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Everything posted by fightingsioux4life

  1. Tough cookies. This bridge has to go somewhere and 47th has the fewest drawbacks. That Merrifield Bridge wouldn't get used enough to justify the cost (are truckers really going to go out of their way to drive across a bridge that far south?). As Ken Vein said in today's Heraldo, people will complain no matter where you put it. We can't just not do it because some people will be upset about it. Based on that logic, the Columbia Road overpass would not exist today.
  2. 47th is perfect for a bridge. It does not have the driveways of 32nd and the one school (South Middle School) is set back from the road. Schroeder Middle School is practically right on top of 32nd, which is a serious safety issue. Mayor Brown is spot on here. 47th Avenue South is the best choice going away.
  3. That would make some people on this forum giddy with delight. But don't think for a minute that I would be one of them.
  4. Hopefully a new, productive offense as well.
  5. Top candidates for the next Interstate Interchange: -17th Avenue South (next to the Alerus Center). -47th Avenue South (the city is growing in that area). -Merrifield Road (bridge is already there, just need to add ramps). The new south-end bridge (it is inevitable that we will need one whether people like it or not) should go in at 47th Avenue South; it would impact far fewer people than 32nd Avenue South.
  6. Good point, as long as we don't let business come in and dictate what and where we build. We need to strike a balance between business-friendly and business-centric.
  7. The traffic is a pretty good indicator that it is the former and not the latter.
  8. Wow, I guess I better start preparing the obituary for Grand Forks. Easy Chicken Little. The sky is not falling. Grand Forks is growing, not shrinking. I have lived here for over 40 years and traffic is worse than I can ever remember. And all those apartments and town homes going up on the south side are not being built for ghosts. Slow but steady growth is better than explosive growth. This was a great place to grow up, a great place to get an education and it is still a great place to live.
  9. If it was club hockey, then the school wouldn't be spending money on it.
  10. Where did you see this?
  11. I hope you are being sarcastic.
  12. So we can get "more bang for our buck"? No thank you.
  13. For once I agree with you on something. Bubba shook up the coaching staff and appears to be bringing in some talented kids. I am not ready to give up on him.
  14. Is the REA under any obligation to benefit UND as a whole? According to the founding documents of REA, Inc., yes they are.
  15. Is that Larry The Cable Guy?
  16. NDSU is not moving up to FBS. The biggest accomplishment they could hope for in FBS is 7-5 and an invite to the Whatever.Com Bowl played in mid-December on a weeknight in front of a half-full (at best) stadium on one of ESPN's channels. They aren't that stupid.
  17. Here we go with the bashing of the Lamoureux Twins and telling them to "grow up". With all due respect sir, physician heal thyself. These two women have accomplished more in their short time on this planet than most of us ever will. And I don't think they need a lecture from you (or anyone else) about "the real world", because they have been excelling in it since before they were legal adults. Living in "the real world" doesn't mean putting up and shutting up about everything. Standing up for yourself and others is not the easy thing to do, but it is the right thing to do. I have no respect for cranky malcontents who scold and preach from high atop a self-professed moral high ground.
  18. To be fair, most people on this forum didn't think women's hockey would even be considered for the chopping block.
  19. You know, as much as I hate the Goofs, it is sad to see what has happened to them since realignment. It is more fun to hate on (and beat) a team that is good and contending for titles.
  20. What about 10-1 with the one loss at NDSU? Is that more realistic for you?
  21. Very sad news. Hang in there, @Ice Arena Man.
  22. But @MafiaMan, don't you understand? It's "all about the relationships" and "all about teaching life lessons". Winning doesn't matter. Because this is no different than high school. (sarcasm) Hopefully, the hiring of Paul Sather to run MBB is a sign that this mentality is changing under Chaves, but it is still too prevalent around here.
  23. Some kids have their heart set on one particular school and aren't really worth recruiting. Better to direct resources to kids that haven't made up their minds.
  24. It is obvious what they were waiting for.
  25. People in Minneapolis-St. Paul would laugh until their sides hurt if they heard this. People in Chicago would laugh even harder.
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