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Longest Sioux championship drought in history. Thanks hak!

It has been quite a while without a championship but I hope to God that you did NOT go to UND because I do not want to be associated with someone who has obviously failed math at a 3rd grade level. We won a championship in 1963 and the next was in 1980, which would be....... 1980 - 1963 = 17 years. Currently we are in a 13 year drought since our last championship was in 2000.

Also I forgot to add that 4 of those years fall on Dean Blais.

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We were out coached and out played.

Game turned on St Clair's post. We go up 2-0 heading to the third and we sit pretty.

We were 0fer forever on the pp. that is a disaster in postseason play.

You are spot on all fronts. Kristo's pipe a minute later made me wonder if this wasn't going to be our night.

Tell you one thing...if we had half a team that busted their butts like Colton did all year we would be having a different conversation.

Like Mark Mac but this 3rd period was one of stupidest individual efforts or lack thereof I've witnessed. People that have real jobs get canned that same day for on the job crap like that.

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This is the college football equivalent of going to the national semifinals/national championship game 5 times and losing all 5 times. Are we the Buffalo Bills (4 straight super bowl losses) of college hockey?

Good to see your yearly post.

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Name 5 better, the people who undervalue Hak the most are some of the idiotic fans of his team. There are tons of programs around the country that wish they had a coach like him. It could be a lot worst just look at his track record and then look at some other programs.

Then lets start hanging NCAA participation banners if getting there is all that matters. And calling those of us "idiots" for pointing out the underachieving that happens year after year after year is very small and petty of you.

With the exception of last year's team (which was a walking MASH unit by the end), this program under Hakstol has underachieved in the postseason. And it is totally fair to point that out. And if that ruffles the feathers of the "ducky and bunny, sunshine and smiles" crowd, well that is just too bad. I will always support this program, but I also refuse to bury my head in the sand when there are problems that need addressing and aren't being addressed.

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II get drug thru the mud calling for hals head and now all u guys are

I for one now suppoert him. The heart and intensity i saw in the third period is a reason to extend his contract.... we are almost there... we just ran into a hot goalie...plain and simple

We have a tendency to always run into hot goalies! I think we have a knack for turning a lot of goalies hot this time of year. We got out-coached....plain and simple. We made no adjustments to break the puck out of our zone, it was terrible to watch. This game felt like the Michigan game two years ago. You knew we were the much better team, but had no answer to the other teams intensity! Guess we just have to live with being a top 8 team. Banner #8 has never seemed further away than today!

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Then lets start hanging NCAA participation banners if getting there is all that matters. And calling those of us "idiots" for pointing out the underachieving that happens year after year after year is very small and petty of you.

With the exception of last year's team (which was a walking MASH unit by the end), this program under Hakstol has underachieved in the postseason. And it is totally fair to point that out. And if that ruffles the feathers of the "ducky and bunny, sunshine and smiles" crowd, well that is just too bad. I will always support this program, but I also refuse to bury my head in the sand when there are problems that need addressing and aren't being addressed.

I understand the frustration but if you take a step back and look at the program overall you would be crazy to fire Hak. If Hak was fired we would be laughed at by the college hockey world and teams would be calling him to be their next coach in a matter of seconds. Yeah the team didn't play well but its not like Hak just flicks a switch on that allows the team to be good or be average any given night. I'm not happy either but we hit 4 posts and had a goal disalllowed as well as a couple pucks get by the goalie and just roll wide, this game could have easily been a Sioux win with a couple different bounces.

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This game was totally different than the Michigan game for me. We dominated Michigan and deserved a better fate. Yale dominated us today and deserved the W.

I am a SCSU fan for the remainder of the tourney. I hope they get it done.

On to 2013-14. I'm confident we will be back in the mix. Hopefully Forbert, Simpson, and Rocco stick around.

Peace out all. Thanks for the entertainment again this year. Go Sioux!!!!!!!

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We didn't win with an NHL team (stafford, Zajac, Toews, Osh )

We didn't win three years ago...

Starting to get a complex....

If we win one of those, do we get Miller and Matteau on campus...

Maybe a Trouba...

My sadness is that we went out like punks...no heart...lackluster performance...didn't throw everything at the net

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Wow that game was so frustrating. Hak is a great recruiter but I may start questioning is mentoring and coaching pretty soon. I don't want to hear Yale is a good team because they are not. Mn laid an egg and und simply is only good on paper....they weren't a very good team all year long. They can beat anyone but will play down to their opponents level every game. Pretty frustrating.

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I understand the frustration but if you take a step back and look at the program overall you would be crazy to fire Hak. If Hak was fired we would be laughed at by the college hockey world and teams would be calling him to be their next coach in a matter of seconds. Yeah the team didn't play well but its not like Hak just flicks a switch on that allows the team to be good or be average any given night. I'm not happy either but we hit 4 posts and had a goal disalllowed as well as a couple pucks get by the goalie and just roll wide, this game could have easily been a Sioux win with a couple different bounces.

That is the kinda talk that got Gino canned. I think he was only 8 years removed from a national championship when he got axed.

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Wow that game was so frustrating. Hak is a great recruiter but I may start questioning is mentoring and coaching pretty soon. I don't want to hear Yale is a good team because they are not. Mn laid an egg and und simply is only good on paper....they weren't a very good team all year long. They can beat anyone but will play down to their opponents level every game. Pretty frustrating.

Who did Hak recruit?

OD? Mattson?

Our best teams were loaded with Blaiser recruits...

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I understand the frustration but if you take a step back and look at the program overall you would be crazy to fire Hak. If Hak was fired we would be laughed at by the college hockey world and teams would be calling him to be their next coach in a matter of seconds. Yeah the team didn't play well but its not like Hak just flicks a switch on that allows the team to be good or be average any given night. I'm not happy either but we hit 4 posts and had a goal disalllowed as well as a couple pucks get by the goalie and just roll wide, this game could have easily been a Sioux win with a couple different bounces.

If this happened to us once in a while, I would agree with you. But this happens year after year after year. And it's the coaching staff's job to get the team ready for situations like this. That is why they make the big bucks. And it's a process that starts in October and continues thru March and April (if you make it that far). Now that we don't have the 1st round NHL draft picks on the team, we are seeing that Hakstol does not get the most out of what he has to work with, which is the litmus test that all coaches need to pass in order to be great, not just good. Hakstol is on the path of being another Doug Woog: lots of winning seasons, lots of trips to the NCAA tournament, lots of trips to the Frozen Four, but little or no hardware to show for it. Sioux fans (including myself) used to torment Goofer fans for this in the 1990's. I am simply being consistent in applying the same standard to our program. I don't think it's unfair and I don't plan on shutting up anytime soon about it.

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If this happened to us once in a while, I would agree with you. But this happens year after year after year. And it's the coaching staff's job to get the team ready for situations like this. That is why they make the big bucks. And it's a process that starts in October and continues thru March and April (if you make it that far). Now that we don't have the 1st round NHL draft picks on the team, we are seeing that Hakstol does not get the most out of what he has to work with, which is the litmus test that all coaches need to pass in order to be great, not just good. Hakstol is on the path of being another Doug Woog: lots of winning seasons, lots of trips to the NCAA tournament, lots of trips to the Frozen Four, but little or no hardware to show for it. Sioux fans (including myself) used to torment Goofer fans for this in the 1990's. I am simply being consistent in applying the same standard to our program. I don't think it's unfair and I don't plan on shutting up anytime soon about it.

That's your opinion and I'll stick with mine. I am a coach and know the other side of things its not as easy as a lot of people want to make it out to be.

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I think he is talking about the classes we had in the mid to late 2000's with all those future NHL regulars. This year's team has one or two at most.

I know, but those guys were Blais guys too. Guys commit at least two or three years before they ever set foot on campus.

Toews and Osh were Blais recruits

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