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Future UND/ Bison football Game


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Too bad a minority of UND fans seem unable to get by the fascination/obsession with the AC. Win against the premier teams in the Big Sky and UND will have established its credibility without accepting a one-sided deal that is an insult to the institution, its fanbase and its players.

Don't worry, Winning the big sky is a team goal as well.

Trying to compare UNDs very recent history to the history and rivalry against FU is laughable. It will take a few years to develop those games into what a 100+ year rivalry was/is.

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Seeing reports now that UND will get $120,000 for game 1 of this scheduling debacle and $140,00 for game #2. Incredible. The AC has found NOBODY willing to come to town for that kind of money, even from D2 ranks. If you're going to be a whore, Mr. Faison, at show enough self respect to not be a cut-rate one.

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If Faison thinks it can stay in GF, he is fooling himself. It is owned 50% by Blue Key at NDSU. It needs to go to Bismarck.

Not. In terms of the years that the Nickel was being competed for, UND has the better head-to-head record and won the final game.

UND will keep possession.

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Seeing reports now that UND will get $120,000 for game 1 of this scheduling debacle and $140,00 for game #2. Incredible. The AC has found NOBODY willing to come to town for that kind of money, even from D2 ranks. If you're going to be a whore, Mr. Faison, at show enough self respect to not be a cut-rate one.

Yeah, he could have got $380k had he accepted one of the previous solicitations from Mean Gene.
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The head to head record has nothing to do with the trophy.  Since neither of the universities own the trophy it should not be located in Grand Forks.  



Well, if you don't like staying in Grand Forks, just send your criminal football players to steal it. 


Gotta play with your strengths...  :)

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Well, if you don't like staying in Grand Forks, just send your criminal football players to steal it. 


Gotta play with your strengths...  :)


Sounds good.  We'll make sure to coordinate the heist with your criminal hockey players.

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The head to head record has nothing to do with the trophy.  Since neither of the universities own the trophy it should not be located in Grand Forks.

Based on the outcome of the last meeting, it absolutely should reside in Grand Forks. :)
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Sounds good. We'll make sure to coordinate the heist with your criminal hockey players.

Ok, see you at the Best Buy in Fargo. Better yet, let's put it to a vote...you guys know how we get something like that started?
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Ok, see you at the Best Buy in Fargo.



We could always sell it to them. 


They just gotta make sure that they don't send El Chapstick with a credit card.  The docket is full in Jamestown.  Plus, with all the crying like a little girl, there may not be enough Kleenex in Jamestown for him.  

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Seeing reports now that UND will get $120,000 for game 1 of this scheduling debacle and $140,00 for game #2. Incredible. The AC has found NOBODY willing to come to town for that kind of money, even from D2 ranks. If you're going to be a whore, Mr. Faison, at show enough self respect to not be a cut-rate one.

For Cripes sake......


The gross number is moot.  The net number (after expenses of the game itself) is what is important.  Nobody has netted more from a NDSU guarantee than UND will in 2015.   

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Might as well play for the Nickel.  This is more or less UND going all in.  Either we win one of these two games or this program is effectively fucking done.  In that case NDSU should have the Nickel anyways. 


Right, cause there has never been a two game win streak by either team in the rivalry. 


This series is just part of getting to be a successful program.  UND could lose both games, but if they are winning the Big Sky and making the playoffs, they will be fine.  Same for FU. 


This series is about bragging rights and reengerizing a fanbase that has not had a reason to be excited the last couple seasons.  This thread is a great example, a lot of posters who have not been in the football thread for a while now thinking about the program.  It helps get a buzz going in the fanbase again.  This will be a big story for local media and on social media. 

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There's no question the game needed to be played. Now, it's being played.

Yes, it would've been favorable to have a home and home, but just purely playing the game and beating NDSU is the most important thing here.

Just purely playing the game with NDSU is the most important thing for the UND football program as a whole, this has the possibility of legitimizing the program in the eyes of casual fans around the state with a good showing, for UND it don't get bigger than this game, also if your a casual fan of UND football you don't need a ticket to see the game, you can actually watch this one on TV anywhere in NoDak!!

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Of course I will support UND in the game. I expect UND to win the game because that is what I expect every week. Unlike a lot of fans though I view a National Championship as the crown jewel, while many fans view beating the Bison and Gophers as the ultimate accomplishment and are willing to take it in the shorts to accomplish that.

Think about it. NDSU will travel to Weber-freaking-State, but not to Grand Forks. And apparently many fans and the UND Brass are OK with that because as long as we are playing the Bison that is all that matters.

Sad but true, for many NDSU is the crown jewel, for NDSU its Championships.  Just 2 different perspectives, nothing wrong with either one but each one takes a program in its own direction.

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Just purely playing the game with NDSU is the most important thing for the UND football program as a whole, this has the possibility of legitimizing the program in the eyes of casual fans around the state with a good showing, for UND it don't get bigger than this game, also if your a casual fan of UND football you don't need a ticket to see the game, you can actually watch this one on TV anywhere in NoDak!!

Playing the game is only a part of it.

As I said before, the goal should be to win the Big Sky conference and BEAT NDSU all in the same season. Then on to the postseason for bigger and better things.

If don't have significant expectations, you can't accomplish significance.

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