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A good coach can win with minimal talent. Since he's coached at central the only time they win is when they are talent rich like 2010 with Ladue and Johnson and company. In years past central would compete whether they had a lot of talent or not.

Which kids parent played at a higher level? From looking at this years roster Seng's (if this is Brad's kid) dad played a little bit of juniors in Manitoba and that was it. So which parents played at a higher level?
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Well at any rate I'm not wasting much more time with this. I'm sure Bina is not in this for the money. In fact I know he's not. They said the same crap about Chuck Ness when he coached and I've been told by actual people that went on to play at college and minor pro hockey levels. That Chuck was a heck of a hockey mind but maybe would've been better with college aged players. Either way the schools are getting a heck of a deal on these guys. They don't get paid much and they are there for kids. They don't need some guy repeating on a blog what he heard from a parent after he drank 20 budweisers. Enough said.

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Ok, I can't resist I need to say something here. Geaux_sioux, you give me the year they won it before Bina and I'll tell you the talent. Also you tell me the year they should've won it, along with all the talent on that given team.

I never said win it as in a title. Win as in a good competitive team that does better than expected in the tournaments. That used to be the standard at central.

The question about the first year they didn't make it to state...... It was recently. Good question ill guess 08 or 07.

How bout instead of questioning my opinion someone come up with any type of counter point. Anything. So far all it's been is 'prooooove iiiiit' and 'says who?'

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I never said win it as in a title. Win as in a good competitive team that does better than expected in the tournaments. That used to be the standard at central.

The question about the first year they didn't make it to state...... It was recently. Good question ill guess 08 or 07.

How bout instead of questioning my opinion someone come up with any type of counter point. Anything. So far all it's been is 'prooooove iiiiit' and 'says who?'

If you're going to call people out you should have a better argument then "that's what I was told".

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My sources are legit. In fact it has more merit than all of the fire Hak arguments. Funny how nobody has a single thing to say that's an actual argument.

You're right the fire Hak comments are completely moronic. I can understand but don't agree with the fire Muss comments. But the fire Bina comment on Siouxsports.com blows my mind. As far as your sources go, I guess I'll just have to believe you like I believed Manti Teo had a girlfriend that died.

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Being a Central alum it is difficult to see them struggle lately. When I was going to school Chuck Ness was the head coach. A couple kids on the team back then didn't get along or agree with Ness so they played for Red River. I guess to me that was the beginning of for whatever reason hockey players were changing schools to play hockey at Red River. I would love to see Central win another state title but perhaps some new blood on the bench could help.

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I never said win it as in a title. Win as in a good competitive team that does better than expected in the tournaments. That used to be the standard at central.

The question about the first year they didn't make it to state...... It was recently. Good question ill guess 08 or 07.

How bout instead of questioning my opinion someone come up with any type of counter point. Anything. So far all it's been is 'prooooove iiiiit' and 'says who?'

See the thing is we never said he was a good coach. So how can we defend nothing? Whereas, you made the comment multiple times that he was a bad coach. When asked to elaborate you have chosen not to. Which in turn leads me to believe that you have no idea what you are speaking of. Furthermore, you also have failed to respond to which parents played at a higher level. Did you even grow up n GF to know anyone who actually played at Central at one time or another? Also do you even know any of the current players parents? Didn't think so.
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I believe the first time was 1981.

In 1981, much of the Devils Lake team was suspended for most of the hockey season. Due to a very poor record, Devils Lake was matched up with Central in a play-in game (there wasn't an East-West or North-South tournament). Devils Lake beat GFC in the play-in game and knocked GFC out of being a part of the state tournament for the first time ever.

Red River now has the most appearances, even though it had seven fewer chances than GFC.

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In 1981, much of the Devils Lake team was suspended for most of the hockey season. Due to a very poor record, Devils Lake was matched up with Central in a play-in game (there wasn't an East-West or North-South tournament). Devils Lake beat GFC in the play-in game and knocked GFC out of being a part of the state tournament for the first time ever.

Red River now has the most appearances, even though it had seven fewer chances than GFC.

Since you brought up the 7 less chances thing I have a question. Since Red River came to be who has won more titles Central or Red River?
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Since you brought up the 7 less chances thing I have a question. Since Red River came to be who has won more titles Central or Red River?

Central has 25 and quite a few more than RR. This will be the 52nd year, so by arithmetic (and these are guesses)

GPR - 4 ?

FN - 3 ?

FS - 2 ?

Minot - 1

51 + 1 (GFC and GFRR tied one year in 7 overtimes) - 10 -25 = 17 championships for GFRR , just a guess.

Since GFRR split off from GFC, it is essentially even.

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See the thing is we never said he was a good coach. So how can we defend nothing? Whereas, you made the comment multiple times that he was a bad coach. When asked to elaborate you have chosen not to. Which in turn leads me to believe that you have no idea what you are speaking of. Furthermore, you also have failed to respond to which parents played at a higher level. Did you even grow up n GF to know anyone who actually played at Central at one time or another? Also do you even know any of the current players parents? Didn't think so.

Funny I'm at the central game right now and am a central graduate. I know parents on the team and my in laws have a son on the team. That's all the info you'll get from me so don't ask for names because you shouldn't so naive to expect me to divulge such info.

One quick question. How is it relevant if a parent played at a higher level than highschool? Playing ability matters not when knowing the game of hockey, but you knew that didn't you.

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All from memory... A little shady.

Grafton won it in 78, 85, 91, 02, 08

North in 81, 82, 84, 012 (guessing in the 80's)

South 94, 99, 06?

Minot 92

All the rest central and red river

GPR has the most appearances all-time (passed central last year?) and hasn't missed a trip since 99

My math was off by 3 then. GFRR must have 14 championships.

Makes sense that GPR has most appearances. Although Park River by itself had appearances too, but guess those don't count. The state tournament needs GPR, otherwise attendance goes way down.

Davies will likely be the next school to win one for the first time. Maybe West Fargo Sheyenne whenever it opens. The Bismarck schools will be splitting again, so their chances will go down even further.

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