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Toews gets an A

"It's still pretty early [in my career]," he said. "There's been a lot of talk that maybe I could be part of the leadership group down the road and that maybe I have some of those qualities. When I get compliments like that, it's a huge honor considering the experience we have in this locker room."

"It gives me a lot of confidence," Toews said. "I'm not going to change too much, just keep playing the way I have been and try and make plays that are going to make a difference. Maybe with my work ethic it will make a difference in the locker room."

Veteran Martin Lapointe wears an "A" in every game for the Hawks and believes Toews is on his way to enjoying similar stature.

"Jonathan has all the tools and all the assets to be a great leader in this league," Lapointe said. "There's no such thing as being too young to wear a letter, and I think he's ready for it. He's going to be a captain of this team. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next couple of years here he'll be wearing the 'C.' "

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"Jonathan has all the tools and all the assets to be a great leader in this league," Lapointe said. "There's no such thing as being too young to wear a letter, and I think he's ready for it. He's going to be a captain of this team. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next couple of years here he'll be wearing the 'C.' "

That's our boy!! :lol:

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Kane will not get 30 more points tnan JT....just my opinion

I agree, but I've been saying that for some time now. Every time Toews gets some points, so does Kane.

Kane has been holding his own and keeps getting the first assist after Toews does a lot of the dirty work. Kane is a nice complement to Toews, a slightly softer Oshie, but better skater.

He will continue to rack up points playing with Toews, unless he gets thrown into the second row instead just the player's box :lol:

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Toews also predicted to be Captain by next season

Toews Captain Article

Also, if you want good Toews articles pay attention to the Daily Herald, a more Chicago Suburb paper, but a source with the paper told me that Rocky Wirtz (Blackhawks chair) actually came into this paper's office and said he is willing to kinda give them all the exclusives. Pretty much asked the writers, What do you want from me and the team?

Also comment to the Herald about his promotion


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Q and A from chicagoblackhawks.com:

Hi Jonathan, there has been plenty of talk of you being the guy to step up and take the "C" next year. If offered this responsibility, would you take it? And if so, what sort of positive leadership do you think that you can offer to the incredible balance of young talented rookies and experienced veterans on the Blackhawks roster? -- Brett Gurr, Lethbridge, AB

I would definitely be up for the task. I think it's still early in my career; there are still a lot of things I have to do as a player -- the way I play on the ice, the way I am in the dressing room with the guys... there's a long way to go. But I think all throughout my career I have prided myself on working hard and doing the little things right, going the extra mile, and some of those qualities I guess resemble that of a leader, so I think it's just a matter of gaining the respect from the guys in the room. If you don't have that no one's going to look to you for leadership or for you to make big plays on the ice. I think it's just a matter of time and we will see how it goes.

How are you going to feel when TJ, Dunc, Taylor, and the rest of the boys finally bring home the trophy this year? I can only imagine how awesome we would be if you were back. Good luck, Jonathan, all of us Sioux fans are following your career and cheering for you. -- Jon Heffernan, East Grand Forks, MN

Even though I'm here in Chicago, I still feel very close and still feel like a very big part of that Fighting Sioux family, so I'm watching closely and I know the guys will be able to make another run and take another shot at that NCAA title. And I'll be just as happy if they win it this year than if we would have won it when I was there the last few years.

Jonathan, you are obviously adjusting well to the pace of the NHL game -- congratulations. What will you miss most about NOT being in a Fighting Sioux jersey this season? Keep up the great work! -- David U, Grand Forks, ND

Now there are a lot of distractions with everything that comes with being an NHL hockey player. This is your job; it's what you do, but there are a lot of things on the side that you don't realize, a lot of things that might change the way you are as a person. Back in North Dakota it's a small town, it's really cold in the winter... obviously it's college and there's a lot of partying and stuff like that, but it's just hockey there. You just enjoy playing the game. But here it's a professional lifestyle and you have to be professional and obviously battle through mentally, keeping those other things on the side and just do your job and come to the rink everyday and leave everything behind.

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Parise ends with a 4 point night, for a total of 32 points on the year, with an assist on the GWG. 2 goals, 2 assists.


That's some serious man-on-man hugging going on there . . . Patty's wife better watch out . . . :D

But seriously . . . Parise's last 7 games . . . 17 points. Amazing.

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Parise continues to have a hot streak and gets his 2nd goal of the night. 3 point night for him so far.

Two years ago, Parise finishes with 32 points on the year (81 games). Playing in his 27th game of the year and he's sitting at 31 points right now.

So you're saying it's a good thing he's on my fantasy team?

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From John Buccigross's weekly NHL column on ESPN.com.

Question from fan:

Hey Bucci,

After your column about the Hall from a few weeks ago, I was wondering what you think about Zach Parise. The kid is on fire. It is very early in the season and in his career, but how do you project his career turning out?

Happy Holidays,

Kurt Simer

Reply from Buccigross:

Zach Parise is one of my favorite players to watch in the NHL. He should be a threat to get 35 to 40 goals and 80 to 90 points in the next five seasons. He has that beautiful combination of someone who plays hard, fast and smart, but is also durable. Some people are born to play hockey. Parise is one of them.

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Can anyone fill me in on what's up with Stafford? I don't follow Buffalo too closely but I check in on the score when they're playing. Tonight's game is well into the second period and Stafford has only played six minutes...

I think he had an injury earlier this season and that might explain why I haven't seen him on the score sheet too often... anyone know anything?

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Reply from Buccigross:

Zach Parise is one of my favorite players to watch in the NHL. He should be a threat to get 35 to 40 goals and 80 to 90 points in the next five seasons. He has that beautiful combination of someone who plays hard, fast and smart, but is also durable. Some people are born to play hockey. Parise is one of them.

Yeah that is a classic statement. I like it.

I was born to shoot ducks, and watch hockey. Everyone has a job. he,he,he... :lol:

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