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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. I have never been to JL, I will make a point to go there now if they are even worth being considered with teh Five Guys
  2. I like Five Guys personally. I think most people do. I don't think I would complain about either of them though if someone wants to go to one in particular. But yeah, its a bit of a drive though from North Fargo. If I'm in the area though, it is worth considering.
  3. I was very torn last time I was there. Couldn't decide if I should get the pork or the burger. Almost had a meltdown. Smash Burger has got to be the most ridiculous and douchey name for a burger joint ever. I avoided that place like the plague because of the name and the labels that would be placed on me if I was seen there. I got dragged there kicking, screaming, and hungover. I felt betrayed. It was an excellent burger and I'd recommend it.
  4. this. he put into words what my idiotic brain can hardly put into coherent thoughts.
  5. Take a joke. It was a championship joke. Take 'er easy. You can be run-first and still generate more of your yards through the air.
  6. both indoor and outdoor have benefits. I like indoor. More enjoyable to watch the playoffs in a controlled climate.
  7. Better than UND when you only win a title once every 100+ years
  8. excellent use of 'teh' but at least get the name right. JohnBoy. Not Jonnyboy. Good lord. Good post as well outside of that large error.
  9. its a bisonville thing as far as my knowledge and some of them are lazy spellchecking. In this case, it was not lazy spellchecking.
  10. I can understand why a UND hockies fan would cheer for teh Herd as well. I think cheering for UND and NDSU football is similar to dividing by zero. Catostrophic implications.
  11. What I think he is saying is he likes UND, but he also likes the idea of watching football in January so he is a Bison fan when that time of the year rolls around.
  12. Calvary eh? Would be quite a powerful logo.
  13. Don't you mean you are very excited to get that Thursday opener out of the way?
  14. I'd give UND a longshot chance to win at EWU, they are going to throw the ball all around the yard and from what I have gathered, isn't that UND's weakness? Those guys got a dang good group of receivers. Montana is pretty dang good on the ground. Wouldn't be surprised to see them still be a successful team this year. This game did just get a whole lot more winnable for Teh UND.
  15. I never boasted about NDSU's ability to raise funds. I think it would be extremely difficult for either school to raise the money to build a stadium with a retractable roof without the state paying for it.
  16. IPF still isn't even started. That says enough about UND football donors.
  17. You have to remember, some of these people think that all wealthy alumni are like Ralph and give boatloads of cash and that money is not hard to come buy. People should remember when it comes to UND football, it is not easy like it is for hockey to raise funds.
  18. Starting around the 10:00 mark and finishing around 12 minutes are so, the video talks about the very beginning of UND and the Ol' AC playing against one another. Doesn't favor either team, just mentions how it began. You probably won't be interested in the rest. I put this in community because the last thing I want to do is start crap in the football thread. Feel free to enjoy. and who doesn't want to enjoy Ed Schultz eh?
  19. The cost of that would be beyond insane. I don't think many folks on here are holding their breath waiting for that.
  20. One could maybe suggest it might be better to wait because the closer people get to football season the more excited they are when they see the ads for it. /devilsadvocate.
  21. Certainly not a 25 yard out-route thrown by Hansen eh? Just a soft toss by some drunk white guy who smells like cheese with a beer stain on his beloved jersey (I like giving the und hockey-only folks crap more than the rest of you guys)
  22. what is the Sioux Run
  23. Watch out. I hear you get stoned in Grand Forks for that sort of language.
  24. Thats just too bad. Real unfortunate.
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