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Fall Camp 2013


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just saw a pic of the und media day...looks like it is being held at the alerus again??? functions like these need to be back on campus imo? the gorecki alumni center would be a perfect place for functions such as this?

ran into kenny golloday last week...i'm 6'3" and i was short next to him in his flipflops...

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I'm officially going through football withdrawals. Hopefully I'll be able to make it to a practice or two or maybe Teeder will be able to provide us with some analysis. I can't wait 4 more weeks for a game.... another Opening Drive season would be awesome.

Word, the withdrawals are kicking in here as well. I hope that the 15 second clips are not designed to replace opening drive.

Also, please try to make a practice as I would be very interested to hear your take on the team at this point.

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I'm anxious to see the offense under Schleusner...(I know I spelled it wrong). Last year the offense was wide open and attacked, but at times it seemed like they took the air out of the ball because they were afraid of the other team having the ball with time and our defense on the field.

Last year the team averaged 33 pts per game, but thats with the Mines blowout. Take that away and they averaged right around 30. I think this offense is very capable of averaging that. I think scoring on every possession isn't out of the question. Anxious to see the playcalling and the flow of the offense with Luke at the helm.

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Nice article on Kotelnicki and some specifics on what he's doing to turn the defense around. No offense to Mannausau but I think it's gonna be a night and day difference on defense with Kotelnicki running the show.

Some of the quotes from defensive players and coaches are rather alarming to me. It suggests that under Mannausau (great player and great guy all around) was not up to par as a defensive coordinator and didn't demand the level of excellence that is needed to be successful especially against such potent offenses as the teams in the Big Sky. It also speaks to the quality of Kotelnicki. This guy is a stud. He is intesnse. He does not sleep on his laurels. He's not afraid to call people out and push them towards greatness. He is the real deal and I hope we can keep him around for a while because I think he is going to be a special coach.

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Some of the quotes from defensive players and coaches are rather alarming to me. It suggests that under Mannausau (great player and great guy all around) was not up to par as a defensive coordinator and didn't demand the level of excellence that is needed to be successful especially against such potent offenses as the teams in the Big Sky. It also speaks to the quality of Kotelnicki. This guy is a stud. He is intesnse. He does not sleep on his laurels. He's not afraid to call people out and push them towards greatness. He is the real deal and I hope we can keep him around for a while because I think he is going to be a special coach.

I agree - there were some implications that the coaching and focus could have been better last year. But the past is the past and, hopefully, we will see a major improvement in the defense this fall.

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Not saying this is what is going on but it's somewhat fitting:

A coach had just been hired for a new position. The outgoing coach who was stepping down met with him privately and presented him with three numbered envelopes. "Open these if you run up against a problem you don't think you can solve," he said.

Well, things went along pretty smoothly, but a few games into the season things took a downturn and he was really catching a lot of heat. About at his wit's end, he remembered the envelopes. He went to his drawer and took out the first envelope. The message read, "Blame your predecessor."

The new coach subtly and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous coach. Satisfied with his comments, the press and fans responded positively and the problem was soon behind him.

The next season the team was again experiencing a slight dip. Having learned from his previous experience, the coach quickly opened the second envelope. The message read, "Reorganize." This he did, and the team rebounded.

After several consecutive tough seasons, the team once again fell on difficult times. The coach went to his office, closed the door and opened the third envelope.

The message said, "Prepare three envelopes." :)

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What I remember from attending practices in years past (haven't been able to attend one this year), Kotelnicki always seemed to have that fire to him and would let players know, quite aggressively if needed, what he was thinking. I think all great coaches need to have that kind of attitude or at least be able to show some fire when it's necessary.

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Some of the quotes from defensive players and coaches are rather alarming to me. It suggests that under Mannausau (great player and great guy all around) was not up to par as a defensive coordinator and didn't demand the level of excellence that is needed to be successful especially against such potent offenses as the teams in the Big Sky. It also speaks to the quality of Kotelnicki. This guy is a stud. He is intesnse. He does not sleep on his laurels. He's not afraid to call people out and push them towards greatness. He is the real deal and I hope we can keep him around for a while because I think he is going to be a special coach.

COMPLETELY AGREE. A lot of what was said is what I was thinking during games last year. Nobody on the defensive side of the football was on the same page. Problem #1 was tackling, with a close #2 being guys being out of position to make those tackles.

I'm glad that guys are being held accountable in the form of having to take tests on the defensive packages. If you don't know whats going on, you don't get into the action. Shouldn't have to do this at the college level, but I'll say well done coach.

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I haven't attended any practices, but the roster lists him at 186. He was listed at 177 on last year's roster.

All the weights listed in the Media Day Booklet were from last spring. For true freshmen, it was likely their listed weight when they were recruited or their HS weight. I would guess there will be an updated roster posted soon with current weights. It will be interesting to see who may have gained (or lost) some pounds over the summer.

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All the weights listed in the Media Day Booklet were from last spring. For true freshmen, it was likely their listed weight when they were recruited or their HS weight. I would guess there will be an updated roster posted soon with current weights. It will be interesting to see who may have gained (or lost) some pounds over the summer.

I wasn't looking at the Media Guide Booklet for Jer Garman's weight, I got the info from http://www.undsports...399&SPSID=58641 & compared it to the 2012 roster from the drop-down. The 2013 roster lists Joe Mollberg @ 232 lbs, so I'll assume it is updated & correct, as of now, for the 2013 season.

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