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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. One thing that I guess people forget when making comments about the whole nickname debate is that UND didn't want to drop the Fighting Sioux nickname. But looking at peoples comments online, you see a lot of "UND caved to the NCAA" and "UND dumped the Sioux name", etc. UND fought harder than any other school that was on the "hostile and abusive " list from 2005. They spent over a million dollars in a lawsuit suing the NCAA. And not just UND, but the overwhelming majority of fans initially supported keeping the name after the NCAA list of schools came out. Practically everyone, students, fans, UND administration, etc was in favor of keeping the name. I guess its too much to ask for people to educate themselves on a topic before commenting on it, but hey its social media. that doesn't exist there.
  2. There is a lot of "I will never accept any new nickname besides the Fighting Sioux" pride out there. I guess people feel like they are standing up to whever they feel is going against that. Instead of directing their frustration at the NCAA, The Standing Rock tribal council leaders, Wayne Stenjehm for agreeing to a settlement that he knew would never happen, etc, they take out their frustration on the tangible, visible symbol of everything that they feel represents the Fighting Sioux being retired. And that is anything Fighting Hawks.
  3. Complaining about the Fighting Hawks name is not going to change the name. Complaining about the Fighting Hawks logo is not going to change the logo. Complaining about the Fighting Hawks mascot is not going to change the mascot. Moral of the story? Complaining is not going to change anything. So why waste your time.
  4. Option Z with the long head looks too much like Sam the Eagle.
  5. I think it is pretty obvious what the differences are. I don't get your point. Just look!
  6. I would guess they would replace the script at the end with the new script that came out with the logo. North Dakota at one end, Fighting Hawks at the other. Summit leafu logo in the lanes and you would think a Fighting Hawks logo at mid court. I emailed the Ralph and as per Garth Wiedrich, the Marketing Manager at Ralph Engelstad Arena, he said "The floor in the Betty is being refinished this year so the logo will be incorporated with the new design." SO the logo will be there somewhere. Hopefully center court.
  7. That is the sentiment that hopefully even the most diehard #siouxforever fans will eventually have. Most are in agreement that the name and logo could have been better, but that's what we got and we just have to deal with it.
  8. The top will change. Football jersey for football games, basketball jersey for basketball games, hockey jersey for hockey games (if the Ralph will allow the mascot in the building )
  9. I am also leaning toward Y as well. Has the best head, and also no armpit feathers!!
  10. Siouxperfan7

    2018 Season

    This is where I am at too. I think he has the potential to be a very good QB for us. Just need to get protection!!
  11. Yeah, it is too bad people can't be mature enough to take things seriously without making some dumb comment on social media or a message board. But that would be fun now would it!!
  12. I still find it odd that it looks like the choices for the new mascot won't be revealed till the voting starts 10am on Monday. Seems like they would have released them today to give people time to look at them. Oh well. I guess we wait till Monday!
  13. Unacceptable. they should have narrowed it down to 5 species of hawks that we could all vote on. Narrow that list down to 3 and then have one more vote for the final 2. Seems like that would have been such a better idea!!
  14. Eastern Washington mascot on the top, Miami Redhawks mascot below. (Ironically both named Swoop). I am guessing we get something similar to these.
  15. Maybe the mascot can have no name to finally appease the "no nickname" crowd!!
  16. Ugh...we have been over this literally a thousand times. No nickname means Fighting Sioux remains default, unofficial nickname. Something the University did not want.
  17. So getting back to mascots, besides being for the kids to enjoy, mascots bring excitement during dull moments of the game and engage with the crowd to create an exciting atmosphere. If you get the right person (or multiple people likely) with a charismatic personality, the fans will feed off of that. as corny and hokey as people think mascots are, they do get the crowds at games going.
  18. We all agree the list of "hostile and abusive" native american nicknames was ridiculous and an overreach by the NCAA. We all agree the Standing Rock tribe should have been given the opportunity to vote their approval of disapproval of UND using the Fighting Sioux name. We all agree that having to retire the fighting Sioux name and logo sucked (to put it lightly). We all agree that the entire process of selecting a new name was horrible and were upset the committee didn't follow their own guidelines by selecting something unique and relevant to the state of North Dakota. We all agree that Fighting Hawks is a bland, generic, just another bird, etc nickname. We all agree that they could have come up with a better logo. All of us as UND fans are in the same boat regarding the whole nickname fiasco. Where we differ is how we are dealing with it. There are things in life that don't always go according to how we would like them too. When that happens you can either feel sorry for yourself, get angry, take it out on others, etc. Or, you can realize that you cant change the past, accept the outcome, and move on. Yes losing the Sioux name was hard on all of us. But in the grand scheme of things in regards to relevance, it is not something that a person should be trying to deal with years later. It's not a death in the family, a child getting diagnosed with cancer, losing your job, losing your home to a fire. It's the nickname of your favorite college program changing. Just try to keep that in perspective.
  19. Feel whatever you want. But when you have people on social media hijacking every single post with reference to the Fighting Hawks with "Sioux Forever", "post office logo" , "no one is buying this Fighting Hawks crap", or when you have "Sioux Forever" chants at hockey games, etc , that's where your feelings negatively affect the University. And that is what I have a problem with. If you can't deal with the changing of a nickname, that's your problem. Don't make your unwillingness to move on affect the rest of the world around you where many have.
  20. Just as long as they aren't on the court/field when the announcement is made!
  21. Suter is a top 5 defensemen in the league right now, and Parise is arguably the best player on our team when he is healthy. Those guys and their contracts aren't the problem. Trading away pics, many times first rounders, for players at the trade deadline that don't pan out and move on at the end of the year is our problem. Drafting players that don't fit the system of playing in the physical Western Conference that aren't build to win in the playoffs is the problem. Signing bad deals to average players is the problem. And the root of that problem was Chuck Fletcher. Wild need a rebuild. I think most Wild fans would take 2-3 years of missing the playoffs to eventually have a team that can contend for the Cup year in and year out as opposed to a team that is just good enough to llose 4-1 or 4-2 in the first round of the playoffs.
  22. In the end, the University retired a nickname and logo. It is something that we all need to adjust to, but it is certainly not something that we need to heal from. We can remember and hornor the Fighting Sioux name, but it's not something that needs to me mourned that will take time to heal from. I am not trying to take anything away from the Fighting Sioux name and what it meant to people and what it represented. But in the end, its just a nickname and a logo.
  23. My point is that it has been almost 6 years since the statewide vote to retire the Fighting Sioux name. The #siouxforever crowd wants to be coddled to and be treated with extra caution as to not offend them because they are not yet done with the grieving process. I think its pathetic. My comparison is that people get over deaths in the family quicker than people are getting over the loss of the Sioux name. It literally is a nickname of a college. That's it. There are much more important things to be pissed off at the world about.
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