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NCAA To Sanction UND if School Does Not Adopt New Nickname

Benny Baker

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Lets turn the conversation to this scenario.

Lets say sometime next week (hopefully) Kelley finally makes a decision.  Let's play these three out.

1) He will allow UND/no nickname back on the list, and it wins the final vote

2) He will allow UND/no nickname back on the list, but loses the final vote

3) He will not allow UND/no nickname back on the list

My belief is that we will be just North Dakota... for this year.  Next year (16-17)... I have no idea.

Can I toss in ...

2a) He allows a final showdown between "no nickname" and just "Roughriders" --- "mano a mano"

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Lets turn the conversation to this scenario.

Lets say sometime next week (hopefully) Kelley finally makes a decision.  Let's play these three out.

1) He will allow UND/no nickname back on the list, and it wins the final vote

2) He will allow UND/no nickname back on the list, but loses the final vote

3) He will not allow UND/no nickname back on the list

My belief is that we will be just North Dakota... for this year.  Next year (16-17)... I have no idea.

We may finish the 2015-2016 seasons as North Dakota but I think the new nickname will be decided on before say...January 14, 2016...

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Would be nice wouldn't it?

Kicking the can down the road even further so a new President has to deal with it would be the ultimate cherry on top of this train wreck.  Since he was hired, I never felt Kelley's time at UND would end with anything other than him picking the new name before he retired.  The timing of his last day only reinforces that idea. 

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I figured Kelley (UC Berkeley alumnus, fairly old when he came) was brought in to do one job. If he leaves without doing that one thing he may force his all-time ranking to the bottom. 

Before folks start ripping Kelley for having that job to do, he didn't create it. The settlement and timelines were in play before he got here. The fight was over when he arrived. He was handed a mop ... (and the floor is still wet). 

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If Sioux83 wasn't racist when you started using it, it isn't racist today. Objective reality exists outside of all opinion, that includes the NCAA (doesn't mean the name is coming back). My argument has never been to continue using the Sioux moniker (see every post I've made on this forum).

With the logic of "its never been done before, so we can't do it now" we wouldn't be where we are today. Put bluntly: light bulbs, airplanes, computers, North Dakota hockey, etc. I see no reason to step into that mold.

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Or the 3 year "cool down" period is up and the intention all along after that "cool down" period was to select a replacement nickname for the Fighting Sioux.  Perhaps that is why the "we are North Dakota" has stopped.  However, the University hasn't completely dropped calling themselves North Dakota in its marketing efforts so there is not the propaganda you hope is there.

Let's be real, if the University stopped calling themselves "North Dakota," they would stop calling themselves anything altogether, you don't get points for saying the University still has a name. I'm saying the ads went away. Rallying behind one slogan or catchphrase sounds a lot like every other school with their nickname, since they stopped rallying behind "we are North Dakota," I will infer that it was never given a fair shot as a standalone name. I will re-establish that marketing HAS been colored toward moving away from being "North Dakota" and into "[insert nickname choice]. (thus propaganda)"

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Let's be real, if the University stopped calling themselves "North Dakota," they would stop calling themselves anything altogether, you don't get points for saying the University still has a name. I'm saying the ads went away. Rallying behind one slogan or catchphrase sounds a lot like every other school with their nickname, since they stopped rallying behind "we are North Dakota," I will infer that it was never given a fair shot as a standalone name. I will re-establish that marketing HAS been colored toward moving away from being "North Dakota" and into "[insert nickname choice]. (thus propaganda)"

Well, yah.  The last 3 years was spent gearing towards picking a new nickname after the cool down period.  That was planned and fully transparent.  Of course they weren't going to spend exessive time on a name/slogan that was temporary.  

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Not arguing with you there at all. Why not, if a vote deems that "North Dakota" should be the moniker, embrace it and roll out the "we are North Dakota" ads and the like? Why not spend excessive time on it then? I'm simply stating that the 'pro change' people might not all be pro change, and might be more 'pro peace,' and will do whatever the University wants.

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one member, from New York,had a hobby ranch in North Dakota.  That's the connection...   Everyone else except for the son of the head veterinarian at NDSU was from the southwest...  Hmmm....

but,   there's an award.  ;-)

OK, so we need a native born son done good to use the name of his followers ... roger that ... I see the future ... 

< arena lights drop > 

< bubble machine fires up full bore > 

"Here comes your University of North Dakota ... ORCHESTRA!"

< lights come up full and Lawrence Welk mascot carrying interlocked ND flag comes onto playing surface > 

< team comes out of the tunnel through a maze of bubbles onto the surface > 

< and the fans all cheer >

"An' a one! An' a two!" 


Edited by The Sicatoka
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Let's be real, if the University stopped calling themselves "North Dakota," they would stop calling themselves anything altogether, you don't get points for saying the University still has a name. I'm saying the ads went away. Rallying behind one slogan or catchphrase sounds a lot like every other school with their nickname, since they stopped rallying behind "we are North Dakota," I will infer that it was never given a fair shot as a standalone name. I will re-establish that marketing HAS been colored toward moving away from being "North Dakota" and into "[insert nickname choice]. (thus propaganda)"

They have recently been rallying behind "North Dakota Proud".  

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They haven't been the University of North Dakota's representative, with an associated nickname, since inception?

And that's "The Spectre". It's fitting, because we keep living under the specter of the old nickname around here. That's why I chose it. 

Do they or do they not call the sports teams North Dakota since we were relieved of the old Nickname?  Yes or No?  Spectre??? Phil Spectre???  Never heard of her...

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OK, so we need a native born son done good to use the name of his followers ... roger that ... I see the future ... 

< arena lights drop > 

< bubble machine fires up full bore > 

"Here comes your University of North Dakota ... ORCHESTRA!"

< lights come up full and Lawrence Welk mascot carrying interlocked ND flag comes onto playing surface > 

< team comes out of the tunnel through a maze of bubbles onto the surface > 

< and the fans all cheer >

"An' a one! An' a two!" 


Not a ton of people were native to North Dakota in 1883 (When TR first came) or in 1899 when the Roughriders were assembled.

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Can I toss in ...

2a) He allows a final showdown between "no nickname" and just "Roughriders" --- "mano a mano"

Assuming we wanted to move to a new nickname, and assuming the only reason we wouldn't in the short term wouldn't is because they all suck, one way to handle it would be the following: Throw all 5 remaining options out for a vote. An absolute majority must be established for adoption as the new nickname. The absence of a majority decision would default to continuing without a nickname. 

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Do they or do they not call the sports teams North Dakota since we were relieved of the old Nickname?  Yes or No?  Spectre??? Phil Spectre???  Never heard of her...

The sports teams have always been known as North Dakota, as long as UND has had sports teams. Plus they had real sports nicknames in addition, names like Flickertails and Sioux, up until they were forced to quit using Sioux and forced to go without a nickname for 3 years.

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Why do I want a new nickname? 

1. I have vowed to never use that "S" word again except in reference to geographic locations. (Yes, I've slipped a couple times.) I've taken to calling tribes by their names: D/L/Nakota. <-- We needed them to have UND's back. They didn't. They chose to not even work with UND. They're done with us? I'm done with them. (Yes, a generality and thinking of tribal councils; there are personal exceptions.) 

1a. Call it malicious compliance with the settlement agreement. 

2. "North Dakota" is not declarative. Do you mean the State or the University of? 

3. If it's such a great marketing idea to run without, why hasn't it been done before? Why didn't Bill Veeck (the quirky marketeer he was) rename the "White Sox" to just be Chicago? You have to have something to sell that distinguishes and declares you, by its presence, not its absence. 

4. Fatigue. I'm done with the 30+ years of fighting and infighting.  The time, money, and energy is better spent elsewhere.

5. We'll never have perfect. And newsflash, blasphemy to some to follow, we never did. 

6. The cooling off period did nothing. Waiting longer will do nothing. 


1 and 1a:  I don't quite understand your locus of thought here, or the particulars that led you to misplace blame on the Tribal Councils.  Spirit Lake got on board, so you must mean Standing Rock?  I honestly don't see why you think it's their fault?  The NCAA created the rule, The State of North Dakota (led by the AG) challenged it, then the SBoHE, UND, and political leadership bungled the efforts during the 3yr period to get full approval.  That Standing Rock refused to participate in that mess is understandable, and we all know how well Spirit Lake is taking it these days.

2:  University of.  Happy to clear that up.

3:  The North Dakota name and existing logos are marketable.  That you are unable to comprehend that, but Dave St. Peter can, is not really a problem to pondered for very long.

4:  16,228 and counting.  You must be exhausted.  ;)

5:  I'm horrified I just read that.  Horrified.  Did I...  I...  really?...  just read that...?  ...  I...  oh my...  need to lie down..  where's my Fighting Sioux blanky?

6:  People will have to start dying off for this issue to go away.  So, yes, waiting longer will help.


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