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Not to mention that kneeing is much more acceptable than fighting as well and part of the game.

Part of me is saying that it would be legal in the finals to knee someone provided the person who got kneed doesn't get injured.

If injury does occur, then it is up to the discretion of the officials. So, being optimistic, I'd say that in the event of injury, there is a 55% chance that the officials will call a penalty. The bigger the name that was injured, the more likely the penalty call.

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I don't think Malkin or Zetterberg are responsible any longer for what happened.

What happened at the end of Game 2 is what happens when the players lose faith in the officials holding up the rule book. They feel that they don't have the officiating crew backing the game up rules-wise so vigilante justice starts to ensue. Now, add into the fact that Talbot used the tip of his stick blade to push Osgood backwards (what could be defined as a spearing motion without the windup) and the fact that, no matter which team it is, skaters are going to stick up for their goaltender who is making a save/made a save and is freezing the puck and you've got what happened.

Red Wing players knew that Talbot's actions weren't going to get called. The officials have let everything for the most part go. Plus it was at the end of the game. Osgood then proceeded to dive, Zetterberg and one other player jumped into the scrum, and Malkin then entered to stand up for Talbot. That and the fact that Zetterberg had been a thorn in the side of Malkin (legally but still) all series long. AND the way Pittsburgh has played at times, frustration has to be high.

If any fingers are going to be pointed, again, I'd point them at Bettman and the officials. They're ultimately responsible for how the game is called.

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For those of you in that primative outpost called "Phaar-ghoe" where Cable One does not carry Versus:

West Fargo and the surrounding ND towns are Midcontinent Cable towns.

If you have Midco you can get Versus (sports package).

If you have Midco and an HD TV you can get VersusHD (sports package).

Gonchar's goal looked really good in HD slow-motion. ;)

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To hell with ESPN. Let's show a little support for the network that supports the NHL. Call your cable company and demand that they add the Vs. network to their lineup, and if they don't do it you drop that cable like a bad habit. Vs. is available on both DirecTV and DishNetwork. Why support a network that doesn't support hockey?

to the hell with the NHL, bettman should have been on his dirty hands and knees begging for a free 1 year contract from ESPN to show interest then do a deal the next season. it isnt like VS is paying out of their azzes for the nhl. before they took any deal. espn always supported the nhl when they had it and show appropriate highlights after game nights with melrose. hockey is and has been dead right now overall as a sporta nd especially being a awful tv sport to begin with doesnt help

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For those of you in that primative outpost called "Phaar-ghoe" where Cable One does not carry Versus:

West Fargo and the surrounding ND towns are Midcontinent Cable towns.

If you have Midco you can get Versus (sports package).

If you have Midco and an HD TV you can get VersusHD (sports package).

Gonchar's goal looked really good in HD slow-motion. :D

Actually VS and VS HD are available with the regular digital package (which I have). I was going to order the sports package until I realized this. The sports package has the NHL and NFL channels, but none of the NHL playoff games are on so I am waiting until fall before spending the extra $4/month.

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Does anyone know when the moronic exclusive contract Fargo has with CableOne is up? Because I will be switching the next day when Midco is allowed to provide cable. Or I just may say screw it and nail gun a dish to the roof much to my neighbors disgust. CableOne is an absolute joke, a ripoff and can blow it out their arses.

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Does anyone know when the moronic exclusive contract Fargo has with CableOne is up? Because I will be switching the next day when Midco is allowed to provide cable. Or I just may say screw it and nail gun a dish to the roof much to my neighbors disgust. CableOne is an absolute joke, a ripoff and can blow it out their arses.

Agreed 100%. I dropped them like a bad habit. The day I heard the NHL was going to be on Versus I called CableOne and asked how to get Versus...the conversation went a little like this:

Me: Hi, I'd like to know how to get Versus, do I have to buy a package that is 1 step up?

CableOne guy: We don't carry Versus.

Me: Well, the NHL is on Versus and I would really like it, how can I get it or who can I talk to at CableOne about this?

C1 guy: We don't have it and we will not be getting it.

Me: Is there a survey I can fill out or talk to someone about CableOne getting Versus?

C1 guy: We know our customers and we do periodic surveys (or something to that effect) and know what our customers want, I don't believe Versus is a channel we will be getting.

Me: But I'm your customer and I'm telling you I want Versus. Isn't there somewhere or someone I can talk to about this?

C1 guy: Nope.

Me: I will now be on my way to bring all my equipment in and cancel my CableOne service.

Ever since I've been on DirecTV and have been satisfied with them...however I would consider and will be looking into Midco once they get into Fargo. I really hope that once Midco comes to Fargo they take a HUGE chunk of CableOne's business.

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C1 guy: We know our customers and we do periodic surveys (or something to that effect) and know what our customers want, I don't believe Versus is a channel we will be getting.

Yes, I'm sure this is true. I'm sure customers want three separate religious channels while at the same time not be able to get NHL CenterIce, NBA League Pass, MLB Extra Innings, Big Ten Network, NFL Network, NHL Network, MLB Network and NBA Network. Among other channels and packages. I'm also quite certain that customers love having Channel 99, Apartment Monitor channel. You know the one that is static 24/7/365. Wonderful channel. Much more useful than say the Travel Channel. Yep, I'm sure. :D

Their latest stunt is adding FSNHD to the program guide, but when you try to watch it, it says you're not authorized to watch that channel. Nothing better than adding a channel and not letting anyone watch it. :D

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Yes, I'm sure this is true. I'm sure customers want three separate religious channels while at the same time not be able to get NHL CenterIce, NBA League Pass, MLB Extra Innings, Big Ten Network, NFL Network, NHL Network, MLB Network and NBA Network. Among other channels and packages. I'm also quite certain that customers love having Channel 99, Apartment Monitor channel. You know the one that is static 24/7/365. Wonderful channel. Much more useful than say the Travel Channel. Yep, I'm sure. :D

Their latest stunt is adding FSNHD to the program guide, but when you try to watch it, it says you're not authorized to watch that channel. Nothing better than adding a channel and not letting anyone watch it. :D

I soooo want the travel channel i filled in one of those surveys asking for the channel and im still waiting!i cant wait for midco to come. i called them a year back and i want in the right area even though im on the west fargo side of 45th street

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Believe it or not, Versus offerred the NHL more money to have the NHL on their network. Probably offerred to carry more games on more days. Not hard because all Vs. has are basically fishing shows, WEC, and other meaningless shows... maybe some poker here and there. Vs. would be a nothing network without the NHL imo.

With ESPN, the NHL ends up being almost a loser despite ESPN being a higher viewer network. ESPN is more dedicated to falling sports such as the NBA, drinking sports like NASCAR, and games/nonsports like poker to care about hockey. Like it or not, despite the fact that the average hockey game is 100x more exciting than 99% of all basketball games (100% of all regular season NBA games), ESPN has dedicated itself to the NBA.

What needs to happen is that more cable companies either need to add NHL Network and have that network take over the NHL contract or pick up Vs. more.

DaveK- With all due respect, your logic doesn't hold water regarding who started it. Malkin was standing up for Talbot? What was Zetterberg doing there, asking Talbot to dinner? No. Talbot spears Osgood. Osgood embellishes. Zetterberg steps in to stand up for Osgood. Malkin steps in to stand up for Talbot.

There are three players that took it too far:

1. Talbot - The puck was in Osgood's possession. It serves Pittsburgh NO BENEFIT to do what Talbot did. I'll give it to Talbot that it wasn't a "true" spear. There was no windup. However, he used the tip of the blade of his stick to dig at the puck. A spear is when the tip or the blade of the stick is used to initiate a check or contact with another player. How severe should it have been looked at? I don't think it is a Major penalty, but it was a spear. I'd probably mislabel the penalty just to keep it out of being a major (unless you can get a spearing minor). Something like a high stick or a cross check minor.

2. Osgood - Everyone in the hockey universe knew that Talbot committed an illegal act. There was no need to embellish. Sad to see Hasek's influence sticking around. I'll give it to Osgood though. It took a stick to make him flop. Hasek will flop at the slightest breeze of a passing player.

3. Malkin - He instigated a fight, Dave. He dropped the gloves first. He used his stick to knock knock the back of Zetterberg's helmet. Of course Zetterberg is going to drop the gloves in return and start fighting. I'm impressed with Zetterberg holding his own...or maybe its how poorly Malkin fought. I don't know. It didn't seem like any of the hits from either of them were all that powerful. I think there have been cat fights more painful. In any case, he did so with less than a minute left in the game. He's lucky he's Malkin and not someone like Cooke. I don't believe the league would have been so nice if Cooke instigated on Zetterberg. Then again, maybe not. Bettman cares more towards protecting the New NHL's PR image (Crosby, like it or not, is a HUGE cog in the NHL PR machine and Malkin comes along with him) than the integrity of the rules HE HELPED CREATE.

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Believe it or not, Versus offerred the NHL more money to have the NHL on their network. Probably offerred to carry more games on more days. Not hard because all Vs. has are basically fishing shows, WEC, and other meaningless shows... maybe some poker here and there. Vs. would be a nothing network without the NHL imo.

With ESPN, the NHL ends up being almost a loser despite ESPN being a higher viewer network. ESPN is more dedicated to falling sports such as the NBA, drinking sports like NASCAR, and games/nonsports like poker to care about hockey. Like it or not, despite the fact that the average hockey game is 100x more exciting than 99% of all basketball games (100% of all regular season NBA games), ESPN has dedicated itself to the NBA.

What needs to happen is that more cable companies either need to add NHL Network and have that network take over the NHL contract or pick up Vs. more.

DaveK- With all due respect, your logic doesn't hold water regarding who started it. Malkin was standing up for Talbot? What was Zetterberg doing there, asking Talbot to dinner? No. Talbot spears Osgood. Osgood embellishes. Zetterberg steps in to stand up for Osgood. Malkin steps in to stand up for Talbot.

There are three players that took it too far:

1. Talbot - The puck was in Osgood's possession. It serves Pittsburgh NO BENEFIT to do what Talbot did. I'll give it to Talbot that it wasn't a "true" spear. There was no windup. However, he used the tip of the blade of his stick to dig at the puck. A spear is when the tip or the blade of the stick is used to initiate a check or contact with another player. How severe should it have been looked at? I don't think it is a Major penalty, but it was a spear. I'd probably mislabel the penalty just to keep it out of being a major (unless you can get a spearing minor). Something like a high stick or a cross check minor.

2. Osgood - Everyone in the hockey universe knew that Talbot committed an illegal act. There was no need to embellish. Sad to see Hasek's influence sticking around. I'll give it to Osgood though. It took a stick to make him flop. Hasek will flop at the slightest breeze of a passing player.

3. Malkin - He instigated a fight, Dave. He dropped the gloves first. He used his stick to knock knock the back of Zetterberg's helmet. Of course Zetterberg is going to drop the gloves in return and start fighting. I'm impressed with Zetterberg holding his own...or maybe its how poorly Malkin fought. I don't know. It didn't seem like any of the hits from either of them were all that powerful. I think there have been cat fights more painful. In any case, he did so with less than a minute left in the game. He's lucky he's Malkin and not someone like Cooke. I don't believe the league would have been so nice if Cooke instigated on Zetterberg. Then again, maybe not. Bettman cares more towards protecting the New NHL's PR image (Crosby, like it or not, is a HUGE cog in the NHL PR machine and Malkin comes along with him) than the integrity of the rules HE HELPED CREATE.

sorry but the NBA despite having a commishiner that has major flaws as well is on a very high level right now overall. its so global and big here in the united states as we speak it blows hockey out of the water, not even close at all. hockey is a joke right now unless you grew up with the sport or live in a nhl city. hell most couldnt even tell you who are playing in the cup finals. if sidney crosby wasnt in the finals then half of the casual sports fans who may follow hockey wouldnt even know it was going on. thats not a slap to the pens or wings but the honest truth on where the sport is as a whole .to you hockey may be more exciting but to 90% of the casual sports fans it isnt and thats the reason its on the channel its on. its a business at the end of the day and the nhl is way down on the todem pole in revenue and excitement. hell poker draws a way bigger audience than hockey so that proves all points as well. its not ESPN, its the NHL and the idiot running the league into the ground or almost did a few years back and now is paying for it in many different ways.

for the series, the wings win this in 5 if the pens cant win tomorrow night. if pens win then i see it going 7 and wings winning another cup. overall just so damn good. great players on both teams though so fun to watch!

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sorry but the NBA despite having a commishiner that has major flaws as well is on a very high level right now overall. its so global and big here in the united states as we speak it blows hockey out of the water, not even close at all. hockey is a joke right now unless you grew up with the sport or live in a nhl city. hell most couldnt even tell you who are playing in the cup finals. if sifney crosby werent in the finals then half o the casual sports fans who may follow hockey wouldnt even know it exsited.to you hockey may be more exciting of to 90% of the casual sports fans it isnt and thats the reason its on the channel its on. its a business at the end of the day and the nhl is way down on the todem pole in revenue and excitement. hell poker draws a way bigger audience than hockey so that proves all points as well. its not ESPN, its the NHL and the idiot running the league into the ground or almost did a few years back and now is paying for it in many different ways.

for the series, the wings win this in 5 if the pens cant win tomorrow night. if pens win then i see it going 7 and wings winning another cup. overall just so damn good. great players on both teams though so fun to watch!

lots of typos there AZ. :D

The NBA PLAYOFFS are a big deal, sure. But the regular season? Seriously? I admit they do have higher ratings than the NHL. It's not hard to. They are on channels that have more viewership like ABC, NBC, CBS, TNT, and ESPN. Hockey is relegated to Vs., NHL Network, and a few games on NBC in the finals. Put the NBA in a similar TV deal to the NHL's and see which has higher viewership.

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Yes, I'm sure this is true. I'm sure customers want three separate religious channels while at the same time not be able to get NHL CenterIce, NBA League Pass, MLB Extra Innings, Big Ten Network, NFL Network, NHL Network, MLB Network and NBA Network. Among other channels and packages. I'm also quite certain that customers love having Channel 99, Apartment Monitor channel. You know the one that is static 24/7/365. Wonderful channel. Much more useful than say the Travel Channel. Yep, I'm sure. :D

Their latest stunt is adding FSNHD to the program guide, but when you try to watch it, it says you're not authorized to watch that channel. Nothing better than adding a channel and not letting anyone watch it. :D

Sounds like you made a good case on why not to live in Fargo, ND. :)

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lots of typos there AZ. :D

The NBA PLAYOFFS are a big deal, sure. But the regular season? Seriously? I admit they do have higher ratings than the NHL. It's not hard to. They are on channels that have more viewership like ABC, NBC, CBS, TNT, and ESPN. Hockey is relegated to Vs., NHL Network, and a few games on NBC in the finals. Put the NBA in a similar TV deal to the NHL's and see which has higher viewership.

yeah, im guessing you aren't one of my english professors so wasnt really worried about it and i was headed out the door :D

hockey never was and wont be a big time tv rated sport. it was way better when it was on ESPN as we all know but thats nobodys fault but gary bettmans and thats not a secret. the nhl wouldnt out duel the nba playoffs either even if it was on espn/abc. not with kobe and lebron doing their thing as they did and kobe still is. the nba is a global sport like hockey but there is a huge difference when we are talking how the game translates to tv and how many NON hockey markets there are out there. the nhl better start plucking teams like phx, florida ect....back to hockey markets and that would be a big step in the right direction for the sport. the big difference is basketball/baseball and football can and are played anywhere and everywhere. you need ice to play hockey and its not a sport many grow up playing or interested in unless you are from a hockey market like minnesota and places like that. hell i had to change from hockey to basketball when i moved to phx in 1991 as ice time was so expensive for my mom to even think about at that time so it was bball for me. obviosuly i never lost my love for hockey but thats because i am from northern minnesota and you are born on skates there. just some reasons why it will never be up to par ratings wise with the other sports

heck im with you though on how exciting the stanley cup playoffs are. ive watched tons of games but thats because we are hockey fans and as we all know there arent many hockey people out there for the most part which shows in the popularity of the sport

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yeah, im guessing you aren't one of my english professors so wasnt really worried about it and i was headed out the door :D

hockey never was and wont be a big time tv rated sport. it was way better when it was on ESPN as we all know but thats nobodys fault but gary bettmans and thats not a secret. the nhl wouldnt out duel the nba playoffs either even if it was on espn/abc. not with kobe and lebron doing their thing as they did and kobe still is. the nba is a global sport like hockey but there is a huge difference when we are talking how the game translates to tv and how many NON hockey markets there are out there. the nhl better start plucking teams like phx, florida ect....back to hockey markets and that would be a big step in the right direction for the sport. the big difference is basketball/baseball and football can and are played anywhere and everywhere. you need ice to play hockey and its not a sport many grow up playing or interested in unless you are from a hockey market like minnesota and places like that. hell i had to change from hockey to basketball when i moved to phx in 1991 as ice time was so expensive for my mom to even think about at that time so it was bball for me. obviosuly i never lost my love for hockey but thats because i am from northern minnesota and you are born on skates there. just some reasons why it will never be up to par ratings wise with the other sports

heck im with you though on how exciting the stanley cup playoffs are. ive watched tons of games but thats because we are hockey fans and as we all know there arent many hockey people out there for the most part which shows in the popularity of the sport

Back in the day when both the Bruins and the Celtics were awesome, the Bruins were the hottest ticket in town, not the C's. A lot has changed since then, but hockey had its day once.

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Back in the day when both the Bruins and the Celtics were awesome, the Bruins were the hottest ticket in town, not the C's. A lot has changed since then, but hockey had its day once.

it for sure did and hope someday it will again but that wont happen until bettman is gone. cities like that hockey can be king if winning but not across country as a whole

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yeah, im guessing you aren't one of my english professors so wasnt really worried about it and i was headed out the door :D

hockey never was and wont be a big time tv rated sport. it was way better when it was on ESPN as we all know but thats nobodys fault but gary bettmans and thats not a secret. the nhl wouldnt out duel the nba playoffs either even if it was on espn/abc. not with kobe and lebron doing their thing as they did and kobe still is. the nba is a global sport like hockey but there is a huge difference when we are talking how the game translates to tv and how many NON hockey markets there are out there. the nhl better start plucking teams like phx, florida ect....back to hockey markets and that would be a big step in the right direction for the sport. the big difference is basketball/baseball and football can and are played anywhere and everywhere. you need ice to play hockey and its not a sport many grow up playing or interested in unless you are from a hockey market like minnesota and places like that. hell i had to change from hockey to basketball when i moved to phx in 1991 as ice time was so expensive for my mom to even think about at that time so it was bball for me. obviosuly i never lost my love for hockey but thats because i am from northern minnesota and you are born on skates there. just some reasons why it will never be up to par ratings wise with the other sports

heck im with you though on how exciting the stanley cup playoffs are. ive watched tons of games but thats because we are hockey fans and as we all know there arent many hockey people out there for the most part which shows in the popularity of the sport

AZ is right. It is all about money for ESPN. If they thought that they could make more money on hockey than they do on something else they would have bid on it. The other programming (that's what it is for TV, just programming not a sport) has appeal over a wider geographic area. There are probably markets like Minneapolis where they could do better with NHL. But overall, across the US, the NBA and NASCAR and poker all draw higher ratings and sell more advertising. That makes ESPN lots of money.

I don't think that Bettman had a lot of choices after the strike. The NHL needed the strike to bring salary spending under control. They needed the salary cap structure. When it was done they had no appeal to a large network like ESPN. They would have had to give the games away, or maybe even paid to have ESPN broadcast them. It would have been a bad precedent to set. They decided to go with a small partner and build it back up. Now they have great competition and a better product to sell. When the contract is done with Vs they may be able to sell part or all of it to ESPN. The other thing they have to sell now is star power. They have Crosby and Malkin and Ovechkin and Toews and Parise and so many more young players. They didn't have that in the years after the Great One and Super Mario. They didn't have players to front the organization. Now they do. So now they have a chance to inch it back up the ladder towards the NBA and some of the other sports.

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