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Everything posted by fightingsioux4life

  1. Why? Here is why. Check out this article by the Star Tribune's Patrick Reusse about South Dakota State's very successful Division I move-up. http://www.startribune.com/south-dakota-state-jackrabbits-coming-at-gophers-with-big-ten-commitment-backing-them/558338502/ This could be us as well. But it isn't because too many people don't give a rat's a$$ about any sport not played in REA. Either we take being Division I seriously or we should think about moving back down to Division II and join the NSIC. But by all means, keep rowing that boat! Maybe you'll finish in the top half of the B1G West this year.
  2. BS. The REAL "Mecca" is located 300 miles to your northwest. Motzko needs to get his head out of the early 1990's.
  3. Well, considering the lopsided contract signed with NDSU, that shouldn't be surprising.
  4. We have a new regime in charge. Let's wait and see what happens over the next couple of years.
  5. It's a three-day holiday weekend, usually considered the unofficial end of summer. I think a Thursday night game would have worked better for attendance, but it is what it is. I think the place will be rocking for SHSU and Potato Bowl.
  6. What do you mean shaky? For once, we didn't give up a bunch of big returns on punts and kickoffs, no blocked kicks and no missed kicks. Everything else is spot-on.
  7. And according to some people, it's the only program that matters. This attitude needs to change. Btw, forcing hockey upon football fans is just as objectionable.
  8. But didn't you hear? It's all about keeping more of the gate. (sarcasm)
  9. Allow checking. And get rid of this stupid, brain-dead idea. Now.
  10. Prediction: St. Thomas will become competitive rather quickly in the NSIC.
  11. First of all, I agree with UNDColorado; hilarious comment! Second of all, I also agree with your overall sentiment. This department has been run like a high school for way too long. Although Chaves hasn't been there for all that long, he should nip this in the bud. It make us look bad.
  12. You might want to fix that last sentence, the type is tiny.
  13. Careful, you'll be branded as ungrateful and unappreciative (sarcasm).
  14. Agreed, he has a big job ahead of him.....provided he gets more than one year to "prove himself".
  15. Exactly. A lot of tough military guys wash out of SEAL training. Very few make it. That kind of toughness will suit him well on the field.
  16. Our collective expectations have an impact on administration and donors. If they sense the fan base doesn't care if the team contends for championships or not, it will have a negative affect on decisions made (whether to keep a coach or not, whether to donate to the program or not). Our attitudes have more of an impact that most people realize.
  17. This is one of the things holding back this program. Low expectations do not breed excellence or success.
  18. Lots of good bulletin board material in this thread. I hope someone posts this stuff in the locker room.
  19. I don't want cheerleading. But I also don't want doom and gloom click bait either. He says this is the deepest team in the Bubba era and then predicts a 6-5 finish. If he is accurate with his predictions, this program is not going in the direction it should be going.
  20. Sure he's entitled to it. And I am entitled to disagree with him. He makes it sound like the program has one foot in the grave, which I think is a little premature to assume. If all we get is the same old slop as last year, it may be time to make a change at the top (and I am not talking about Schmidt either).
  21. Pretty pessimistic attitude from Mr. Miller overall. 6-5 finish, this guy isn't ready, that guy isn't eligible, two more are injured and on the shelf, no QB ready to play for next year, blah, blah, blah. I certainly hope the team is better off than that.
  22. Hey, either the announcements will be big or they won't. Patience young grasshopper!
  23. She has made it clear that she doesn't have the same connection to UND that Ralph had. She shares DNA with him and that is all. But some people think that gives her the inherent right to run UND from Vegas. I think we are better off cultivating relationships with people who care about UND and want it to succeed now and in the future. And KEM doesn't belong in that category.
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