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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. The Boudreau Bug-a-boo is rearing its ugly head once again
  2. I read the soul article today: As much of a UND sports fan I am, to say sports are the "soul" of a university is a very big stretch. It has and always will be academics. Suspending MT does more to hurt the soul of the university than any sports team being cut.
  3. my guess is how they count track, but who knows. yeah didn't quite come out right. My bad. Lammys think UND is being "shady" by adding players to rosters who left and double-counting sports.
  4. No screen shot but say that it was "shady" that they would double teams and add players onto rosters that left.
  5. SFI sniped back Men are covered under Title IX, as well. After the baseball team was cut UND was ripe for a lawsuit....from the Men. https://twitter.com/JocelyneUSA17/status/852661187116490752 …
  6. that's not "shady" that's what EVERY school does! this is quickly jumping the shark, just file the lawsuit and lets get this over with
  7. Is this UND's way of saying: we are planning on taking this all the way, no matter how ugly it gets. Feels like a scene from Dirty Harry, does the women's team feel lucky?
  8. My take: Looks like grasping at straws. Hard to claim sexism when UND has cut 3 mens sports and 2 womens sports in the past two years and it could be 4 in a year or so.
  9. Could it be possible he said unique?
  10. http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/story/vote-on-permanent-12th-game-in-fcs-this-week-041117 Think it will pass?
  11. please be a big please be a big please be a big
  12. Say no to GCU I can't see any of the MNSCU school moving anytime soon. But we shall see if these dominoes even get this far.
  13. It could very well be but with what's gone on around here the past few years on that campus can you blame me for being fearful of a shoe dropping?
  14. could it be because now it messes up conference scheduling and it might be adding.... Lindenwood to the WCHA Pretty quiet today on the WIH front.... too quiet.
  15. I mean outside of those two, where else can the Summit go if they go down to 9?
  16. Say the Valpo/Belmont/Murray St move to MVC happens Then the Horizon snags a Indiana summit school What would the Summit do then? Do they ask an old member to come back in UMKC... or do they give the Montana schools their wanting gift of removing UNC, providing they get FB figured out.
  17. Let me guess: They ask Mel to "come home"
  18. still have nightmares on that double reverse call.... they score even 3 there and its over.
  19. Its nice to see Softball making some strides over the past couple of years, they already matched their win totals from last year. It would be nice to see them make the conference tournament this year and make a little noise. Still a pretty young team it appears, bright future for sure.
  20. I am more and more convinced that Kennedy "gets" it about athletics.
  21. So say Belmont, Valpo and Murray all go. How does the OVC and Horizon fill those spots (if they do)?
  22. Let's say for the sake of Idalski's argument that by some miracle oil does rebound a bit and the budget does adjust where the cuts aren't so bad. If UND got millions back where do you think Kennedy would stick the money? I am willing to bet it won't be to save the hockey program, it will be to save a few majors on the academic side. He is a politician after all, lessen the blow on the academic side and put the women's hockey supporters in a very tight spot.
  23. Could have sworn that the cuts were effective at the end of the academic year, but I could be wrong on that.
  24. Curious as to why Saint Louis wouldn't be interested in going into the MVC
  25. Is this the beginning of the bargaining stage?
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