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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. He didn't really say that they would.
  2. I don't get why everyone is so offended by what Bison06 has to say... he makes some good points, and it's just an economics discussion, really. UND has had poor attendance, so they created a game day committee to improve the product. That is relevant to Bison06's point. I personally think withdrawing support and money works best for pro sports, rather than college, because college programs still need to recruit players, and players want to go places with good fan support. Whereas pro sports teams can just draft and trade for their players.
  3. Assuming you wait to see a trend first, and wouldn't bail just because of one or two bad games?
  4. Maybe take away a few carries but let him return punts?
  5. It's not even close to true lol
  6. BUT THE PLAYERS DON"T EXECUTE herrderr... Play calling is great!
  7. Rudolph definitely wouldn't. If anyone doesn't think he's a problem they are blind.
  8. Reminds me of 3/4 years ago.
  9. Game is disappointing, but pretty much this. Injuries have killed us this year and USD is just better than us today. And Rudolph sucks.
  10. Please explain what the light is.
  11. Please try this:
  12. The FCS Wedge – 2017-0913 – WEEK 3 PREVIEW - September 14 http://thefcswedge.com/the-fcs-wedge/the-fcs-wedge-2017-0913-week-3-preview/ USD quarterback Chris Strveler continues to grow with Bob Nielson - Thursday, September 14 http://serve.castfire.com/audio/3398899/3398899_2017-09-14-153639.mp3
  13. https://issuu.com/d1media/docs/fh_sept17_final New issue is out. Online version at the link I posted.
  14. I disagree with your disagreement. Alex is great - he is exciting and puts in a lot of effort. Jack Michaels might also be the worst interviewer that I have ever heard... every time he asks a question, he basically says an opinion with it, and asks the person if they agree, and they always say yest and elaborate. Very predictable answers every time. Guy is only on the air because of his deep voice.
  15. Maybe they can't anymore with 1000+ new season ticket holders? I have a feeling a bunch of seats are going to reappear on about Wednesday of game week.
  16. Unfortunately I listened to the whole grading session. Those guys are worthless.
  17. You guys are talking about SDSU not being a home and home. Wouldn't that be because this is are last year in the Big Sky?
  18. Kelly Howe & Coyote Beat Writer Mick Garry Preview UND v. USD - Wednesday, September 13 http://serve.castfire.com/audio/3398481/3398481_2017-09-13-174121.mp3 UND vs USD preview with Bubba Schweigert - Wednesday, September 13 http://serve.castfire.com/audio/3398392/3398392_2017-09-13-150032.mp3 UND Athletics Director Brian Faison: A Potato Bowl win for the Fighting Hawks - Tuesday, September 12 http://serve.castfire.com/audio/3397940/3397940_2017-09-12-165440.mp3 The FCS Wedge – 2017-0913 – WEEK 2 REVIEW - September 13 http://thefcswedge.com/the-fcs-wedge/the-fcs-wedge-2017-0913-week-2-review/ Hero Sports - JMU SID Chris Brooks Talks ECU Win and More - Sep 4 https://herosports.com/fcs/podcast-jmu-sid-chris-brooks-ecu-win-byby
  19. Golden goose*
  20. I didn't respond to anything with the word "estimate". UND Biz clarified.
  21. If they are getting quotes does that mean UND is finally moving forward to get them installed?
  22. Anyone know how USD is doing on the injury front? Are they as banged up as we are?
  23. I was initially worried about this game, and still am, but I think we win by 10. I watched the first half of the USD vs. BG game last night, and USD got lucky with two BG special teams turnovers, near the endzone, that USD capitalized on. Bowling Green looked really bad, and their QB couldn't through the ball within 5 yards of his receivers. Streveler is a threat though - he can extend plays and run for first down on broken plays regularly. He will take off running any time the OL over pursues. Guy reminds me A LOT of Huntly from Utah. That experience should help. In short, I think UND and USD are both better than last year, but the BG score was a little misleading IMO, and I think UND is better than Bowling Green. Their kicker is absolutely garbage. And UND will be winning the field position battle all day.
  24. I doubt they were able to tailgate during the game. I tailgated near the students, and cops walked by telling us it was time to go in for the game. Pretty sure they cleared everything out.
  25. Under.
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