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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Siouxperfan7

    2018 Season

    First preseason poll is out!! https://athlonsports.com/college-football/athlon-sports-preseason-fcs-top-25-2018
  2. An easy google search would have gotten relevant information that would have added important context to the article. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS781US781&ei=zZ4WW4TXJsbWsAHtjaWQDA&q=female+head+coaches+college+athletics&oq=female+head+coaches+college+athletics&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i21k1.4594.7122.0.7225. But I am glad he got the exact number of pullups Bernard-Docker was able to do!! That number was definitely more important to get!
  3. Welcome to media in today's society. It's not about reporting the news. It's about creating a narrative and expressing the opinion of the writer of the article. It's not like this is something new. Certainly not at the Herald, and certainly not with Schlossman. Look at his reporting on the womens hockey story last year.
  4. Right, but by leaving out that information the reader would assume that this is only a UND problem when in fact it is a nationwide problem. I get the exclusive factor of having no female head coaches is the hook of the article. But this problem is an issue across the country, including the other 3 Dakota schools. Is Matt Larsen aware of the lack of female coaches at NDSU?
  5. Number of Womens head coaches after June 30th: UND - 0 NDSU - 2 USD - 2 SDSU - 3 Sure UND is going to be one of only two D1 Universities without a womens head coach, but it's not like other schools in the area are doing any better. National average is 40%, so the rest of the country isn't doing great either. Lazy reporting by Schloss not to even mention these other statistics.
  6. http://www.ncaa.org/static/champion/where-are-the-women/ "...in 2016, while more women play college sports than ever before, just over 40 percent of NCAA women’s teams have a female head coach."
  7. So where is the comparison to other D1 schools in the area? How many womens coaches does NDSU, SDSU, USD, etc have? What is the national average for womens head coaches across the country? Sure UND won't have any, but how many have more than 4? . Not having that information doesn't tell the whole story. Pretty sure there is a lack of women's head coaches all over the country at all levels. Sure UND will now be only 1 of 2 at the D1 level, but I am sure there are many other schools with 3 or less. (BTW, NDSU has 2 womens head coaches on staff, only one more than UND had before Martinson's resignation).
  8. Siouxperfan7

    2018 Season

    True North Stadium!!
  9. Same change they made in the football helmets/jerseys. UND green is brighter than what was previously used. They got it right.
  10. Did you have that opinion in 2001 when the Sioux logo was at center ice? Associating the new logo with UND is a process. And UND gets that. This is a first step. the logo is on the court as well as the name. When it comes to the REA and the Fighting Hawks name and logo........
  11. Comparing it to the old court, it is definitely an upgrade. The green color especially is much better and closer to our official school color green.
  12. Definitely the best application for the new logo!!
  13. Siouxperfan7

    2018 Season

    UND Hockey wins National Championship April 9th, 2016; Receives their Championship rings September 28th, 2016. 172 days later. UND Football wins the Big Sky Championship November 12, 2016; Recieves their Championship rings May 30th, 2018. 564 days later Did the Basketball or Volleyball teams ever receive rings for 2016? Not trying to be ani-hockey, I am a UND hockey fan like everyone else. But seems a little unfair that funding for hockey rings was instantly available and other sports had to wait a year and a half later and maybe still waiting.
  14. A businessman more capable of handling a budget better then a government run entity. Where have I heard that before?!! I guess former casino owners make the best CFO's!!
  15. https://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/4452965-unds-mark-kennedy-meet-las-vegas-kris-engelstad-mcgarry I wonder when we will find out what came out of the meeting today. Who will reveal what was discussed first?!!
  16. Words from Bubba the day the logo was reased. A reminder of what UND sports is all about. More than a name. More than a logo. “We know who we want to be and what we represent” https://youtu.be/-GfGB1oKGOY
  17. Crazy. Will be interesting to see if he can have the same recruiting success at Montgomery had.
  18. Schlossman: UND still hopes to put destination hockey game in Nashville http://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/4451452-schlossman-und-still-hopes-put-destination-hockey-game-nashville "If this game gets done, the opponent will be Penn State, barring any late changes."
  19. OK, so what is your "interpretation" of the purpose of the REA and the Betty? What was the reason they were built. (By the way, ripping on someones grammar in a post might be the lamest thing ever).
  20. Getting back on topic, the real issue is not whether fans are for or against the Fighting Hawks name and logo. The issue is that Ralph Engelstad Arena and the Betty Engelstad Sioux Center were built for the University of North Dakota. And they should be doing everything they can to help them along the way. And that includes helping the University with their name/logo re branding efforts. REA Inc/Engelstad Foundation aren't doing that. And that is a big problem and that was the true intention of the gift.
  21. Yeah, that's not going to happen. UND is not going to go through the time, money, and effort to start over and likely end up with the same result.
  22. I would like to see a Fighting Hawks logo that takes the current logo and gives us a straight on view of the Hawks face. I know we have the mascot mock up, but that is not what I am mean. Give me a straight on hawk face with a little green and black added in and we may have something. Right now the only hope for the name to gain acceptance is to add a secondary logo. Cause the one they have now isn't going anywhere.
  23. All I am saying is look at the results. Bubba came out 10 minutes after the logo was announced and gave his full support and acknowledged that is was important for us to embrace the new logo. He then said the logo would be on the helmets next season. Go to football games. You see the Fighting Hawks logo everywhere. YOu see flags in the tailgate lot. People wearing Fighting Hawks merchandise. You see football players making statements about being Fighting Hawks and being proud of it. If Bubba had acted like Berry has towards the new name and logo, I don't think you would have seen the same result. Brad Berry is a leader. He is the leader of the most popular sport at UND. And thus, has the largest fanbase. People look up to Berry and the hockey team as leaders at the University. They are the most high profile aesthetes at UND. If Berry were to fully embrace the Fighting Hawks name and logo, there would be a different atmosphere in regards to acceptance of the logo. They would see how the team is reacting to the logo and name and many would follow. You can't deny that the hockey program as a whole's rejection of the Fighting Hawks name/logo has played a huge role in people not embracing it. Coaches have a responsibility to support the University. Just like we all have a responsibility to support the practices and policies at our job. I don't think it should have to come to a point where Kennedy or Chaves is going to have to sit Berry down and say, "Hey Brad, we would really appreciate it if you would maybe be more supportive of the Fighting Hawks name and logo because we are trying to promote our new brand and you and your programs support could really go a long way." He should realize this on his own. Apparently he hasn't yet.
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