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SIOUX vs. DU - 3:30 Gameday


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Nobody is saying he will get fired. And nobody wants him to be fired. What I and others won't subscribe to is the notion that #nattysdontmatter.

You can't be serious? Nobody wants him fired? Nope, as long as they win every game. They lose one, and the fools are immediately calling for his head. He doesn't hang #8 this year, there will be plenty on this board and throughout the fan base calling for his removal.

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Nobody is saying he will get fired.  And nobody wants him to be fired.  What I and others won't subscribe to is the notion that #nattysdontmatter.


I don't remember one person saying that. Not a single one. I plan on getting really drunk when UND wins it all, it will happen very soon. 

But the University will not fire Hakstol if he says on his current trajectory. 

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Did Hakstol take over a program with a full cupboard, a half-full cupboard or an empty cupboard? Honest question.

And winning NCAA titles has never been "easy", so please put that tired old "It's just too hard" talking point to bed for a nice, long nap because it really needs it.

Sure it's never been easy, but it's harder now.

Hak took his full cupboard right to the frozen four several times. Not saying it doesn't suck to lose there, because of course it does. I just want to know why Red and York deserve the benefit of the doubt and Hak doesn't. My guess is that Red and York's cupboard got pretty full, pretty quick. Then, the won their titles later.

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Hak makes the $$$ he does to raise natty banners

To win regular season games

All the playas and coachas talk about is winning nattys

Those matter

That's the goal

If a regular guy doesnt achieve goals in his job year after year he's gone

Well, guys like you obviously set easily obtained goals, so you will achieve them whether you learn to write or not.

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Hak makes the $$$ he does to raise natty banners

To win regular season games

All the playas and coachas talk about is winning nattys

Those matter

That's the goal

If a regular guy doesnt achieve goals in his job year after year he's gone

He's not gone. Not gonna happen.

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Is it better to critize the players like a lot of people have been doing here lately or a coach paid millions so far.

If haks so good why hasnt he gotten better job offers?

You know for a fact he hasn't? Ever thought he loves it here and wants to stay and continue to battle for a title?

Fans criticize both regardless, so, what's the point?

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I cant wait to read this thread in a few weeks and just laugh. After we win 4 straight of course.

Can it SERIOUSLY be Friday so this thread can go the way of the dodo.

If you can't win with the best goalie in und history being the #1 in the nation playing its regionals "at home" will they ever?

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You know for a fact he hasn't? Ever thought he loves it here and wants to stay and continue to battle for a title?

Fans criticize both regardless, so, what's the point?

People here get there panties in a bunch for critizing a coach who's been paid millions.

Nobody says hey stop critizing Luke or schmaltz he's a college kid only getting a free schooling.

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People here get there panties in a bunch for critizing a coach who's been paid millions.

Nobody says hey stop critizing Luke or schmaltz he's a college kid only getting a free schooling.

There's another fiction. Nobody is saying Hak's coaching should not be criticized. But those who just keep coming with this simplistic, brain-dead "we want a banner" are not criticizing--they're just pouting.

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Hadju needs to learn that both teams play on bad ice.  All teams have injuries this time of year.  I understand that he is the SID, but I don't think his last name is Hartman, so quit being such a homer.  I had comments in this last weekends live chat about Zane not playing his best right now and that this isn't the time of the year for a goalie to go cold.  He was actually delusional about how Zane is performing.  Look at it, he gave up 5 goals against DU?  He has given up the odd angle goals which a goalie in the correct position doesn't give up.  Zane has been the glue for this team this year, but according to Hadju, he is the least of our concerns.  I am concerned.

While Zane wasn't Super Man this past wknd, he was by no means the problem. It was the lads in front who were the issue, hands down.
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I love you on this board my man- upper six means pushing 7 though...nobody's pulling that out of the fields without equity-


I'm guessing you mean pushing $200k

Knowing gf, he's probably counting the two digits to the right of the decimal point.

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