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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. UND takes the field on offence and you remember who is calling the plays......
  2. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/4448700-engelstad-arena-governed-complex-mix-entities
  3. 2 words....smart phones. Before they existed, all you could do as a fan at the game was stay fully engaged in what was going on the ice or the people around you. No fans (and to a greater extent students) bury their head in their phones for much of the game creating a stale, dull atmosphere. Certainly not jsut a problem here, but a problem all over the country. Not sure what you can do to change that.
  4. https://www.google.com/search?q=college+bird+logos&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS781US781&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjfu-TcwI_bAhXL7IMKHRXFBtwQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=905 Would people prefer any of these logos? Are these so much better? People complain about the Fighting Hawks name being unoriginal. Should UND have further perpetuated that by choosing another bird logo like all these others?!!
  5. Looks better already. Personally i would so like NDSU does and remove the black circle at the middle. Most schools find a way to make it suttle on the court. Also make it bigger, again like the size of he Bison logo. Fighting Hawks on one end, Norb Dakots ok the other. If you can mock that up, hat would be awesome!!
  6. Fan of the program or fan of the logo. You are obviously the later.
  7. Some may thing that our fighting Hawks logo at midcourt would look bad. Well, it could be worse.....
  8. So, does that mean the court repainting is put on hold?!
  9. Looks like we have another nickname controversy!!
  10. Typically you aren't going to admit you are hypocritical. Not something someone admits to and is proud of. I get it that it isn't EXACTLY the same situation. But you have to acknowledge the similarities at the root of the issue.
  11. So you were told that the logo for the school you cheer for wasn't acceptable. And now you are doing the same thing and saying the logo of that same school is unacceptable. The definition of a hypocrite. Truth hurts.
  12. There are many that feel that the Fighting Sioux name and logo was never offensive, and that people that thought it was should just move on because what is offensive to some isn't always the case for others. But now, some of those same people are saying that they take offense to the Fighting Hawks name and logo because they thing it sucks. Obviously different reasons for being offended by each logo, but the mindset is the same. If you bitched and moaned about the PC idiots at the NCAA that tried to tell you that you should be offended by the Sioux name and logo yet now bitch and moan that the new name and logo is offensive....you might be a hypocrite.
  13. Wait, are you trying to convince me that the REA makes money because of UND athletics? Poppycock!!!
  14. And that's the problem. Should the decision of what logo is to be used at center court/ice be made my KM or the Engelstad Foundation?
  15. The interlocking ND is retired. Not coming back. Not an option.
  16. "I'm not sure of many other places where the wishes of the athletic department are not the governing operative, whether the facility is owned or leased or not." Like him or hate him, Kennedy has a valid point here.
  17. I don't think Kennedy rephrasing it like it would have made any difference. They would have replied the same way. When your mind is made up about something, no one is going to change your mind.
  18. You actually make a good point here. I don't think that the Fighting Hawks logo is as polarizing as Hodgson wants to believe. They could put the logo on the front of the hockey jerseys, replace the neon logos on the outside with the Hawks logo, etc, etc, etc and it is not going to make the die hard, Sioux Forever crowd hate the logo any more.
  19. The most important thing in all this isn't the logo at mid court at the Betty. It is Kennedy going to REA and telling them things that he would like the REA to do to benefit UND, then the REA basically telling him tough luck, we do what we want. And that being in direct violation to the contract they had having the REA doing things in the best interests of UND. If the REA is confused as to what the best interests of UND are, maybe one place to look is the President of UND telling you what they are!
  20. So doing something once is "actively"? If that is the case, I have "actively" been taking a dump all day!
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