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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. The Summit not being in control of FB really limits the leagues potential IMO. #1 choice for many are the WAC Texas schools. Beyond them, UCA could be a good travel partner for ORU. They are building a brand new arena soon that they have an RFQ out for. If they were to join the MVFC, I'd make green turf a requirement.
  2. I'm so gosh damn sick of every single UND team emberrassing me every time I tell anyone to tune into a game.
  3. None of the above. Except MN State, but they don't have the money or political support to make it happen.
  4. Great interview! Thanks
  5. It's being widely reported that the Big West is voting to add Utah Valley and Cal Baptist on Friday, which could bring the league down below 6. NIU to the Horizon is also official. Sounds like if the Summit want's the Texas schools they will need to beat out the A-Sun.
  6. I'd kill to see some of the ratings numbers at cbssn.
  7. I dont get that take when ESPN has shown absolutely zero interest in televising SL games when they actually did have the rights, and they typically want exclusive broadcast rights despite offering lowball $$$. With ESPN, the championship games wouldnt have been able to get moved to Sunday either.
  8. nodak651

    R1 Status

    Sources of funds for 2023: https://ncsesdata.nsf.gov/profiles/site?method=rankingbysource&ds=herd
  9. I think Chaves is capable of making a decision irrispective of NDSU's choice. Remember - he did get Alston started up before NDSU or anyone else in the MVFC was in a position to do so. I assume UND's choice will largly be dependent on hockey, given that they are expected to compete and win vs the Big Ten and Bo$ton Hockey East schools, and FCS programs dont really have THAT kind of money. It will be interesting to see how Big Ten programs allocate money as well - will schools like Ohio State or Notre Dame save anything at all for hockey? Maybe a percent or two? What about the rodents? Only 1% would still equate to about 220k. If UND ends up opting in, perhaps UND will be able to garner the necessary money by working with the REA to create a new revenue stream for it, or perhaps they tweak the usage agreement and distribute more income. Guessing they would be on board because that would be in their (REA's) best interest, if Chaves decides opting in is necessary.
  10. I don't necessarily agree. Schools that choose to opt in but don't already offer FCOA and Alston money aren't going to fool any recruits when the money for NIL doesn't magically appear out of nowhere. Would love to know the NIL budget for some of the schools that claim they're opting in. In regard to NDSU, they have nearly 130 guys on their roster and they are known for developing talent, and walkons routinely become impact players. That has been one of UND's biggest issues during the Bubba tenure, IMO, because we normally only have about 105-110. That's a huge disadvantage for us when it comes to depth at the end of the season. NDSU would need to completely change how they run their program if they were forced to trim the roster down to 105, imo, and I'm not certain they would be guaranteed to benefit if they did decide to opt in, because they can still pay FCOA, Alston, and they still have the collective as well.
  11. Yeah, it's actually really complicated - much more so than it needs to be. The word parking is used 116 times in the usage agreement.... For single game tickets, UND gets a percentage of net profit from parking based on scanned attendance. Based on the usage agreement, the Alerus Center must have needed UND's permission to raise the single game parking prices from $10 to $15.
  12. That same year, Montana played in the championship while their coach was in the last year of his contract.
  13. Bad karma... The state of the program is the fault of everyone who wanted Hak fired. I know thats impossible, but I'm still kinda serious anyway.
  14. Talk to donors who would help pay the buyout or pay it directly if UND opts in. Different sport but Montana played in the championship a couple of years ago despite Hauck being a lame duck in the last year of his contract. Players know coaches leave or get bought out all the time. One or two years on a contract means nothing anymore.
  15. With how often people transfer these days does that really matter anymore? Invest saved buyout money in nil...
  16. City should put pickleball in there.
  17. Perhaps the hockey team could benefit from a gm to help the program get a better handle on recruiting and nil. Huge player pool now with the CHL players becoming eligible.
  18. Anyone know what the plan is for Ray Richards if the underpass goes in as currently (I think) planned? There is going to be a road going through two or three holes and the course will need to redone to remain operational. The underpass caused the P3 building with housing and a Top Golf-like operation to get put on hold. Has anyone heard anything yet about what the University is thinking?
  19. 100% agree. It's too confusing and it doesn't need to be. A programs win/loss record means essentially nothing because there is so much weighting for home/away/ot wins/regulation wins. I'm fine with home and away, but the fraction of a win for OT is kind of stupid - if a team only gets a fraction of a win because 3vs3 isn't real hockey, then play real hockey in OT. 4 vs 4 is a happy medium. If anything, I'd like to see a 3vs3 win just count for a full win. It sucks that when a game goes into OT it can already feel like a pairwise loss, depending on the opponent.
  20. Looks like UND put out a feeler for a P3 project in the NW corner of campus, near the old Dunder. Goal and Background Information "The following background information is intended to help respondents understand the needs of the UND. The University of North Dakota (“UND” or “University”) seeks interest in the development of university land, either under a long-term ground lease or through a direct land purchase from UND. The Development Site (“3A”) is located on 6th Avenue North on the south side of the street between North 42nd Street and the vacated State Street, one block west of Stanford Rd. The 3A Development Site is approximately twenty acres. The 3A Site will either be one large development parcel or could be broken out into smaller individual parcels upon consultation with and approval by UND Leadership. A Defined “phased” approach to development will be considered. Approximately half of 3A is vacant and ready for development, while the remainder currently has five existing multi-family residential apartment buildings (see Figure 1). With interest, a subsequent request will be released with greater detail obtained following the results of this request."
  21. Agreed on getting rid of shootouts. I'm a fan of 4x4 for ten minutes, and even a goal isn't scored it will still take less time than 5 min plus shootout. With 4x4, make OT worth the full amount of a win instead of the 2/3rds like it is currently with 3x3. Make a win mean something again. 3x3 is awful with all the regrouping that's done. If 3x3 remains, call a penalty if a team regroups back past either center ice, or the blue line back into their own D zone. I think I recall Chaves saying on his podcast a year or two ago that he was in favor of 4x4 which was good to hear.
  22. FYI, the non conference Desert Hockey Classic games are on NCHC.TV for those who have it. Cornell plays UMass starting in a few minutes.
  23. Not sure where to put this, but this auction for Alex's Lemonade Stand has a signed Belquist jersey and mini helmet. Figured someone may be interested and its for a good cause.
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