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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. A couple of posters on BV are being dumb about it. The guys screwed up bad. Hopefully it turns out ok. Some suspensions may be in order. Ojuri might be on his last strike the way it is. We'll see how it plays out.
  2. Didn't analyze anything. Pointed out that Montana was bad that year. Going over to the dome in a bit. Today is all things football, not just NDSU. In other news, Notre Dame demolished Navy.
  3. Shouldn't have any issues. Boys should win today by 30-40 but you never know. Football can be a weird game. Only thing we can learn today about our team is if the game is close. If we have any trouble on offense, I'll cry.
  4. 2003 team made the playoffs I believe. the one UND played if I recall, is the first Griz team on almost 20 years to not make the playoffs. I didn't say anything bad about this Marcus guy. In fact, I defended him when someone said it is almost like having a freshman play. I'm sure he will play about as good as he can. Maybe that will be enough for Portland State, maybe it wont. I only talked trash about that edition of the Montana team. I'm far from a fat guy. I'm 5 foot 8 and 160 pounds soaking wet after going to a chinese buffet(before the runs come).
  5. We do have a great entrance and it gets everyone very excited. The one today, I hear will be different because of honoring the title team, we'll see. Cheese entrances are obvious and suck. Hopefully UND finds something that works.
  6. also against the worst Griz team in the past 20 years or so.
  7. Not like Hanson had a ton either. I'm sure he'll be fine. He's a 5th year senior, I'm sure he'll play the way he is capable of. Now if he is any good or not, thats another thing entirely.
  8. That movie is fantastic. You deserve more than an upvote.
  9. As far as playoffs, the injury puts UND in jeopardy(not that we would have known otherwise, game against Mines shows nothing), but a big part of the UND playoff hope was(from what i gathered) based on him. Two weeks without him, could really hurt if UND loses the PSU game. Y'all got the next few weeks to see if you got a shot at the playoffs. UND needs 7 wins to gain consideration. UND has 10 games to garner that consideration. Portland State game just got more complicated. Things should very interesting to watch from a Bison fan perspective.
  10. I remember Mertens looking great against bad teams.
  11. Because a QB is going to say, "Nah, I'm not excited. Honestly, I just saw this was my opportunity to actually get to play." He probably is excited, but I don't know what that says about any program.
  12. There really is no reason UND shouldn't have 3,000 at football games if the team isn't bad.
  13. Obviously they all offer the same, but there is a difference between the schools. And thats fine. It really doesn't effect NDSU. Or UND. until there is reform in the class system, (which puts NDSU in 2nd tier, and shortly after UND follows 5 years later) there is no reason to give a flying F***.
  14. Im going to reluctantly take that as a compliment.
  15. BCS is a level for all intents and purposes. They play for the title. The Non-FBS (mid-majoresque) conferences, can mess with them and play a bowl game with them, but Boise and TCU etc. never had a chance to play for a title. Now they have a better chance(especially TCU being in the Big 12). But don't kid yourself, there are currently three levels on D-I football. BCS(B1G, SEC, Big 12, Pac-12, ACC, Big East(for the time being)) FBS conferences without a shot (MWC, Sun Belt, MAC, etc.) FCS (The rest)
  16. At the same time, they are two different things. BCS teams are FBS. But not all FBS are BCS. BCS teams crown the FBS champ. Not all FBS teams have a legitimate shot at the crown.
  17. Lower level FBS doesn't get a shot playing in a fair tournement for a national title. Basketball only needs one division because if you got one great player(Woodside), you can possibly beat some top teams. Butler(Mid-Major) made it to two national championship games in a row. Basketball has a lot more parity than football and only needs one level. Football could do fine with multiple titles, just like North Dakota high school athletics.
  18. No. being in a low-level bowl means little-nothing. Being in March Madness means a lot. March Madness you got a shot with the big boys in the best tournement in America. And everyone in America actually remembers the big upsets, and from time to time, a mid-major makes it to the title or the final four. You are so far off base it is kind of sad actually.
  19. Something Al Gore built. I think it is a smartcar?
  20. Not a broken promise if someone is at a position for 2 years and is not going to see the field so you switch them somewhere where they can contribute to the team better.
  21. NDSU made the playoffs. Never was able to get home games for one reason or another. In fact, I believe the last time the two teams played in the playoffs NDSU laid a whooping on UND. The year before, UND beat NDSU in the playoffs. UND played only one team from the Big Sky last season and that was a winless team. UND played against three Great West teams who will also be in the Big Sky this upcoming season. I'm interested in seeing how UND plays the typically good Big Sky teams like EWU, M State, Montana. Sounds like Big Sky ball to me.
  22. Darell, something tells me you were a little old to be looking at the daughter
  23. Probably not. Sure hope so though. Repeating is not too easy.
  24. Can't get mad at someone for calling you what you call yourself Thats probably not going to happen.
  25. Well Spookie said Go Sioux! Can't get mad if anyone, including the Fargodome this december for the basketball game get a Sioux Suck **** chant going. You can blame him for this.
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