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Everything posted by Wildfan

  1. I think Montana St. Was more surprised we didn't call time out amd let them actually run the play. More times than not a TO is called there and off never runs their ramdom formation play even after the TO
  2. Bubba needs to take control there. Keaton needs to be aware to snap quick too. This week as well as not getting a play off last week that was a drive killer. I would feel alot better down 11 or even 14 if we get points on the board on 1st drive. But we can not stop them anyhow. 2 times they had guys wide open. 1 had no defender in sight.
  3. Off pass interference stalled the drive.. FG attempt blocked
  4. In line it sounds like all FREE student tix are gone, still a alotment of reduced tickets. Might be a reason for the groups of students i see turning away from gate 2.
  5. Huge lines at every door. I have also seen groups of people leaving after tailgate closed.
  6. This weekend will be on Pluto / Watchbigsky. The UND network shows up around game time.
  7. I always have that issue with ESPN3, not just this game.
  8. Offense was moving the ball alright, false start killed the drive.
  9. 3 passes on that drive that had a chance for the D to get a hand on the ball.
  10. He did it, but was it truly worth a Unsportsmanlike? Alot of things happen in the game that could be seen as worse that aren't called.
  11. Would've been huge to have that fumble remain in bounds, 4 defenders swarming with no other Utah players in the area.
  12. Lots of missed tackles. Extra yardage on hit out of bound, and roughing to passer came in big, doesn't mean they were not going to score on those drives, but the extra 15 yards for good teams open up more options. To be down 8 at half to a preseason top 25 is reputable. But if we end up getting blown out, it starts to hurt. We had chances to get more points on the board. Turn 1 of the FGs into a TD and its only 11 points defecit right now.
  13. Haha. The Medical School even runs on a completely seperate budget than the rest of the U. I heard there were projects cut out due to cuts. The new building is actually helping alot by opening up the old one to other departments allowing the old outdated buildings to be taken off line/demolished. Deferred maintance were racking up on those buildings, probably at a lower cost per year of WIH tho.
  14. Wasn't the deficit not including sponsorships and alumni donations? If I had to guess more than 99% of the REA sponsorships would be there with or without WIH. FB draws their own, and have a huge alumni base. The loss of FB donors would in my opinion hurt alot more than WIH donors. The two most successful alumni for WIH had to go and make a big fuss to get more pay and benefits of a full time position to play one week a year for their country when alot of people would love to play for their country for free (if there would not have been a big backlash at these girls asked to play if boycot im sure many would've taken the offer).
  15. It is a very nice facility. If I remember right it was built similar to one of the NHL rinks in the region just on a smaller scale. It has great hockey sightlines.
  16. Looked like a race to the end boards and just a awkard play with ankle going where it shouldn't. But I only saw one replay.
  17. Resistance Golfing on Ray Richard
  18. This was a goal for 2019 in a previous Master Planning for Athletics, but they won't hit that timeline, and with lack of funding to complete HPC i'm not sure I'll ever see it done. The other option was a horseshoe stadium. Renderings had a additional parking ramp on east side of columboa connecting skyway to the other ramp and to the stadium. Same MP diagram had a soccer field just to the east of 2nd proposed ramp.
  19. I didn't find anything in my quick search for the Kansas game, but did find vs NDSU
  20. https://www.bemidjistate.edu/faculty_staff/faculty_association/senate_agenda_attachments/docs/20130128/Attach for 13 01-28 - Athletics.pdf Bemidji found a way to balance their projected Revenue and Expenses atleast for FY2013.
  21. Timing could've been better, that is one aspect that should've been seen. Delay the announcement or cancel the recruits travel.
  22. The team did know before the university told the public. Now should they have been informed before the conferences knew? It's possible the conferences were told leading up to this that it was a option and checking to see if it screwed anything up with affiliations with Big Sky / Summit. There is going to be a leak somewhere, but it probably should've been from the hockey players and not someone with sources at the conferences. Problem with having to include so many people it makes it hard to keep the information intact.
  23. They should've announced numbers at the press conference, it was the time to do it, not in individual one on one interviews.
  24. More than likely there will be shown live and replayed later, I thought this happened somewhat with Sochi, if NBC doesn't rebroadcast you will see them on NHL Network I would have to think.
  25. I have a feeling you are right. But it isn't uncommon to see in comments and hear around sporting events and town.
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