to those guys with enough venom. And for those of you saying Studrud has played really well I totally disagree. I get nervous when he passes because he stares down his primary read worse than Dante Culpepper, and he had Moss. I realize that we need better playmakers on the edge but we also need a qb cabable of progressing through his reads and making the throw and being able to handle the pressure. Joe was clutch last year against Montana, big time. He's the guy we need to play.

And he can throw the ball off his back foot with the best of them. ???:silly:

Mollberg is very athletic, but is too anxious to run and has super bad happy feet. I think Bartels should get a chance before Mollberg.

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Great points, some perspective is in order. If anyone has paid attention between the Mussman teams and Bubba teams, it's clear as day that Bubba has these kids playing hard for 60 minutes win or lose. They might not play well at times, but they do not give up, and when you are rebuilding that is essential.

Not playing well........we set records for lowest yard total.  I am putting it more on the schematics and philosophy in not being able to even come close to the yardage Incarnate Word put up on a better NDSU defense than we faced on Saturday.  (I am really pissed, but I do like and respect all of our coaches, I know they are capable so that makes it more frustrating than anything)

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Alright, listen up all that are calling for a QB change.  Here is my informed thoughts:

Did you watch the first two games of the year?  When Studsrud played damn near flawlessly out in Wyoming and then threw for 260 and 3 TD's vs. Drake with a extremely dumbed down playbook.  

Now he goes into probably the most hostile environment in FCS and became very tense and basically wilted under the lights.  He didn't handle it well at all, that much was obvious to all.  Throws were erratic and the offensive flow was horrible.  

Here is a pretty good reason:  This was Studsruds 7th start of his career with no redshirt year to grow off of.  He went 2-2 last year, looking horrible at times and decent others.  This year he was 2-0 before the entire offense melted down in their biggest game.  Why the hell would he get pulled for that?  For not beating NDSU in Fargo?  For not throwing well enough to lead them to any kind of yardage?  Not his fault they got pounded up front.  Everyone was bad offensively, not just him.

Quit bringing up Mollberg, too.  He is not ready and has shown that through camp.  His progressions when he was healthy were not up to par anyway.  There is a reason why he is third.  

People really need to settle down.  UND is 2-1.  The offense has looked bad for the past 6 quarters but they aren't playing NDSU type defenses every game from here on out.  How you matchup with schemes (NAU) is a big part of it as we saw at the end of last year.  

Would it really make sense to send him into Fargo, lose, and then let the backup play vs. Davis at home?  Little bit different situations.


Totally agree with the QB comments.  Good grief, Studsrud threw for 413 yds. and 3 TD's with no interceptions through our first two games and did about everything anybody had hoped, not to mention rushing for 59 yds. and a TD vs. Wyoming.  I don't think it's right to put an undue amount of the blame on him for the SU game.  Sure, he shares some of it, but there's plenty to go around.  Need to realize, too, that we were playing the 4-time defending national champs, on there home field yet.  But, instead of looking for people to blame, let's realize that we've got a really young team and that they're going to learn from the SU game and improve going forward.  With a young team, it's going to be three steps forward and two back for a while.  I think Bubba and Co. are going to keep this thing going in the right direction. 

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The reason I want Mollberg to play, when he healthy, is because he can do things that Studsrud will never be able to do. Studsrud throws a nice ball but he can't make all the throws, I've seen a lot of one hops to guys on the sideline routes. Mollberg can actually spin it out to those guys with enough venom. And for those of you saying Studrud has played really well I totally disagree. I get nervous when he passes because he stares down his primary read worse than Dante Culpepper, and he had Moss. I realize that we need better playmakers on the edge but we also need a qb cabable of progressing through his reads and making the throw and being able to handle the pressure. Joe was clutch last year against Montana, big time. He's the guy we need to play.

Pulling our starting QB after a 2-1 start is not the answer. Going back and forth does not promote chemistry and rapport, and Bubba wants this to have long-term perspective as we are building up this program, not just this team. The only true bad offensive play is a turnover, and Studsrud has thrown zero interceptions and led the team to zero turnovers in the two road contests of 2015 thus far. 

I EXPECT Studsrud to bounce back at home against UC Davis. If the running game gets going, and receivers are running wide-open on pass plays, and yet Studsrud can't capitalize, then there may be issues. However, in the past 6 quarters, there hasn't been any resemblance of a solid running game and WRs haven't been gaining separation to help out the QB position. You can't put poor QB play all on the QB himself; its so much easier to play that position when the people around you are contributing. 

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When is Georges back?

What are the odds Santiago moves back into the slot?

Do we look to insert Francis into the O-line to try and kick start some things?  Interior line play was poor vs. NDSU.


Hopefully this week on the first one.  I think we need to look at doing the last two.  

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When is Georges back?

What are the odds Santiago moves back into the slot?

Do we look to insert Francis into the O-line to try and kick start some things?  Interior line play was poor vs. NDSU.


Hopefully this week on the first one.  I think we need to look at doing the last two.  

Francis doesn't play OL any more he had to cut weight and switch to TE because of his knees.

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Thats right.  I was thinking Mat Cox.  He is the backup at about every position.  Do we give him a shot to see if it clicks any better?

I trust coach Knaupf after last season how the line play progressed. He'll make an adjustment if he feels a backup is ready, if not I guess the starters need to step up big time.

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There is a large amount of overreaction going on with UND football.  We're fans, that's what we do, but in hindsight there have been so many comments since last season that sure look like overreactions to me.


"We're going to the playoffs this year... we have a shot at a Big Sky championship... we are going to beat NDSU, etc."  We have a young inexperienced QB (who the staff still believes gives us the best chance to win), we have an OL that the staff believes is subpar in skill and talent (the more talented linemen are not yet ready), and we do not have any proven game breaking skill players on offense.


"Bench Studsrud... fire Rudy..."   We have a young inexperienced QB (who the staff still believes gives us the best chance to win), we have an OL that the staff believes is subpar in skill and talent (the more talented linemen are not yet ready), and we do not have any proven game breaking skill players on offense.


I believe Bubba is a good hire and will turn things around.  It takes more that one full season's recruiting class - and lots of experience - to reverse years of sub par recruiting.

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There is a large amount of overreaction going on with UND football.  We're fans, that's what we do, but in hindsight there have been so many comments since last season that sure look like overreactions to me.


"We're going to the playoffs this year... we have a shot at a Big Sky championship... we are going to beat NDSU, etc."  We have a young inexperienced QB (who the staff still believes gives us the best chance to win), we have an OL that the staff believes is subpar in skill and talent (the more talented linemen are not yet ready), and we do not have any proven game breaking skill players on offense.


"Bench Studsrud... fire Rudy..."   We have a young inexperienced QB (who the staff still believes gives us the best chance to win), we have an OL that the staff believes is subpar in skill and talent (the more talented linemen are not yet ready), and we do not have any proven game breaking skill players on offense.


I believe Bubba is a good hire and will turn things around.  It takes more that one full season's recruiting class - and lots of experience - to reverse years of sub par recruiting.

But, we laid an egg on two consecutive saturdays. That is what is unacceptable. We need to start being competitive in every game. Our D is on the right path and our front 7 is the real deal. Our offense just needs to start clicking or our D may not hold up all season. We need high standards as fans, its a good thing.

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But, we laid an egg on two consecutive saturdays. That is what is unacceptable. We need to start being competitive in every game. Our D is on the right path and our front 7 is the real deal. Our offense just needs to start clicking or our D may not hold up all season. We need high standards as fans, its a good thing.

But those standards have to be somewhat realistic. We need to remember just how bad things were when Bubba was hired. It is similar to starting a program from scratch.

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Bottom line is that you have to put points on the scoreboard in order to win.  Defense is great but the opponent will make some plays and score points, just like Drake and NDSU did.  Plus in regards to offense, UND needs a balanced mix of plays (run and pass).  We obviously don't have a stud RB right now so we can't rely on just that.  Plus a balanced attack is the only way to keep the opposing defense honest.

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But those standards have to be somewhat realistic. We need to remember just how bad things were when Bubba was hired. It is similar to starting a program from scratch.

This is exactly my point.  UND is still far behind in talent.  


Geaux Sioux, "unacceptable" is, for me, far too strong in year 2 with a 2-1 record and an FBS win.  There are obvious problems for sure, but they are ahead of schedule as far as I can see.  It's going to take a while until we have a talented offense.  Defense is much easier to fix in a shorter period of time. 

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