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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. So in essence, WH was cut to comply with Title IX as well. Ironic isn't it?
  2. Here is the FAQ attached Why was the timing of the Athletics announcement pushed back from the original institutional deadline? This was a very involved and complicated process in which several questions needed to be properly addressed. The deadline for Athletics was extended in order to ensure due diligence. Were there other sports under consideration? Yes, multiple scenarios were explored during the process. Were any scenarios provided to the President that did not involve eliminating sports? No. How will this decision impact UND’s Title IX compliance? Providing gender-equitable participation opportunities weighed heavily in UND’s decision. Following last year’s elimination of baseball, as expected male student-athletes were under-represented within the UND Athletics Department in 2016-17. The current changes will re-balance the UND Athletics Department so that UND will continue to comply in 2017-18 with Title IX’s participation requirements. Additionally, the changes are balanced so that UND will continue to comply with Title IX’s scholarship provisions as UND implements the funding changes required for membership in the Summit League. Is there a possibility of bringing these sports back in the future? No, not in the foreseeable future. Will the affected sports be provided with a window to secure funding to save their respective programs? No. These cuts are effective immediately at the end of this academic year. Will the remaining contracts of the affected coaches be honored? Yes. What will happen to the Hyslop Sports Center Pool? The future use of the pool is under consideration. What becomes of the women’s hockey facilities at REA? The women’s hockey facilities, including locker room and coaches’ offices, will be retained by UND Athletics for utilization by other women’s sports. Will these cuts result in any financial sanctions from the conferences that sponsored these sports? UND is subject to an exit fee with the Western Collegiate Hockey Association but not with the Summit League or Western Athletic Conference. How will scholarships from the affected sports be reallocated? UND Athletics will continue to honor all athletics scholarships for discontinued sports at their present equivalencies for returning student-athletes. In time, scholarships will be reallocated to meet Summit League requirements. Who was involved in this process administratively? Athletics Director Brian Faison, Deputy Athletics Director/Senior Woman Administrator Daniella Irle, President Mark Kennedy, Vice President for Finance & Operations Alice Brekke, Associate Vice President for Finance Karla Stewart, and Director of Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action and Title IX Coordinator Donna Smith were all involved in the decision-making process. Does today’s announcement impact UND’s men’s golf program? No. The men’s golf program must still meet its originally agreed-upon financial goals by June 2018, by which time the program’s endowment needs to be fully capitalized in order to permanently remain in operation.
  3. E-mail that I just got The University of North Dakota Athletics Department announced on Wednesday, following the discontinuance of its men’s baseball and golf programs in the prior fiscal year, that it will discontinue its varsity women’s hockey and men’s & women’s swimming & diving programs, effective at the end of the 2016-17 academic year as part of the University’s ongoing budget restructuring efforts. The continuance of the men’s golf program is contingent upon its successful fundraising efforts. In January 2017, UND President Mark Kennedy announced that the athletics department would need to further reduce its 2017-18 budget by over $1.3 million as its contribution to the university-wide cuts being dictated by the state’s revenue shortfall. Additionally, with UND’s move to the Summit League, additional money will be needed to comply with the Summit League’s minimum scholarship requirements. UND expects that the current changes will enable it to meet those additional scholarship expenses without having to make further cuts next year. UND’s athletics department expects to reinvest any additional savings back into its women’s and men’s teams, with a primary focus on gender equity, internal equity, and championship competitiveness. The decision announced today was reached based upon the University’s budget reduction instruction, conference sport sponsorship requirements for both the Big Sky Conference and Summit League, Title IX compliance, additional Summit League scholarship requirements, and the ability to reinvest in championship-level programs. The University worked with the Baker Donelson law firm as its outside legal counsel. “I have accepted the athletic director’s recommendation with the understanding that it provides for investing in championship teams in a balanced manner for both our women’s and men’s athletics programs,” said Kennedy. “This is a painful step to take for all parties involved, including me, but it is necessary given today’s budget realities. My heart goes out to all those who are disrupted by this change. We are proud of the way they have represented UND.” UND will honor all athletics scholarships for discontinued sports at their present equivalencies for returning student-athletes. Specific details have been provided to the student-athletes regarding their future aid. UND Athletics Director Brian Faison met with the affected coaches, staff and student-athletes on Wednesday afternoon to inform them of the decision. “This was a difficult decision. It’s a sad day when opportunities for student-athletes are reduced,” said Faison. “The University is going through campus-wide, state-mandated budget cuts. As a part of the University, we need to do what is in the long-term, best interests of the University, as well as the best interests of the athletics department.”
  4. Sic has a post over at the Pres Kennedy thread with some numbers.
  5. Just read a WDAZ comment about: its always the women. baseball called, they would like a word with you.
  6. So with this news, UND will be down to 17 sports. Unless there is another we are not aware of.
  7. I am actually shocked that UND did this. Not so much that they did it, because the signs were all there. I didn't think Kennedy and company would have the gall to do it. Be an interesting press conference that's for sure
  8. http://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/4242553-und-cuts-womens-hockey
  9. Well Kennedy could have done it by himself and then got shouted down for being a dictator and have the faculty raise hell for not involving them. The problem with this was there was no winning way out of this.
  10. I think Brad's tweet say it all doesn't it, and I am struggling on the format. Has any sport, on any campus, anywhere been cut after sending 8 athletes to the last Olympics?
  11. And they wouldn't have wasted time on a Title IX consultant if they were going that direction
  12. I can't copy the tweet but Todd Milewski says Women's hockey is cut
  13. The question I have with the resistance to the name is how much of it is fueled by how botched the nickname process was? I'm in no way saying that if it would have been better all of it would have gone away, but would it be enough to make a significant difference? Sure there might be some that will say it didn't matter, but how much hate the name because of how it came about Another way to ask the question is: If we had a better transition to the Fighting Hawks name (lets assume it ends up the same for whatever reason in this hypothetical) and logo, would there be as much divisiveness as we see now? My thoughts are that if the process wasn't a three ring circus, it would be better accepted. There still would be some pushback and holdouts but I don't think it would be as extreme.
  14. Change a few parameters around and it is definitely possible.
  15. So as stated in the 16-17 thread, Shanks is transferring out. I wish him nothing but the best and thank him for his contribution to UND and helping bring UND to a championship and NCAA appearance. What does that mean for next year? This is a minor blow that could be a bigger blow is Drick does the same thing. It does thin out the frontcourt a little bit now with Drick and Avants the only two with significant minutes. Walter is going to have to make a huge jump from year 1 to 2. Be interesting to see how Jones and company replace the scholarship. Does he play this with next year in mind or does he play this with the Summit in mind? I'd say try to find a HS recruit or a freshman transfer and go from there.
  16. I thought it was telling that when Miller asked Kennedy about the blowback being from the community or legal he said both. Speaking of Miller: http://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/4241770-miller-und-should-make-cuts-basketball-support-mind#.WNqPPEYGAok.twitter
  17. It just seems all the arrows are pointing to it doesn't it. Will it? Guess we will find out. Perhaps as soon as tomorrow.
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